Premades should be matched against premades

It’s fun yes, and you make a fake picture of what a PUGs vs PUGs is
Your meta-gaming is fun too
But you try to force people to go in your meta (premade)
While we should have both categories, simply

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Regardless gearscore does not belong in classic SOD. It’s so pathetic gearscore at lvl 25 lol, people got issues.

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Premade v premade is currently the best form of PvP in the game that actually feels competitive to play. If the rank system was like original classic then it would be very hard to justify making separate queues due to the nature of needing ridiculous amounts of honor per week. But this is SOD and it’s completely different and most people that premade will cap ranks & rep easily during each phase.

There’s not many arguments at this stage to not have separate queues if you actually enjoy competitive PvP. You’ll get the rep and the ranks regardless even though it might take a bit longer. The only issue I can see is that if queue times become too long, so you would need to have a system that combats that. Could be additional honor/rep if queue goes over a set time, could be that it matches you into a pug if it goes over a set time.

It would be good but I honestly can’t see it happening due to the issues it might cause with queue times. That’s probably the number one reason they won’t change it. Having to resolve that issue is an even bigger problem than people moaning on the forums about premades.

I don’t know how many times I’ve said the following to you specifically now.

SOLO queue means that small groups of friends (less than 6) either have to play alone or fill up an entire raid with randos. Forcing groups of friends to mess around is NOT an option. This is an MMORPG, playing solo should NEVER be the advantageus.

I don’t care if the solo players cry, go make some friends. I know, it’s hard to make friends when you have Lamborgimli’s mentality and IQ, but the rest of you still have some hope.


Your reasoning is fallacious in addition to being selfish, players who register alone do not play SOLO they play online with other players, and to return your argument, if you don’t have enough friends to finish completing your raid to register at 10 is your problem. The current system is toxic and there are many more players impacted than players like you who will have to finish completing a raid to register at 10 against other premades.
And even ! It would be enough to create a system where there are players who register alone up to 5 and a second bracket where the 10v10 premades meet.

Nothing too complicated and it would solve 99% of the problems.

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The truth is that due to the mentality of the player base today, if they were to make premade vs premade it’d die simply due to the players abusing this now for easy farm would stop play altogether as it wouldn’t be efficient anymore.

Most of the premade use this because it’s efficient not because it’s fun or that they want true pvp bgs.

Wait what? When I play in a premade we stack priests and hunters, we stomp some pugs, nobody talk and ppl just leave when they are done.
It’s exactly the same as pug except you chose the team comp instead of RNG.

I think you were describing RBGs which isn’t a thing in classic wow.

Then maybe you are on the wrong server or getting into the wrong kind of grps :man_shrugging:

No, they don’t. They ignore their teammates, run into the middle and attack the first enemy that looks at them instead of actively choosing their targets. I’ve even watched some dingbats chasing hunters pets, no wonder nobody wants half of them on their team.

If you don’t have any friends at all, that’s your problem. This isn’t a solo game, and was NEVER designed as such.

This one I have no issues with.

They wouldn’t stop playing, they’d just farm middle in solo queue. Quick-capping would die as a meta and instead games would be dragged out for as long as possible while the honor farmers grind mid.

Dunno, the whole point of premades right now is to pubstomp for rep.
I would much prefer something like rated BGs for the challenge.
I’m not going solo in WSG either because I don’t want to be pubstomped.
This whole situation is a joke until they they enable a solo queue.

Or you know, forcing premades against eachother for increased rewards. That would be cool.

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I never play alone in this game, it’s the principle of an mmo. Don’t try to fool your people, registering solo doesn’t mean you’re playing ALONE, otherwise going to a dungeon with 5 other people you don’t know means playing alone?

It happens, but strangely when I play against a team without premade, it’s fun, it plays as a group, consistency, we win. We don’t care about your bad experiences, that doesn’t make them the norm.

Your argument is really weak.


Y’know, I was thinking the same thing about everything you’re saying.

‘I don’t care’ is what you say to the game being ruined for small groups, then you respond horribly when somebody else says the same about the game being ruined for solo players?

Hypocrisy, thy name is Lïlys.

4 other people that are on your realm, that you’re very likely to see again out in the wild and whom you had to communicate with, atleast slightly; beforehand.

Not really the same thing, is it?

What were you saying about weak arguments again?

You join a solo queue and start to play 10 vs 10 with other real players is not playing alone. You clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

With your logic then everyone is playing alone regardless of what they do. Lol

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what about 1 month with separate queues to test it

why not? let’s discover this way :smiley:


:tm: :registered: :copyright:

Not even closely related to what I just said to Lïlys.

Conduct yourself better, you’re starting to look like Lamborgimli. And believe me, that is not a compliment.

how solo-queuing is an advantage?

who got IQ here? are you an IQ tester?

It does sound like it the way you are writing in your posts. Maybe it’s time for you to double-check how you really write and how people interpret it.

And here we go again with the insults.

And this isn’t written in an insulting manner to you?

Random battlegrounds assign you to teams filled with random people from different realms that you likely won’t see ever again. Some people that you may even struggle to communicate with, with players facing no consequences to their actions and methods of communication.

At least in dungeons, if somebody is being obnoxious, or outright bringing the team down by refusing to play; you can remove them.

Again; I have no objection to a group queue and a raid-group queue similar to retail and TBCC/WoTLKC’s BG style. But not a completely solo queue.

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And my legend lives on !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

It’s not insulting to imply that someone does not know what they are talking about.

What difference does it make if you join with random people from your own server or other servers? Aren’t those players too? You are NOT playing solo because you need other real players to be able to play WSG even by joining SOLO.

Everyone joins solo but ends up in a 10 vs 10 man group. Again you make no sense.

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