Premades vs. Premades

Futile to attempt a discussion on this with you when your only goal is to see groups suffer while your personal Dora the Explorer adventure is the only playstyle catered to.

You got to be rewarded by WHO you are. Not by your capacity to do a fulltime job grinding…
Let people have the gears if you are skilled as you pretend, you don’t have to be scared kid

I’m a Legend of the Golden Era Warsong pre-TBC classic
Go fortnite noob

Bro fortnite is for kids :face_vomiting:

this is why i tell him to go in :rofl:

10 chars bla bla

What a shame…

My man is in his 30s and acting like a Fortnite player.

All you need to do in a premade vs premade que is to go pay better. That’s what a big part of you premades claim you want, a challenge

Ok honey bunny x forming a group is hard

Born and Raised with Bruce Lee
Go premade with your teletubbie team noob
i fight
you surrender after a flag cap for honor/rep per hour

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If y’all wanna shine, just accept separate queues, because being a :

What a shame…

You loosers