Premades destroying PvP BG´s

Is AV fun for you?
Do you enjoy stomping defenseless alliance? I don’t.
This is the problem with current PvP - people do it for the gear and not for the gameplay, which is f##ed up.
Personally I wanna have anjoyable games.
PuG vs PuG are enjoyable win or lose.

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i still dont get why ppl who dont wanna do premade should get less honor for the BG´s premades allrdy have the advantage of winning BG´s against other premades in less than 5 minutes and therefore getting more honor than a solo player ever could just let premades fight vs premades and solo players vs solo players, if the horde crys about que times they could consider going to alliance and not going for mimimi my BiS pvp racial mimimi

i dont get all this minmaxing anyway in my eyes its just sad to do so ppl just cant have fun in games anymore its so sad

Minmaxing IS fun for some people.

Just because you don’t find something entertaining doesn’t mean that everybody else feels the same way.

Do you understand why people are doing Guild Raids and not PUG Raids?

And ceck a bit of logic there. If there are separate ques premades won’t face PUgs anymore obviously, and you think it’s fair for premades vs premades to get the same honor when they have to put in more effort more gold and more skill in order to achieve it compared to Pugs that might actually spend most of the time AFK with pre BRD bis gear.

How’s that min-maxing?

Separate Qs without Honor penalty will force players to play as PUGs. Why? To min-max. Clap clap! Why spend all the effort for the same honor in a premade.
And also by this logic we should also have a matchmaking for Raids so there won’t be Guilds min maxing either in PvE.

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bubbless you seem not to understand how the pvp atm works i play premade with my warrior were not using any consumables and still win like 80-90% of the games even vs premades and were not min maxing or anything were going with fun so i dont get your point i mean ok if ppl are bad af they use consumables to get on a level where other players play without consums its theyr thing but anyway premade games are decided in the first push so why should pugs get less honor when they have like 20-30 min games compared to premades who are decided in 5 min. they will get more honor anyway even if pugs get same honor as premades


Yes, consider me stupid. Case closed.

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This is VERY rare. I think i have had 3-5 of those since classic release :slight_smile:

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