Predict The Future Lore 👁

Maybe Undertaker will come but not as a final boss.

it will be destiny!

illuminate suspicious

Murky finds the Lich Kings broken helm and sets about repairing it (because he was bored). Tries it on for size.

Anduin opens a chain of Hairdressers, changes his name to Teeny Swodd (for securuty reasons). Reports of people going missing start to surface.

Sulvanus open a PR and hospitality business.

Dumas becomes leader of the Foresaken through a series of unfortunate co-incindences and events.

Magni gets some speech elocution lessons after a series of misunderstanding whilst trying to communicate with MOTHER.


Vulperas will take over the world.

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Still better than Calia.

He is the leader we need but don’t deserve.

  • There will be another faction conflict(s).
  • There will be more nonsense to keep the two faction system, in place.
  • Sargeras will return after beating Illidan and the Pantheon.
  • Will have another mad leader, on the Horde, just give it time.
  • The Alliance will replace the Horde in a reversed MoP scenario.
    Anduin will disappear, Turalyon will replace him.
    There will be conflict.
    Will see #Turalyondidnothingwrong. Instead of #Garroshdidnothingwrong.


It will be revealed that we actually exist in a titan simulation, each kill and quest feeding it data and empowering us but keeping us in perpetual bondage to the cycle of killing and looting. To break free, we must leave the simulation.

This is a meta attempt to make more money from players actually not even playing and going outside for the first time in 10+ years. You progress by living life outside WoW, logging in daily to collect rewards like a phone game, renewing your sub while barely even playing.

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Anyone else thinking of The Matrix now?

Not so much Lore but my predictions for SL.

Forums fill up with threads complaining about stuff because it’s…different.

Lots of ‘I quit’ threads. The phrase ‘Can I have your stuff/gold’ becomes the most commonly used one for a while.

Blizzard announces name of next expansion. Return Of The Titans.

Someone at Blizzard suggest that the acronym may not be the best one to have.

Panic ensues at Blizzard HQ and the expansion is hastily renamed ‘The Indestructible Titan Story’


I wish I could UP vote this :wink:


If they did do this I would make a guild called ‘Boralus Republican Army’

  • Sylvanas shows the Horde and Alliance forces that they’re nothing
  • The bad guys are actually the good guys
  • The good guys are the bad guys
  • We spend half an expansion trying to kill the good guys and then the other half killing the bad guys
  • Sylvanas dies in Shadowlands and Nathanos is sad. With her dying breath she tells him to take care of the Forsaken, then he proceeds to constantly insult them into oblivion
  • Night elves and Forsaken both remain homeless
  • Tyrande gets back to Malfurion and they love eachother forever and ever

(Ngl I completely forgot about that. It is now time to deliver. And yes it is intent to make so little sense that even forum fanficts seems to be history books in comparison)

Oh yeah and I completely lost myself writing this, it’s a lil’ longer than expected

During the events of BFA and the discovery of Nazjatar Nathanos managed to communicate with something ancient, something powerful. It promised him ancient knowledge and strength without limit, enough to reclaim his rightful place as the head administrator of the Sylvanas fan club and high inquisitor of the “Sylva 'n friends” brotherhood.

Rightful place he lost by failing to send Zappy Boi in a happy Isekai trip by bashing his head against a meat wagon, and which was later claimed by a treatcherous forum user.

He shall have his vengeance, but not now…

This ancient being was Nwurgle the Murloc god of stinkiness, a being born from the Mwarp which is a dimension funnelled by all the thoughts and emotions of the beings living Under the sea™

He offered Nathanos a deal : The power to stand beside his favourite waifu in return for cleansing the Shores of any worshipper of Kornglr, the murloc god of stabby things.

Kornglr has managed to seduce the murloc empire with his great wisdom such as (translated from the Mruglrub, the murloc language) “You can stab one thousand hummies once, but you cannot not stab one thousand hummies one thousand times”

Kornglr is greatly appreciated even by the peasant murlocs which never hesitate to invite their whole family, clan or sometimes even their whole species to put in practice his teaching whenever they see a nearby hummy a bit too close to the shore. Many brave classic players fell under the might of their stabby stick a few months ago

This was a suicide mission but for his waifu no sacrifice is too great, no reward is too small. But he needed helpers in this honorable crusade and he knew where to find them.

Unfortunately for him Shaggy was currently using 0.1% of his power to uncover the essence of the universe and Saitama was plying Ghost of Tsushima, both of his most powerful contact not being able to assist him in his noble cause.

He ended up striking a deal with Doom guy in return for summoning him in Argus and realize his dream. At long last Doom guy had the opportunity to spawn kill demons whenever he had some free time. How delightful.

He also managed to acquire a Magikarp for 500$ at the pokecenter. He didn’t know why but it felt like a great power was hidden deep, deep inside this brain dead fish. Moreover, the Mwarp being composed of thoughts from fishes and sea organism, this magikarp shouldn’t be able to be affected by his corrupting influence as he lacks the very basic ability to formulate them.

Armed with his two secret weapons and the collector edition bone bow that sylvanas used once in the battle for Undercity before throwing it into a trash can, Nathanos is ready to face his most terrifying foe yet : Sunlight !

“Wait what ? Oh god it’s already morning…”

Armed with his best resolve Nathanos goes back to deal with the paperwork Sylvanas left behind, wondering when his waifu will finally remember that she left him to rot in this degrading role

[The end]

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After the Shadowlands we find out that we are in fact living in a dream, and that Elune is the dreamer wherin which we all live, and that Deathwing was meant to end this cycle of time, this Kalpa, to begin a new one by devouring this world, but he was defeated by a mortal with the powers of a dragon.
Wait wrong game.


As i predict the banshee either die a villain, get redempted but become something of too much importance to be a faction leader or die getting redempted, either way she is gone and we already won , I go even as far as make victory/knockout call on that one ! :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:

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I can actually see that happening

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And then will be copystriked by the Kirin-Tor

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