Premades - best exp in SoD

Premades are the best gaming experience in SoD. Seriously. Vanilla, even if it’s SoD, is a social game. The meaning is extremely simple - unite to win. This applies to both pve and pvp. I recommend everyone who complains about premades to try playing it at least once. And even if you get to another premade, and it turns out to be stronger than yours, this is an amazing gaming experience. Yesterday we fought with our wonderful premade against others of the same kind. At the beginning they won 1-0, but then we turned the tide of the battle and won. This is the very experience you want to get from vanilla.
Stop turning the classics into a dull honor/reputation farm like on Alterac in retail or wotlk, turning a pvp event into a pve.
If you whine that there are premades, either unite yourself, or endure it, or go away to farm BFD. There are other guys here.


It;s simple – premade should fight vs other premades only.

Some people love pugs, and they should face only pugs.
Premade should fight only other premades.

Win-Win situation.

But… lazy Blizzard doesn’t give a CTRL + F, about it, so nothing will change.

They have our money, they don’t need to care more.


I agree , more people should read your post and give it a try


You think you do, but you don’t

Sure - I’m sure this guy will whine like a baby if he’ll face other premades, and lose most fights…

Now he’s happy, because premade = EZ mode.

“unite” you say… not unless they say to you “come for inspect” lol


They should remove solo queue completely to avoid that mindless honor,rep grind like AV and force players like you to actually put some effort and brain activity in their class, a.k.a To become a better player


How many had to go after your premade met a premade?

they took one flag but we won in the end, you all guys should try this, wsg isn’t about sitting in ghost form!

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Become a better player… says the hunter in a premade. I am also of the opinion that premades should go versus premades. thats fun

I play MM with cat ,what’s the problem ?

yeah classic is an mmorpg but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to do anything without groups. pvp was one of the content doable solo but got now taking away.

maybe building a premade to take a sh*t together aswell?


Been there, was bad. Can we have our fair matchmaking now or we wait until everyone unsubs?


In vanilla, pugs had the same kind of experience, whether against other pugs or premades (which were much less numerous)

Everything you describe, pugs can experience it. Except that the Retail spirit or the mentality of today’s players means that they only seek immediate profit, the rush of reputations, of honors, in the easiest way possible. It is this mentality that destroys everything.

The only thing to know is that according to what you describe, you will have no change in experience and feeling if you, as a premade, face other premades, even better, you will have challenge instead of destroying pugs half afk. Isn’t that what you’re looking for?

Result, yes it is essential given the toxic mentality of today’s players to make pugs fight against other pugs, and premades against premades.

Otherwise, your whole nice speech would be hypocrisy, right?


Don’t talk for everyone Mr. Lock. Stay to your Classic Wrath and Cata.

Agree with OP.

Need to stop pandering to solo players and their incessant whining when they could simply group up.

If a soloQ is added, it must have lessened rewards (or grant premade queue increased rewards to offset longer pops and harder fights).

Premades are bearly forming on horde side on my server.
I was just in LFG for 30min and not 1 person was making or willing to join a premade.
It sucks when you have limited gametime per day.
SoD was made for the casuals not farming 24/7 so you should not be looking 30+minutes for a premade.


Well, you should choose a populated realm like Lone Wolf, or Living Flame.

Yeah… Wild Growth isn’t the best choice when you trying to look for people for some activities.

Yeah just choose Living Flame bro, the server that is locked for a literal month straight bro. Is it not obvious bro? Come on bro skill issue, why didn’t you think of this bro?
I don’t know how you guys manage to tie your shoes with these ideas no cap.
Dem living flame premaders will die on this hill even if they are the last to log into the server.


You are quoting a statement that was proven wrong mate. Try again