Premades should be matched against premades

Imply, not apply. And what is or is not insulting is up to the person who has just been insulted to decide, not you.

If that is the only thing that matters then why can you not just form your team beforehand like the premades?

a thing you need to understand kid…

i was cooking for my kids so i’ve been out of the debate for a few time

people have jobs, priorities and responsabilities. and they love WoW too… and pay 13e/month for it

do the people of azeroth have to be stomped by meta-premades-crocodiles-waiting-for-lazy-meat who are online 24/7 and claiming they are real social organized real PvPers ?

a queue for the random people of azeroth is needed…

Thank you for correcting my spelling mistake. English is not my mother language. We shall agree to disagree here because we view what an insult is differently.

Where do I begin?

  • Premade only look for special classes which makes the rest of us useless.
  • GearScore is apperantly a thing in Classic SOD at lvl 25.
  • People that expect 300+ GS to be “viable” in BG’s were everyone dies in 5 seconds anyway.
  • I’ve the proof right here with me from my experience, I’ve been sitting in Darnassus searching for a premade group, and there are 6 groups looking for more players at this moment, all of them want: Priest, Hunters and Druids + 300+ GS and gear check.

Wow, amazing social activity this is. Ignore 80% of all the players to fit the “best” premade group only to leave as soon as you lose 1 BG due to lack of patience.

If this is what premade is all about, I am glad it can go separate ways. Give us solo join queue separated from premade.


you are dropping factous

When people complain about the requirements set by others for raids, they’re almost always bombarded with the words: ‘Form your own group’.

The best you’re going to get is retail’s system, where you can sign up for a battleground with a maximum of 5 people; as a party. There is never going to be a ‘solo’ only queue.

Not all insults are direct; many take passive-aggressive and snide comments to be insulting too.

Man, I’m just adopting your way of thinking and expressing your point of view, what suits you takes precedence over the rest, I get it. The rest there is nothing to answer, you drown the fish.

And yet no, you are once again completely wrong, playing multiplayer only involves playing with other players. It doesn’t matter where they come from, who they are.

So your whole argument about solo players is nonsense, you sign up alone to play in a group. That’s all.

No, you’re not. My entire stance has always been ‘solo queue would ruin the game for small groups.’ And ‘You shouldn’t be at an advantage for playing solo’.

Solo (SOLO, not 1-5 group queue) queue would damage the game in both of those regards. Small groups (5 or less) would be forced to either abandon their friends or fill their teams up in order to play. If you’re fine with them having to fill their teams up in order to even play, you should be fine with you yourself having to fill your team up in order to win.

As per the second: Signing solo with a bunch of randoms is much less work than forming a premade of a decent composition. You can’t deny that, nobody can. It’s why you want to sign up solo in the first place.

Premade games are efficient only for fast games, quick capping 3 flags and onto the next. If premades face only other premades, the efficiency drops and thus; the fastest form of honor becomes jumping into a solo game and just fighting randoms in the middle.

I haven’t been wrong once.

Then you should have no problem forming groups yourself.

The argument is - they are premade. The whole composition, build, Flag Carrier choice, strats during the BG, shoutcalling on Discord.
Normally system rolls ~equally-skilled/equally-geared squads. You can’t roll equal enemy squad when premade is top5% of players. It’s just not possible. It’s also not possible to get 10 random people during BG on Discord and shoutcall.

How about your meta-gangster premade of the Owl of 40players for Alterac Valley?

are you gonna answer:

"no! people who don’t join my meta-gangster premade of the Owl deserve no rewards !!! "

It’s going far :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:tm: :registered: :copyright:

" :unicorn: premade love :skunk: "

:baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle: :baby_bottle:

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It’s supposed to be even match for both sides and you’ve just said that premades are far stronger. GG. Maybe we should match lv19 with lv40 soon so it will be even easier?

You’ve been wrong from the start.

The game itself takes care of group creation regarding WSG. And this since vanilla.

Premade is ruining the game for those who sign up AS INTENDED by Blizzard to participate in BGs. When I tell you that you are selfish, you don’t care that the majority of players who play the way the game IS INTENDED have their experience ruined by the deviant behavior of retail players (or let’s say the mentality of current players) who only seek profit. You wouldn’t want your small group of players to be disturbed by a healthy demarcation between premades and pugs, your pleasure above all, even if it means ruining that of others.

I don’t see the difficulty in creating a tailor-made group with the current overpowered classes and specializations with the sole aim of rolling over other participants without difficulty to farm honor and reputation as quickly as possible. On the contrary, it is the search for ease. Me and the majority of other players in BGs play the way Blizzard EXPECTED regarding these BGs. That’s all.

Your arguments are totally bogus and guided by your selfishness, you are wrong, completely and on all points. But you are obviously very narrow-minded on the threshold of neurosis, so I will leave you with your certainties as a little egoist. Regardless, Blizzard will do or not do, our opinion is not very important.


No it isn’t? This is still Vanilla. Balance aint a thing here buddy.

No, I haven’t.

Yes, it randomly selects people and throws them into a game together without any regard to class of specialisation.

Blizzard gave you the option of signing up with as many people as can fit in the battleground. If they intended for you to sign up by yourself and play competitively, then that would have already been implimented into the game. Or at the very least, you’ve have been given TBCC’s queuing system.

As you weren’t, you don’t get to decide what Blizzard intended. Furthermore, I highly doubt Blizzard intended for everybody to take Engineering as a profession. Nor did they intend for Classic’s Meta to be ‘fill your composition with warriors and spam world buffs’. WoW was created by a team of people inexperienced with MMORPGs, their only intention was to create an online roleplaying game using the story and characters from the Warcraft series.

Right now, you can play solo. Chances of winning might be low, but you can PLAY. A solo queue means that in order to even play with friends, you must fill your team up.

Next joke. I work in a warehouse that sells plenty of mirrors, want one? You certainly need it.

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You would still be able to sign with your friends and a few other premaders if it was premade vs premade and pug vs pug.

What’s the issue?


This explains why by admiring yourself in these mirrors your ego has become excessive.


The issue is that they will no longer be able to farm honor & rep easily and efficiently against PUGS if they make it premade vs premade only.

This is the only reason why he or anyone else defending this is against that idea.

check this thread, it is something interesting to be aware for the future in SoD

and these meta-gangsters premaders of the Owl maybe don’t understand that the game is not the mouseclickers’s game from back in the days, and the casuals being ghosted is a wrong way…

The min-max, is mining above the maximum

End of Casual gaming is near !!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Separate queues please Blizz !!! for real !!!

The issue is that you can no longer play with your friends without putting in the effort of making a full team. Playing in groups should never take more effort than playing solo in an MMORPG, this isn’t a moba.

Not even retail has ‘solo only’ queue, and that game has catered to solo players hard.

Simply just sign up with your friends and the queue will find the remaining players for your group to make it a full 10 man group. What’s the issue here exactly?

pay the price to be the best premade vs premade, kid
don’t stomp PUGs