Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

at this point the best option, given how non willing is blizzard to do anything drastic, is let people get exalted with ashenvalle, for wsg premades to disappear from the map.

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Or just accept things as they are, i have litle time to dedicate to bg, obviously groups will not invite me if i can only commit for max 1h.

I just accept to trying it by handing in tokens even if it slower, but i know that it’s just 5k for rank 3.

Some unspecified change will likely come next phase according to the tweets
But don’t think for a second that AB wont be the same if the ques aren’t split.

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I dont know who the 5 people are that dont care about the rep but im sure most people want the rep and be done with it. In order for someone to want to queue a non reward wsg they must hate their life or something.

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Things have gotten somewhat better the last few days.

Maybe the hunter/priest nerfs which have made it easier to be accepted in a group as a different class
Maybe all the rep grinders are reaching their goal of exalted and therefore stop queueing
Ashenvale weekly quest boosted to 1000 rep makes exalted possible in due time even without any wsg

In the end they may not have dealt with the problem as they should, but those changes seem to have an effect on the queues, at least on my server. Far more games than before are proper matches.

And as for complaining, you may not like it but it is in our rights. Just as it is your right and blizzards to ignore them. It is worth voicing concerns even when the response is not what we hoped for. Many things have been fixed and will be fixed because we talk about them. This is SoD after all. Changes and new perspectives are allowed. How things were done in the last 20 years is not an argument

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So… Why can’t they group with people? Why must this be done solo?

stop whining its always been the case

I remember them fixing premades in tbc classic, i’m sure they’ll do the same on SoD eventually… hopefully lol.

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After some maps tnight we stoped Que cuz boring af

What fix ? Premades died in tbc, was never ever a thing every again until RBG. You had no choice but to solo queue, and that’s all BG were for the next what 5 years.

stop whining about child labour its always been the case


Why shouldn’t puggers get a reward?

They should just Remove the whole “join as group” option. Its not Rated bg, delete it. The only reason ppl do premade is to stomp pugs for free win. Anyone who says anything else is lying. I got exalted like a month ago, i HOPE they remove the whole premade system, it sucks and ruins the fun for all the real PVP enjoyers. It cant get more Fair for 1000000% everyone if its just that solo Que option.


Premade queues please, stomping pugs is extremely boring

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If you don’t want to queue with others to win, you should stick to singleplayer games. People still haven’t gotten through their stubborn heads that adding premades would kill premades and everybody would solo queue for maximum honor at later phases. This is an MMORPG, make friends, play together.

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So stomping the ppl that choose to queue solo is what multiplayer games are about? I seriously do not find all these pugs blocking up my wsg queue, for team vs team pvp any fun at all. Stemping pugs feels like playing against npc’s. Especially since most of them just resign and idle the second they see it’s a premade. Might as well stomp npc’s in a dungeon then. It’s about as challenging


Stop being such an introvert and make friends. Premade PVP queues would have a crazy wait time. Majority of the PB are PVE players, so why should they sit for 20 min in a premade queue and then fight over 500 honor in a 90 min game when they could make more as solo?

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It’s not about being introvert. I play premades only and it’s extremely boring to meet these pugs. Especially now that activity levels are high enough. They could even make a dynamic queuing that would match premade against premade as much as possible and then just match against pug when theres a big lack of players if that is what people fear. It is fairly easy. And same if you wanna stomp things go play singleplayer games and dungeons

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Blizzard is useless, the times they were a good company have pass out long ago. They can´t even fix bugs that have been in the game for years.

Blizzard, you should be ashamed of the stupid work you´re doing. Probably the guys that use to work there are no longer in the company.


Back in the day a gold-glowy ball GM once showed up when i was farming leather with my druid. He watched me for a bit, probably suspecting that i was a bot. I said „Hey“ and he said „Hi“ and „have a great day“ and went on his way.

Compare this to the bot policing these days

Blizzard today are leprechauns standing on the shoulders of giants