Premades should be matched against premades

I think it would be much better if in Classic premades are matches against other premades and not against solo q players. I think the current setup kills the fun for the both sides:

a) if you are solo q you just chill at gy not releasing until it is over
b) if you are in premade, it becomes more a chore to just stupidtly farm honor with no real pvp involved


Form a premade and fight the premades then.


Yeap, thatā€™s what I am proposing actually. Is there a mechanism for that in the game? :slight_smile:

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Itā€™s easy right, so hereā€™s what you do. You open up your guild tab and say ā€˜Hey guys, anyone wanna join for WSG?ā€™, then you invite them to your party.

You then look at your party and realise ā€˜darn, I only have 4 players. I need 6 more!ā€™ so you type /2 ā€˜LF Hunters, priests and a druid for WSG!ā€™. Keep spamming that until you have a team.

Then you go to the battlemaster and you sign up for a game of WSG.

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You are not answering the question, right? In my post I have said that premades should be matched against premades, to which you have answered:

Great, we are talking about the same thing here. So is there a mechanism to make a group to play against other premades? Right now there is none, you are randomly matched against either pugs or other premades


According to these forums, the only people in the battlegrounds are premades so according to these forums you should have no issue being matched against a premade anyway.

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Cool, so is there problem with making an official system which will also make a nice solo queue experience? If yes, what is the problem?


The problem is that they donā€™t want or look for this because then that will mean they no longer can easy win and farm those solo players as a premade.

Besides even if I wanted to join premade vs premade, the majority of the premade groups are using gear score which is a joke. Hence not everyone can join because people use this stupid retail gear score at lvl 25 in classic. What a joke!

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The problem is that a lot of you canā€™t even decide what a ā€˜premadeā€™ is or how a separate queue would even work. Solo queue only, or group queue of up to 5, like in TBCC and retail?

We can discuss the problems with each of those once you have decided which form of ā€˜soloā€™ queue it is that you want.

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My friend, you are again not answering the question. It feels like you are trying to make it into some form of crap throwing at each other.

I donā€™t think I have ever tried to make a definition in my posts here, havenā€™t I?

So what are your conerns with having a separate premade queue and a separate solo queue. For simplicity, letā€™s consider groups >= 5 men to be a premade.

Not an ideal system, of course, but in my point of view it will make solo experience much nicer and premade experience much more reasonable as well. What do you think?

Seperating ques without adding a huge advantage for premades will straight out kill premades. Finding a grp will be nearly impossible and instead people will que random. As a result we have less interaction, eleminated a incentive to form groups and get toxic and chaotic solo bgs. (I really dont understand why someone would miss that)

If we add advantages for premades, then we will split up players. Its gonna be difficult to balance the advantage and make sure both versions get good que times. And even then, we have overall less group forming and a split up playerbase.

Honestly the best way would be to just ignore the crying and wait until every last player has adapted. The meta will be full of groups looking for members, a lot of interaction and new friends to be made, a lot of community, and also decent gameplay. Casual premades are a thing and people can find groups in no time. All for the price of ā€¦the convenience to insta que into a badbg to get fast dop.amin.

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Say Hi to gearscore. Most people wont be getting any invites due to their class and spec but also in the premade eyes not having enough GS to join.

Ive already seen this happening right now. Its so stupid.

Time to gear up big boy. You have to replace your green gear mate.

I cant share this experience, maybe its a mega server issue. Noone I know wasnt able to find a wsg premade.

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Thatā€™s what Retail does, and so does WoTLKC (introduced during TBCC. Originally added in Cataclysm) and it works for me. However, it doesnā€™t fix the game ā€˜completelyā€™ for ā€˜soloā€™ players. Retail still has people complaining about unfair mismatches and what not.

That system would work perfectly for me; but itā€™s still not a ā€˜soloā€™ queue per se, and gives people the wrong impression.

Itā€™s not perfect, but separating ā€˜groupā€™ queue from ā€˜raid group queueā€™ is the fairest way of doing things; so long that raid group queue offers increased rates in terms of rewards otherwise it would die instantly.


Yeah wsg is totally ruined for soloplayers but donā€™t expect much from Blizzard, they probably handle things like the always do.

how do you know that? you got yourself a underestimation on people you defend, if they are PvPers for real, they gonna still do premades, there is appeal on both categories

this canā€™t be the definition of a PUGs vs PUGs

PUGs vs PUGs have soul and charm

Premades vs Premades meta-gangsters of the Owl have their appeal too

So why not separate queues? You real PvPer can understand it right?

This chips you are defending, start to be a dictatorship
i donā€™t think Blizzard need this type of reputation for their game

you canā€™t always force people to be meta, this is full of badstress, wow is not designed to be a job

separate queue for the sweaters and the chillers is needed

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And for realā€¦
You overestimate PvP ā€œrewardsā€ , Rank14 gears still gonna be weaker than Naxx gear$

So ā€œmore rewards for the Premadersā€ is something ridiculous

How old are you? :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

And then you stomp people who are just looking for some quick bg fun.

And the funny thing is, that you can still write your guild mates, and realize you need 6 more players, a healer and druid when you sign up for premade vs premade too.

The only thing you are after is to stomp and make other peoples game time awful.

You wouldnā€™t miss your possibility to do premades of they made it so premades face premades only.

If premades fight only premades and pug vs pug, then everyone would get what they want. I canā€™t understand why people have problems with that. Especially since everyone claim to do premades for te social aspect and for te organized aspect. You would still get that with a premade vs premadeā€¦


Do you think it is fun to queue Solo and spend from 45 minutes up to 1 hour in HKā€™s farming middle group?