Premades - best exp in SoD

They already changed it in literally all versions of wow besides classic, if you want to be a purist there is era for you, this is not season of nochanges.
Your “premade scene” is just farming noobs until you face another better premade and disband. Let’s not pretend we are losing anything of value here.
Imagine defending a system that allows you to ruin other’s fun because it gives you rewards.
Every time you farm a pug group that’s 10 players that are :

  • sick of you
  • dissatisfied with the game
  • would want to play a fun GAME
  • will probably unsub for said reasons

But it’s ok because you need that rep desperately right?


I play both and enjoy them. Plus, I don’t cry like you mate.


Very well thought out response, could you not respond please then?

If you stop posting then yes. :slight_smile:

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IQ level over 9000
“you cry”
“stop posting”
The brainrot is real on 30 years old boomers that are stuck in teenage years mentally.

hypocrit liar Detected
you better hide somewhere for a few time
we got you stomped, PUGs stomper

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And you 10-year-old little girl?

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Why does this mean premade vs premade is a bad thing?.

It isn’t - just need to incentivise it with higher rewards, or create a solo q with 0 rewards.

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Neither needs to happen.

If this was a reality guilds / premades would be dead in pve content. The reward of premades is knowing your team is actually good the same reward doing raids in a premade compared to pugging

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Right…until you find yourself with longer pops and much harder, optimised opposition every game - meanwhile Sally the Soloer gains rewards at a faster rate.

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Theyre no more optimised then any other premade would be.

And no sally will deal with randoms of all skill levels, gear and comps which means by default they are likely to have more games which play at a severe disadvantagr.

Why would random bg need a premade scene? Why cant those that want to play the optimal group play against other optimal group instead of corpse camping on gy, that aint even fun for the premade when no one resses. People saying its social thing and hurts wow to make seperate queues are just people wanting to sit on gy for free wins.

People solo queuing dont get to experience the randomness of full solo que bg anymore.

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I honestly don’t understand why Blizzard listens to casuals. All they do, is trying to bring the game down to a casual level so it fits THEIR game style only, in the process making this game worse. Listening to casuals is what got us the current retail version of wow, and yet Blizzard still makes same mistakes.