Premades - best exp in SoD

Booooooooring tbh!

Racist much?

I do not understand why some people defend the current broken BG system? Is blizzard paying for your subscription? or maybe the years of brainwash turned you into murlocs.

Some people just throw the “go do a premade yourself”. This is just a rash statement, which came from a keyboard warrior that had zero seconds using his brain to analyze the situation.

Yes you can get a premade, but on non PVP-servers there is barely any WSG group forming.

Now the same murloc minded will come and say " you should have joined a pvp server". How about the people that want to have a nice and peaceful game without getting ganked by a war with 3 wives behind him in a random zone of the map for no reason.

I got most of my BFD gear and I was hoping to do some BG’s just for fun and get some rep.

Well after 4 matches against premade in a row I gave up, I rather go afk in ashenvale for the event and meanwhile switch tab and play something else more pleasing.

Its reality, mate: you separate queues without giving premades incentives to queue against one another, you kill the premade scene.

You don’t have to like it or agree, but it’s the cold reality of the situation.

what do you lose that you already have in premades?
except stomping PUGs at GY like a psycho and use a lackey to cap 3 flags without defense who can fight back

Premades still gonna have a faster grind honor/rep, because they surrender after first flag capped

If you always premade vs premade like a real PvPer, why do you care about PUGs vs PUGs’s rewards if you never meet them because you are a real meta-gangster premader ?

should be rewarded to being on top of it, with a medal, or a mount, not gears, there is Naxx for that


But i thought they do premades to play with their friends, no? That’s what every premade sweatboy spam almost every time. Suddenly every nolifer came to have tons of friends and they want to play together. It’s not that they do it for the easy rewards or smt, right? They want to play with their friends and they’ll keep having exactly that, no?


Actually I’m the one saying that, and I’m referring to playing with 2-3 friends. A premade / solo queue would mean that I can no longer play with those 2-3 people unless we decide to go and find 6-7 more. Under no circumstances should playing with friends be a hinderance in an MMORPG.

Well, you just want to play for fun right? We can make two separate queues. One with rewards that stays exactly the same as it is now, and a new ‘zero honor’ queue that can only be signed up solo.

You get to play by yourself against a randomly assigned team of other solo players. You receive no reputation and no honor, you only get to get for fun. That’s all you want, right? Fun.


Who said no to that? I’m sure i didn’t. In classic besides r12-14 there are no other decent pvp rewards that can’t be replaced with braindead pve gear anyway. And trust me, the last thing i care or cared in 2019classic is the r12-14 grind. And if it’s about my mental health and fun i can easily ignore the 1-2 pieces from rep that are not even that huge on some cases if you are not a sweaty minmaxer

Just about every anti-premade crybaby I’ve argued with over the last week.

Glad you agree though! Honestly, the PVP gear is all getting timegated anyway, R14 wont even be available until AQ40. The honor farmers are all going to be in for quite a shock when they realise they’re basically wasting their time.


Amazing how out of touch you are. You implement a solo queue then people disband premades to bully the solo queue.

Great job. You’ve just killed yet another grouping scene in WoW.

To avoid this, you must have added incentives to warrant longer queues and harder fights or nobody will do it. I’ve seen this time and time again in different games; you don’t have to agree with me, or like what I’m saying, but it’s inevitable if premade play isn’t incentivised over soloing.

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PUGs = 1-5 can queue, if you have more friends than 5, 6-7, you can recrute and go to the 10 vs 10 queue

you really have a big problem, you don’t have honor IRL, no dignity IRL
AND you are telling those who make worldPvP can’t have honor because they don’t go in premades BG


Yap, the best Experience in social games are social events.

But that notion seems lost on people who want to play massive multiplayer online games alone and whine about not being able to experience the game…


Hear me out Solo Qeueue fighters! If your arguments and logic were right, Blizzard would have changed the BG queue system long ago, however, Blizzard knows that changing the BG system will break the whole game to a negative side.

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Hear me our sweatlord, THEY DID CHANGE IT. In TBC classic they realized bgs were so unfriendly for casuals that they changed the premade que, or you don’t remember the buckets of tears from premade lovers?


Horde vs Horde BGs’s cryer Detected (TBC classic)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



:tm: :registered: :copyright:

Nothing wrong with rewarding group gameplay. but you should still have enough options to do alone. otherwise it’s bad game design. it’s not good to go in the one or other extreme.

Of course they are best game experience for you. There is no other game that you can play group queue vs solo queue. It is ideal for noob/ low skilled dudes so they can see win.

maybe a MM system should be placed instead. which tries to match you with enemys with the same amount of premades and if not possible with the next best option. if you win against a premade with at least 5members honor and rep is doubled.

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You’re asking for a little too much from a small indie company like Blizzard.

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