Premades should be matched against premades

Massive queue would make it basically unplayable.

It’s either party queue only, or leave the system as it is. Again, not even retail has a ‘solo only’ queue.

Massive queue with the amount of active players in SOD right now? I don’t believe that to be true, the few chances I’ve experienced a full 10 man group joining into WSG it only took a few minutes to find a BG.

There are 178 WSG going on at the moment, can’t see it take longer than 3-5 minutes to find a BG.

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You’re thinking only of full 10mans and not small groups. If a group of 3 sign up, they have to wait for a group of 7 to be matched with them also. At that point, the group of 3 might as well just not bother and go play solo.

Which means then when a group of 7 does sign up, they’re out of luck. Furthermore, what happens when you sign up as 9?

The priority system also changes when the honor farm changes. Right now, premade capping 3 flags is the best honor per hour. Once that changes, the best HpH becomes jumping into solo queue, killing random players and trying to drag games on for as long as possible.

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to your pens (keyboards) ! students of azeroth ! you got 1 hour !

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Get help Lamborgimli, please.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh man ! Life is too short for a Real Pirate like me, these chips can’t help !

As my cousin Gimli say

"It’s the Dwarves that go swimming with , hairy women ! "

i allow you to keep saying my name on this forum and make my legend lives on


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

You’re 100% right.

Since when is gear checking a bad thing?

  1. Just go and create your group with your own rules.
  2. People respect their time and they don’t want to waste it.
  3. People who are using eng/flasks/other gadgets putting more effort and they don’t want to carry someone who gives 0 effort for the group.
  4. Some people are just really, really, really bad and they belong to their own skill/game knowledge group.
  5. Gear always matters in MMORPG.
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Blizzard incompetence. they are not not capable of dealing with bots or premades. This will destroy their game and all they can do is watch it happen

Good idea!

The problem about “premade against premade”:

What is premade? 10 ppl group? Ok.
9 ppl group is a premade? So if the 10th of player is random, it should be matched against 10ppl premade of fully random group? If you have 5ppl premade, and you will get in your team another 5ppl premade, they gonna fight 10ppl premade or fully random group?
Imaging waiting 2hours for getting one mark only because you need to match against same premade camp or it will be unfair.

If 10 ppl premade would be banned or redirected to 10 ppl premades, ppl will start to abuse 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2 ppl premades. Playing fully random against 5 teams of 2 geared ppl also not fair, because its twice more easy to communicate between 5 teams thn 10 random ppl. Current situations about “10 randoms vs 10ppl premade” is not good, but you can’t fully fix it without blockin any groups on BG. Imaging MMORPG without possibility to play PVP with friends.


Well said.