Premade for blitz, possible?

I’m seeing on the ladder some top players who get HOTA every season seem to end up with the exact same win/loss ratios and exact same ratings gained when I look at the ladder each time on the blitz ladder right now. 2 players I noticed one is a dps and other healer (both should have very different queue times) both play together in rbg’s before TWW. Earlier today they had 29/3 wins at 1938 for most of the day, and now both went up to 39/7 wins at 2006 exactly at the same times.

This is waaay to much of a coincidence. They just happen to of played together all the time before TWW and just happen to end up in every blitz game together at the same times hmm… (Average queue for healer 2mins, and average queue for dps 15 mins so thats even more of a coincidence). So just curious can you queue as a team?

Feels like some people have gotten a way around this soloqueue thing and can queue with their friends. But how did they get exact same amount of wins and losses and ratings and not end up on opposing teams each time?

Can someone explain how this works?

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Healers can queue with a dps.

They’re duo queueing.


they can also que with a 2nd healer or a tank :thinking:

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You should be able to duo tank/healer

Oh I never knew this. I surpose it’s good so you know theres at least someone in there you can rely on.

duo q should just not be a thing. its gonna create problems down the line


Totally agree!

Ladder is a Chaos

It was said so many times, to remove the duo queue. What is the purpose of calling it SOLO if some gets to queue as 2?


A bit of a motivation to queue as a healer… since it is an unthankful job to keep the headless chickens alive…

Healers are getting a lot of treats in PvP to compensate that (a little too much if you ask me…)

But good for healer-participation I guess, we DPS get faster queues that way

Because “Solo Battlegrounds except healers can duo queue” doesn’t ring as well


the way they boost in blitz is by sync queueing heals, they are already selling boost for blitz on various Websites. The healers on one side will throw. Queueing is synced with discord. If you see people from RBG frontal mass report them.


Still though, had cases when a healer who was 1.4 and their mate who is 2.2k in the 1.6 bracket. At least there should be a required MMR gap to queue together.

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Wait so you are saying that in a game where you should only be able to que SOLO you can que with a friend healer? :smiley:
What a god damn nonsence

This is so utterly sad yet not durprising

I exactly just saw a such group. And i realized something evil going on even before reading this topic. Also my win rate is significantly lower at night times, probably because of syncers.

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So… I guess its a bad time to jump back into PvP?

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Dude i play rated for quite some time now. If you ask the usual forum PvPer about the state of PvP its always the worst state it has ever been.

Just. Play. The game.

No rating gains from not queueing.

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Its not so much whether I play it or not. Its more of the issue of is it worth investing time in it. Is it worth spending time crawling through till I get enough honor to grab honor gear for a mode I might not to stick committing to, especiallyifthe mode still has all the problems that turned me off from PvP. Its not very welcoming to those who just want to jump in to do a few matches. Its a commitment.

if your time is worth that much to you and you don’t like the game mode, the best strategy for all pvp rated modes is to wait for the last 1-2 months of the season and queue then. 1500 now will be 2k in a few months time. you’ll rank up faster, with less sweaty games and with little to no rating lost from losses.

obviously not nice being told ‘just wait 3 months’ but that is how wow’s pvp rating system works unfortunately