Premade for blitz, possible?

I don’t even care about rank. I just want to play Battlegrounds. But not if it isn’t fun.

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We are going to have 4 partys of 2 people queat exact same time just to be together.

I’m the same, I just wanna queu for my bg and have some nice fights. I think the combat system in WoW is unmatched. And so far this expansion does not dissapoint in that department, as my classes are absolutely amazing to play with atm. I love the blitz mode. For me it’s just the new random bg with rating as passive just as honor used to be. I used to live in random battlegrounds even though there where never really any rewards for them. I just love fighting people in this game. Now with blitz I can fight people but also get rating as a passive. Win or lose I don’t really care as long the combat is good and I enjoy playing my class. Wich I very much do this expansion! Balance seems a bit off currently for some classes (as always)but combat is pretty damn good in general imo. So far blitz is exactly like random bg’s. You have some amazing ones and you have some miserable ones. I lvld my lock in bg only and had honor coming out my ears and could instantly do full geared bg at 80. honor is also tradable currency now so real easy to get that gear.

Hey now it wouldn’t be Blizzard if they didn’t monkey paw anything.