Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

Great, now I have a vengeful ex in forums too. Some people need help here.

“Liarzzz” - kid, when I played “Classic” it was called “Retail”.

go fortnite noob

Son, I am playing WoW since 2005.

All those wonderful things you seem to be discovering daily about it - I did 20 years ago.

i did too till Cata release in ~2010

you just a liar, you never played 2019+ classic, and you talk chips about a game you didn’t played

your big a** , can contain the empire state building in it

Who cares about your dogwater “Classic”. The only reason I touch this thing because for the first time there is something actually new going on.

I did all this “classic” back in 2005 and more, so I am not even sure what you’re trying to do here, except for derail the thread and go on another urgent forum vacation.

How can i put effort into not stomping pugs when they are in the same queue as my premade???

you come here with your big a** that can contain the empire state building in it, and talk about 40days of PvP state, while i’m on classic since 2019

you just a hypocrit and liar, you fake a**

we had more fun before SoD, you know nothing and defend the premades

the guy try to be somebody for his ignorant stream-fans who think he is a good player while he greykill some randoms

you can’t shine for real noob

you are too noob to shine

you weak greykiller

Just report this individual for trolling and move on.

I’m A Grey Killer
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better to
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away, from the
Grey Killer

t just une ptite tainp pov 2mer

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

too late, you hypocrit said too much wrong things, now everybody know you never played Classic until SoD

all you have said are lies

I have post about that, and many other players too, mostly we demanded lets say the same thing to happen, but after played 1 weeks 6h+ per day(win rate was terrible though), i reach exalted from revered on WSG, playing only solo queue, did not joined in a single premade. not gonna lie, at the start was looking for spot in premade, but realized that as a rogue to can get a place in premade you either have to create your own, or have friends/guild to play with, well i don’t . Let me tell you my experience:
1.on solo que you mostly lose due:
-vs premade 99% of the time(managed to beat few bad premade, even they had hunters and priests)
-your team have no priests
-you team have no hunters
-your team do not have heal and range
-enemy team have more hunters and priests than you do
-your team is bad no matter what
And in conclusion, the lose vs premade is the most forgiving, despite feeling hopeless, its fast 1 mark, more than nothing. Turtle game lasting 30min + and you lose in the end
is the worst.
Ppl always want shortcut, rarely premade is made for fun. It is for grind efficiency, it was the same on vanilla farming ranks, premade always avoid premade, no point fighting between. If they do solo queue only, no one will make premade because will have no point, then ppl will start doing 5man grp, and it will be the same, maybe worst.
-even without premade is still a disaster, just because the 4 things:
1.hidden damage reduce, and -5% crit hat
2.class/spell/pet imbalance (who have more priests and hunters)
3.randomization(bad luck with team of all melee etc.)
4.The WSG itself- its outdated and some tuning needs to be done, it is not fun at all, because you literally get nothing out of it if no flags capped for the time invested in.
All we stuck on 25 level and have nothing better to do than farming that rep and doing BFD every 3 days.
we have no other option to farm rep after revered, we also have no other BG…
Sadly seems like nothing can be done about premades, because they are not the issue.
Hope that helps, GL HF!

Totally Agree!

It may come as a shock to you, but it’s not the only account I have, merely the one I choose to mainly post with, just like the account you post with.

Just where these people come from. Must be social media victim.

you prefer me like this?

i have only 1 account

That’s your loss.

Multiple accounts are very useful overall.

Just bumping to remind everyone how lazy this rtds are. Three months to add soloq. You´re living because of the effort other put in the company.