Premades vs. Premades

How we dont enjoy grind? I was happy when i got rank 3 cool cloack and nice neck from honored reputation. It was worth it. Idk why u mind if u are cAsuAl pLaYer
Why casuals complain about rewards than
U just said that casulas dont chase useless goals , so leave it for premades

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So you like the reward, but did you enjoy the grind?

separates queue are really needed yes

PuGs vs PuGs make their maximum and pay 13e/month
Premades vs Premades make their maximum or just surrender after 1 flag capped and pay 13e/month

separates queue are really needed

in facts: Premade players are scared to be in the wrong side of the “Hype” :rofl:

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Just say it out loud guys. Say “I want to stomp pugs, lose fast vs premades so I can get my rewards as fast as possible so I never have to do a bg again”

Come on guys

Look now for a hypothetical variant. Okey, finally Blizzard bans premade queue. You are happy for 1 day, however:

  1. Player base will still find ways how to exploit game and queue with 2 groups of 5 into same lobby.
  2. Solo queuer defenders will come and complain about people still AFK in stealth, for example, druids, rogues.
  3. Solo defenders will complain they don’t win, because our comp is too random, for example no healers, and horde has 3.
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They all enjoy grind. Coz they will get cool epic gear which will be usefull untill 60 lvl or first better raid loot

Based. Solo quers dont realise this, they still gonna be farmed at gy


Premades we are seeing today are just Ridiculous Piranhas jumping on Grandmas PUGs at GY like Psychos

Why dont u join premade than if u want rewards no? Or u are not casual anymore i dont get it

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Cause I’m all for having fun with other random people. Still nice with a lil reward. Now you answer me, why don’t you agree to premade vs premade and pug vs pug?

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Lol i agree ofc. But plz dont complain why premades vs premades will have ranked bgs or better rewards :rofl:

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I don’t care of they have better rewards. For all I care, blizz should just give the best pvp and rep rewards doe people without them having to do sh.t, just to get the premades the heck away from my casual bgs

Indeed. Casual players get casual or no rewards. U need just fun , no loot right?
Sweatlords get sweatlords gear and better rewards , all fair yes

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As I stated above, it’s fun to get a lil reward. To totally stomp some randoms and get rewards from on their behalf just cause you want easy wins is something I’ve got a problem with

If “Sweatlords” (clowns) are skilled as you pretend, they don’t need better gear because they have superskillz,
are “Sweatlords” (clowns) scared to lose as they need better gears than randoms? You are the living proof of this fear :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

:muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Only way separating queues would ever work is if premade queue gives much higher rewards. If it does, I am in favour of it.

This is still an MMO, and group play should always be incentivised.

True makes sense .

Why so mad lol?

Joining a PUG is group play
Y’all have no good arguments
Y’all scared

What a shame…

What a shame…