Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

Yes, it’s stupid to constantly be destroyed by premates in the solo que
but still I can’t find anything bad about it
It’s no different than a bfd raid for which you also join a group
When it comes to ranking for R14 later in the endgame, that won’t change, classic PVP is a rock-solid principle that you can counteract with team play

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Because its a solution you have in front of you but you are

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Premades even ruin fun for farmers LOL

Since if you take randoms from server to premade they actually expect to win against premades and not just farm PUGs because PUGs see its premade and give up (kind of like the premade can be total crappur and win).

So people leave if U draw 2x premade in a row and you have to collect new people.

People in guild mostly log for raid and dont wanna do WSG exalted grind.

Fastest way is actually just enjoy GY panorama when drawin a premade as PUG and get 33 rep then try if its another PUG until 1st flag and winner of 1st flag takes all rep and thats it fast stuff.

Other than doin daily 1000 rep and gettin exalted its nothin else to do in SOD except for raidloggin or farmin gold with alt (warrs dont farm).

PS. It hurt deep in the brain to see wasted farmed honor when farming rep cause blizz made a cap on ranks thats far too low.

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I see that the tears haven´t dried up yet - very good.

I personally stopped queing for bgs because of premades, its literally premades all the time and cant find the joy to fight against 10 guys who is talking with eachother in Discord, its fun for sure without a doubtit is, but I guess blizz should pool parties with parties only, we should not come across with premades onsolo que.


“Ackchyually” moment.

Formality at most. 10 headless chickens dumped into a coup.

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LOL , now u asking the guy to get some Molly hahah

Mekmo u are actually being reasonable… don’t argue with these people. It’s always the same 3 people trying to defend their broken system.

No real pvp player is happy with the state that it is in right now.
If u play solo queue or with a couple of friends to relax (making or joining a premade is NOT the problem) then this system kills ur experience.
If u are a hardcore pvp player in premades, then u face pugs which is absolutely boring, far from a challenge and tedious. So it also kills ur experience…
The only people defending this system are the ones that actually do NOT want to pvp or have a challenge. They want fast rewards without challenge… might aswell get boosted/ swipe ur credit card.


Premades are more of a formality too. People claim to bond strong friendships in premades, which is actually absurd.

Premade vs premade and pug vs pug would give everyone what they want. What’s so bad about that?

  1. get an addon that shows enemy classes and realms instantly in a convenient way
  2. decide if there’s any chance to win
  3. /afk /logout
  4. login on alt
  5. /timer 00:15:00 /timer play or go to step 1
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Easy to solve, just let AV event run to exalted

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Making more friends than you guys are crying on the forums.

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a lot of people there are not for the rep, but posting exploits is against forum policy

But we are not claiming to make friends. But we play together in a random group when we join a bg.

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Most people that are annoyed by the premade vs pug fiasko don’t care that much about rep, but about actual pvp and having fun ingame :wink:


Blizzard already made a post. They won’t add a solo queue.

In the BG or the event? :stuck_out_tongue: Cause the event is for rep, so let it be proper for rep so the ones that like that worst designed BG in the game can keep grinding that

Premade is for pub stomping for fast rep grind. It is not fun for anyone. It is not fun for a premade to insta stomp and then have nothing to do because enemy team doesnt even ressurrect anymore. Its not fun for the pug trying to just have a chill time.

If u are in a premade, if u lose first fight majority of premades will say dont ress, let enemy win for fast match… Its boring as hell. These meta brains dont want PvP. they want epic bracers at lvl 40. They dont care at all about PvP.

When people sign up solo for WSG they are looking for just some fun PvP, they are not trying to rep farm. If you are rep farming you go premade.

The only natural solution is to seperate the queues because solo’s are looking for a completely different experience and result than the premades. They are not even playing the same game as eachother.


Yet when I suggested separating the queues between a normal queue (exactly as we have now) and a solo-only but no-reward queue, people’s REEEEE’d at me.

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Obviously, even in a recreational activity for fun u need an incentive… so no reward at all is just stupid. But rewarding premade vs premade double or even triple the rep/honor, would be fine by most real pvp players