Premades - best exp in SoD

cool, gotta try it

You want premade vs. premade for the experience? Cool, that should be how it is. And if not, then here’s the problem, summed up neatly by someone who doesn’t realise how premades are ruining the whole SoD PvP experience.

PvP battlegrounds should be enjoyable - anyone who doesn’t agree on that should just stop reading, because any other opinion is stupid as hell. They should be about PvP. They should not be about farming other players. Because that’s what premades are for. No premade wants to fight other premades unless they also believe premades should only fight premades. The truth is, they want to roflstomp PuG groups.

As someone who has limited time, sometimes I want to log in, play a BG and have some fun. There is no fun in PuG BG’s. 100% of the time you’re up against a premade. The moment the gates open, the game is decided: if you’re in the premade, you’ve won, and the other players are nothing but meatbags waiting to die, waiting for the game to be over.

And here’s the real kicker: it may as well be auto-honour and skip the battleground altogether. Everyone - both the premade and the PuG would prefer that the bg ended and the premade got their honour. Nobody wants to play that battleground. If everyone on the PuG could click a “Surrender” button they would. The premade is bored, they are not enjoying it because there’s zero challenge. The PuG are just farmable mobs. There is no good PvP experience for anybody involved.


forget it. they don’t want pugs to enjoy battlegrounds they want to punish them for the criminals they are! (by queueing solo)

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the dictatorship wants solo-queuing being forbidden
What an Era…

“This is so social to try to dictate people”

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

We need to find a solution that is agreeable with both parties.
Being in a premade can be fun sometimes, but that depends A LOT on the team u are in. I grinded rank 14 in vanilla (and countless rank 10s in classic) and I could never have done that without an amazing team that was mostly cool people.
And even if I have had more bad experiences than good with premades lately (because most people now don’t care about pvp, it’s only fast rep grind… if u don’t win fast, then lose fast and go next, yawn)… that’s not the issue.
The issue is that it shouldn’t be A MUST to join/create a premade in order to have fun in pvp. Many likeminded people want to play a few BGs with their IRL friends in the evening after a long day and chat while doing some fun BGs, but that’s not possible anymore.
It would be no problem (for me at least) to give premade vs premade queues double or triple the reward compared to solo (up to 5ppl) queues… just let both parties have fun.
I don’t think most premades are fun anymore because player mentality has changed a lot and it’s mostly a toxic mindset… maybe I’ve also just had enough in the past. But premaders that enjoy what they are doing shouldn’t be deprived of their experience either (except camping pugs on GY for 20mins).

it have to happen, the premades use people as tools and dare to say “it’s social”
Premade full of lackeys
Solo-queuing is not less social

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Ban premades or match them against other premades. United to win against other united to win not against ‘peasants’.

guyz you don’t understand.
It’s in the true spirit of classic+ to make randoms sit in ghost form in bgs.
There is nothing wrong with this picture.

However I see lots of people here talking about not having voice communications unlike the premade, click on the :loud_sound: in the chatbox and demand everyone to use it.

I’m a celebrity IRL and don’t want to use vocal to stay incognito, Blizz should think about people and add separate queues, joining a vocal shouldn’t be an obligation

We are far from Vanilla experience, that’s sure, but all that min-maxers should go in premades vs premades, and let the old dinosaurs have some fun in PUGs

Most premades don’t even use discord tbh, mostly it’s just a whisper in chat, they invite you and tell who’s gonna FC and that we need to help him and control mid and that’s all lol
Just random people, but in a sonehow little organised group


Why is it considered more social to sit in a raid of rhe same players continously, then to continously meet new players every game?.

You meet and socialise with more players per hours in the randomised solo queue then you ever will in your click.

Being social is a description of approach, not if you know everyone in your group lol, stop taking a behaviour and acting like its “way of playing” it isnt.

Weather you sit around in pugs meeting new players or sjt in a group for friends can both be social or unsocial, depending on your personality.


Says the hunter :rofl::skull:

I play MM with Cat , also, you can check out my pvp videos on Youtube, type Myskillkills hunter pvp vanilla, give it a a like,comment and sub, have a nice day :slight_smile:

Greetings from Russia / With love /

Ah. . .it all makes sense now :upside_down_face:

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Even with or without Discords.
There is no fun getting farmed or stay as a ghost at GY, while the premade team use a lackey FC to carry the flag without somebody who fight back… is it fun for the Lackey FC too?



separates queues for Battlegrounds!

PUG players = dogs who play with a staff (the flag)

Premade players = hysterical dogs trying to “make a baby” on the leg of a PUG, you see what i mean? :rofl:

Separate queues please Blizz :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sweaters sweats too much :nauseated_face:

Get off PUGs’s legs ! bad dogs !

This was hilarious read, wanna tell in some other way that you should not be denied of stomping the unorganized lower geared pugs? That you only premade because of the fast and easy grind vs pugs? You want more rewards for playing in premade because you cant stomp on pug anymore and move on to next one for fast rep and honor? You want less rewards for people enjoying the game with randoms and not full tryhard max grind efficiency? You just want the easy wins for fast rewards while opponents sit in ghost, wich has nothing to do with fun or gameplay.

Get a grip.

Nobody said premades are not good, nobody said socializing is not good , nobody said having pvp bg/arena mates/team is not good, ppl are just saying that this teams/friends/mates have to fight each other and not have the same Q as solo queuers.
This way premades can enjoy and also solo queuers can enjoy their time more.
For this to work … team queue should be rewarded more for their commitment and team managing. Rewards could be something like 3 marks for solo winning and 6 for team fights , also if 300 honor reward for win in solo Q , should be like 500-600 for team win due everything that they have to buy and use like consumes and stuff in more competitive scene or some sort of cool different tabards and mount armors like in retail. No i dont want to become retail ,but to have healthy solo Q and healthy team Q … rewards should differ is all im saying. Period.

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and the premade gonna do “Win Trades” by Discord…
Grow some balls, be somebody respectable by your skill, not by your capacity to grind honor/rep per hour