Predict The Future Lore 👁

Cheap at double the price to watch Tyrande get killed. Anduin is just a bit of fluff to watch to get me in a killin mood

ah so you like the side show.
Anduin is the main draw for me but I’d do anything outside of harming Anduin and Vulpera to hurt the night elves.
Awful people they are.

Haha he can try! I’ll just touch his ears and he will have no powers!


i got as far as “whip” and fell to my knees sobbing.

“no whips Blizzard. Why…? WHY!!! I WANT WHIPS!”

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This needs to be filmed and put on a certain website…

i’d watch it purely for the artistic quality and cinematic filming excellence.


We can watch it together!


sylvanas will live and get a redemption ark or something equally as stupid. but i bet money on it, she will turn out to be the good guy by the end of the expansion.

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fan scream

That moment when you post a gif and the realization hits you that you may have subconsciously made your toon to look like a gif…


Garrosh will come back from the Maw and take his rightful place as a warchief.

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new plot twist!

SouldefĂ­ler ends her rampage (after killing anything and everyone except for popcorn Girl) and lives happily ever after with Popcorn Girl in a castle made of the stacked corpses of Azeroth.


The entirety of the universe is awash with a blaze of glorious light… Yrel becomes queen of all the planets with Anduin as her spouse, and any being of fel or void is wiped away, never to return!

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Shes a lesbian? See! Warcraft is inclusive!


Prediction? ok. A new race of titan like creatures will be teased by the end of shadowlands but we won’t hear from them for a while.

Tyrande will probably end up getting herself killed.

There’ll be a twist in regards to Jailer by the end of shadowlands, which makes us question if we even SHOULD defeat him.

We’ll see Arthas in the maw.

As for long plans which i don’t know when will happen but i think will happen:

We’ll go back to azeroth after shadowlands, and eventually realize that the old god problem we thought we fixed? Wasn’t fixed. Azeroth awakens and is corrupted now. So we’re kind of screwed. After some sub story or whatever, we realize that we have to take the fight to the void, so we invade their dimension. Basically the shadowlands equivalent of void.

That’s what i believe will be the 2 future expansions.

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That made me laugh harder than i should have…

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Bodybag on a pike decorating restored Theramore walls! :sun_with_face:

Hey, the whole BfA was staged so that they can bring him back. Honestly, do you prefer him or Sylvanas?

I prefer a horde as they were pre thrall, in the Internment camps working hard to rebuild some damage they did to this world and humbled for the lifes of Azerothians hey have taken :popcorn:

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Yes, thought so. Alliance were always the slavers.

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  • We will see the fate of Saurfang in the afterlife in a new cinematic
  • We will free Arthas from the Maw and he will help us fight the Jailor. At the end of the fight we “die” similar to how we died during the LK fight in ICC.
  • In-game cinematic will play that shows Arthas being defeated and Sylvanas will appear from the shadows, kill the Jailor since he’s now weakened and absorb his power.
  • Blizzard wants to get rid of Sylvanas from the story, so she will take on the role as the Jailor and remain in Shadowlands.
  • Nathanos somehow ends up being Forsakens new leader as a desperate attempt to appease the Sylvanas loyalists since he’s more vicious compared to Calia.
  • Calia and Voss takes care of the Dark Rangers from BfA and they will end up being a new hero class that will join the Horde and the Alliance after the introduction questline.
  • Timeskip after Shadowlands and next theme will be about the Light and Yrel with Scarlet Brotherhood will take over Azeroth
  • Ruins of Undercity will become a raid named Ruins of Lordaeron.
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