Premades vs. Premades

Same can be said about premades then. Make it without honor or rep. You guys are there to be social and experience team play, right?

Are you complaining so much in your job too? If I was a manager, I would fire you long time ago.

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Why ppl who stay afk, kissing flowers in solo que must have same rewards as sweatlords ?
U just said that all premades, we need is rep/h farm right? And u said that all solo quers want just FUN? So be it. Go play ur solo ques, farm zug zug mid forever all day , dont cap flags etc and leave premades vs premades with their “pointless” grind rewards
Thats will be fair. Solos enjoy casual gameplay, swetlords enjoy their useless rep/honor farm


we need a premade player who can testify if they ever lose a BG, because it’s look like premades never lose here (win-traders? , no real challenge because they only farm PUGs? )

This is a game, not a job. When will people finally understand that? Lol.

Listen, I’m not for taking about the job for you in this game. You can work for your rep, honor or whatever as much as you want. But I’m for everyone to have a fun way to play.

You get your premade vs premade and I get my filthy casual vs filthy casual. Is that so bad? In this way we both get what we want.

Premade vs premade is all about " let them win fast" if the other team caps first.

You can find many analogies in Real Life and Games. Just saying. Because it is part of Life.

And you premades say you want team play with friends. You want to be social, why would you want reward then?

Yeah that’s what i’m talking about, they are just bots farming rep, not here to have a good match

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Sure, but the difference is that a game is made to have fun/enjoyment. A job is not made for that purpose.

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He already answered that. /Facepalm. High IQ

This is a game, not a job. When will people finally understand that? Lol.

Yes and as a casual i prefer to play it with a premade. Also i run GDKPs to ensure an item and no , i don’t think im doing anything wrong.

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To get cool gear no? Most pvpers want cool gear buddy. Sweet sweet ebigs
We gather together to acheve same goals

you boosted and buyers people still get stomped by bluegeared people at lvl 60 because you don’t have skill

U are solo player u dont need rewards anyway. Leave sweatlords with their “useless” grind plz :rofl:

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Premade vs premade would still let you play in a premade :+1:t2:

I bet if you have 1 hour to argue in forums with randoms, you have that time to enter premade group or create one your self. The end of the case!


So let us play vs other people without skill. And you can play vs people with skulls and have your fun

Yeah, you play for te reward only. Most of you don’t even enjoy the “grind”

im not a gold buyer ,i do farm an hour or two every day and buy items via GDKPS sunday and saturday. Also you can check out my pvp videos on youtube, type '‘myskillkills hunter pvp’ and learn not to insult people