Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

This crap really ruins all pvp gameplay for those of us who have lives and only have time for casual PvP.

Solo q would be such an easy solution.


‘I can’t make friends online because I have a life!’


What a toxic non-constructive answer. Premades ruin the fun for just about everyone, including good players who want real premade vs premade queue. The only ones who defend this dumb system are people who respond on the forums with answers like yours. Basically the bottom of the barrel.

And for some unimaginable reason, blizzard caters to these people. I have actually had a premade player make an lvl 1 horde with a different account, and was continually messaging me and flaming me during the entire game, while we lost to his premade.
I obviously did not care about it and thought it was sad, but the very fact that it happened is astonishing and a new level of insanity. But my point is, how can blizzard keep the current system in effect for people like these? I mean the childish attitude of all the premade defenders on the forum aswell, is mind boggling.

Wth is going on? And btw, in before more of these type of people flooding a new thread about the premade issue. Spreading their bull.


Z guy incoming.

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You poor baby ! Did Miylee hurt your feelings ?


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What a surprise. Spends all his life on the forums with.

If blizzard is somehow monitoring these forums and the threads about this issue, they must be the dumbest bunch of guys in existence to ever work at major corporation, who in the past made some of the greatest games of all time when they were a small company.

What a legacy.


Make your own premades, if you can’t then try W-PvP.


Just AFK when you face a premade and pretend the queues for solo are really long.


Why this answer all the time from people? Ofc I can join a premade, but the problem is I do not find it challenging or fun to play as a premade and spending the time farming solo queuers in the graveyard.

Check my tabard on the profile. I already have exalted WSG. I wanna continue to play for fun with my friend. And we are not interested in premades unless they make it premade vs premade, then we would do that.

As it this the only fun is solo queue, when there is not a premade in the opposing team, or for some reason we get a really good comp and beat them.


This stuff about join a premade yourself is hilarious, I am a gladiator titled player. I want some fun, not mindless zergfests. And no, I am done with retail for good, and I wont even say why cause it is irrelevant but the list is long. I have not played retail since Legion.


And before someone comments on it, I did most my exalted grind solo, not with my friend as a consistent duo, cause he has less time than me. Furthermore, people should be able to queue as perhaps up to 4-5 players, but not 10.

Here we go again, anyways…!

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I have said it other posts too. They have to fix the matchmaking a simple First Come First Served is embarassing for any online game. It is not only the premades, it is the horrible team compositions too. Half of your solo games is vs premades and the other half of the half you have 0 healers.
Whats the point of having short queues if you need to fish half an hour for an playable wsg? More and more people stop pvping all together because if this situation.
This is just blizzard being lazy and scared to touch anything in classic wow.


I already said all I wanted on this topic, I don’t see any reason to add more.

People who don’t want to group in MMO are in for a rough time, does not mean that grouping in MMO is an issue.

A toxic non-constructive answer to a toxic non-constructive post.

What were you just saying about toxic? Does the word ‘hypocrisy’ mean nothing to you?

If you rolled a healer there would always be one on your team.

Make friends he says :smiley: I’m sure you are forming really good and strong friendships in your stomping groups :joy:


You are in a group no matter what when you enter the bg. You are teamed up with 9 others in wsg.


including the premades. Unless you are a boneheaded farmer, running across an empty field 3x all day is not really worth paying 12 EUR a month for