Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

I just recently completed my rep grind solo que wsg. The only takeaway is to treat any premade like a longer que and let the premade get their free rep. Pug v Pug is mostly fun but i still dont understand why premades get to get “free” rep since pugs offer no resistance. Really something blizzard fumbled on.

the PUGs 's (now) pain is harder than the Horde’s pain back when they added same faction BGs, they should separate queues

That worked because they changed honor into a currency which didn’t affect premades/solos, but vanilla PVP system puts you on a clock after every reset to farm honor for your rank. Premades v Premade would kill the honor grind and would force everyone to play solo which isnt ideal for an MMORPG. People are so short sighted to think about rep when there is an entire rank grind ahead of us lol

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so you admit premades just use PUGs like they are NPCs, this is not courageous

I just love this. Whoever cry about PUGs losing all the time can only blame themselves for doing the same thing over and over again. Go chat. Form group or get into one. Go have fun. If you still Play PUGs you have no right to be mad about losing all the time cause the main reason behind it is YOU.

Grandpa, this is a game, this isn’t the Vietnam war anymore. Majority of the players are pve players, who farm their honor for rank to get gear.

so explain why these threads appears only since SoD?

Were loads of them back in classic 2019-2020, which you clearly didn’t play.

Cause ppl hate to realize they they are ones to blame and instead they blame whole system.

people fighted, now with the hunter pets and other chips, they don’t even try
separate queues should be a thing for SoD

this is not Vanilla, it’s SoD
the matchmaking have to change
for the game

So Blizzard should change how PVP works because players give up in WSG? It’s people like you that makes this forum unbearable.


why do you have a problem with solo que vs premade que ? what is your actual issue with it ? Is it that it would remove 99% of premades ?

I’m a Warsong Legend, i know what i’m talking about, this farm simulator is not Warsong

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You are def on drugs. No doubt about it.

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a different type of dope than yours, for sure
these people who farm like bots are on something else, for sure

who gonna remember your premade?

Woah this is getting so boring, premades even roll over now the second u get a cap, so they can go stomp the next pug faster. WSG has become a complete rep grind fest. MinMax for the win. This can’t be how the game is intended to funtion, wake up blizz. Will go play something else till phase 2 or this is sorted

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Hey forum !!! a new scoop here

these hypocrits are hypocrits and liars for real

Exactly as it’s intended. BGs have never been more alive, for those who put the effort in. Put the effort in.