Premades vs. Premades

The only reason why some retards don’t want this. Premades vs Premades takes longer and is more challenging. Those idiots don’t care about playing in a group, they want to comfortably farm random groups. That’s it.


Less QQ ,more pewpew bud , it takes less than 5 mins to make a premade , be a social,enjoy the game


I found a picture of OP.


100%… And the ones who sign up for a bg cause they really enjoy doing bags, they get absolutely stomped by these rep/honor farming groups who are there not for a single drop of enjoyment, but strictly there to drag through a “horrible” grind


:rofl: 10 characters bla bla

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You can be social in a premade vs premade too. Let casuals have their casual pvp :smiling_face:

Players will need to do premades to reach R14, so stop cry and face it. See you coming back at 60lvl bracket and complaining again.


Then premade vs premade is the way to go. You can even join some kind of discord to agree on who should win or not. So ranking is easier. Let the ones who enjoys a fight play vs others who are there to enjoy a fight


U can enjoy fights in premade too while also getting nice rep/gear on top.

The way to go is simple. 2 queues:

Normal queue: works as it does now. Sign up with whatever amount of play or by yourself and play the game normally.

Solo queue: Sign up by yourself only. Jump into a game and receive no honor and no reputations. a zero effort, zero reward queue.

It’s the only way to add a solo queue. Besides, you muppets say you only want fun.


True, if all they want is just go to zug zug mid all day than they dont need any reputation or honor rewards anyway coz these are “pointless” goals

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I don’t enjoy “don’t ress, let them win” if the other team caps first. I don’t enjoy, " fast lose for the max rep/honor per hour".

I’m an old schooler who are in the bgs to have fun. Not min max the crap put of everything.

Yes I’m a filthy neckbeard casual. And I play to have fun, unbelievable, right? So everyone would be happy with pug vs pug and premade vs premade. In that way, everyone gets what they want. 100% win/win

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So by the looks it is not fun for you, cause you lose?

Why do you oppose premade vs premade?

I can enjoy a loss, I’ve actually had many fun losses through the years. But being totally stomped 9 out of 10 matches cause of premades is not something I or many others enjoy.

Nope. The only 100% win/win situation is the ‘Zero effort, zero reward’ queue.

Because nobody can agree on what a premade is. Some of you describe it as a full 10man team, others cry when I join a BG with 2 friends and call us a premade. If you separate premade queue from solo queue, I can no longer play with 1-2-3 other people without instead having to form a full group.

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It is Utopia, same like Communism. Just grow up and face it, real life isn’t fair or same “playing ground” for everyone doesn’t exist.

Communism to give everyone what they want? Or, what do you mean?

Exactly. Blizz must add special que for solos only but without any reputation, or honor reward, coz ppl want just fun right? U dont need pointless rep/h chase

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i did rank11 with 3 character before TBC classic, by solo-queing, if i had focused on only 1 character i could surely reach R14 by solo-queing