Premades vs Pugs - this should not be allowed

How is it fun to face premades as a solo player and get camped? if it happens once in a while, ok I get it… but it’s non-stop… you barely face pugs as a solo-er

I did my rank 14 grind in vanilla back in the day, completely solo… and tbh it was fun (and not that fun at some point cause of the grind but still; doing AV mostly from rank 12-14) . After ppl saw that I was standing 1 on the server they started to invite me in premades, guess what, I DID NOT HAD ANY FUN, just camping ppl with my over geared group doesn’t take any skill and you learn NOTHING from it. these so called "rank 14"players that just AFK in battlegrounds all day… dude that doesn’t mean a thing, if you go and 1v1 them they suck, why? cause they don’t have their other 9 or 14 buddies around them to support. getting back to the initial idea of the post…

I’ve also seen that there is another post in regards to the premades. just adding another one to make sure that this is being taken into consideration.

premades vs pugs should NOT be allowed, it is not fun, takes 0 skill and it kinda ruins the honor system itself. No solo-er can reach that amount of honor per week as premades do unless he plays 17 hours a day… which is a contrary to the well known Tip from wow which goes like this:
“Tip: Remember to take all things in moderation (even World of Warcraft!)” is one screen shown while the game is loading. World of Warcraft , Blizzard Entertainment.

How can I take WoW in moderation if I need to play 17 hours a day as a solo to reach rank 14?


Most premade´s are trash anyways, I won like 30 games against premade´s in the last 6 days alone. just hope that pug group listen for your calls

Ps. AB weekend play wsg and you will find less premades,thats my tipp for you :slight_smile:

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Simple: Don’t aim for the thing that requires such heavy amounts of play time.

You barely face pugs as premades either.

There have never been a separate solo queue to any battleground ever in World of Warcraft.

There never has been layering in Vanilla WoW.
There never has been a change to alter the AV queue so its impossible to premade AV.
WSG portals were never deactivated.
There never was a queue system with 40 connected megaservers.

Blizzard is open to changes that improve the experience for a lot of players and would make the game feel a lot more like Vanilla. Like the AV changes the premade vs premade queue system would be one of them. You never were farmed on the graveyard 29/30 games by premades.


Completely agree.
Premades vs randoms shouldn’t exist and this system is completely ruining pvp battlegrounds for any solo-queue player.
Maybe this was fine back then, when premade-groups were not as prevalent but now in the majority of BG’s there isn’t really any gameplay to speak of when you solo-queue. Getting camped and annihiliated, solo players going afk and people voluntarily not respawning at their graveyards, to prevent getting farmed for honor even more. All this in a system about ‘honor’, which is actually pretty sad.
There is no match-making going on but the times are desperately calling for it. As already stated before, it was implemented in AV too, so what is the deal here? The only ‘argument’ people ever have is: ‘Well it used to be like that in vanilla and people wanted it. Go play retail if you want match-making.’
I am still searching for one reasonable, good argument besides: ‘It was like that in Vanilla.’


What does that have to do with premades in WSG/AB?

What does that have to do with premades in WSG/AB?

What does that have to do with premades in WSG/AB?

The AV queue was hotfixed. AV is literally a pug queue but premades was circumventing the system. No one is circumventing or exploiting the WSG/AB queue system.

Your mentality and arguments is the reason I am against changes. You are using other unrelated changes as an argument to add more changes.

By your logic, ALL changes are valid as long as you can point to any other change.

Bottom line it this: The queue system in WSG/AB is working as intended. No one is circumventing or exploiting the system. It’s 100% fair because everyone can join a group and play this group content.

It’s MIND BOGGLING how people can complain about this. You can LITERALLY solve it yourself right now, all you have to do is to play GROUP CONTENT in a GROUP. That’s it. All you have to do is play with other people from your community (realm) in this MMORPG.

I can never understand how people can complain so much about not being able to win more often while putting in no effort and playing solo in group pvp content. It’s absurd.

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Premades vs PUGS ruin PvP at all. It should be only PUGS vs PUBS and Prem/ss vs Prem/s


You really don’t seem to try and understand points and arguments that aren’t your own, it feels like.
Otherwise you would have understood, that the previous poster meant, that there technically already have been made changes to certain aspects in the current Classic, which now differ from how it was back in Vanilla.
If there are 2 options of approaching a battleground-queue, namely a) Queueing solo and b) Queueing as a group, how come you summarize a PVP-Battleground as necessarily (Premade-)group content? Simply because you play as a group, doesn’t automatically mean you should and always have to be a premade-team, which is reinforced by giving players option a) at all.

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Blizzard has to create separate matchmaking for premades and solo que, just like on retail. Otherwise it’s absolutely unfun and cannot enjoy the casual aspect of wow. Ofc all those account sharing guys will disagree who are grinding their A off for r14.

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Retail doesn’t have seperate queues.

Trying to berate your opposition doesn’t validate your false point.

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But that is my argument.

My argument is that we can never add changes because those changes will be used as an argument to add more changes.

People use UNRELATED changes as an argument even and that’s just absurd. It would be somewhat reasonable if they pointed to a change that in any way affect the proportion of premade they meet while playing solo.

I don’t? You can queue solo or in a group. That is how the queue system was designed and that is how it works in Classic. People may choose to play more together in groups than they did in Vanilla retail. Players have changed, not the game. The game is a recreation of the gameplay systems, not how people used to play the game.

If you are not having fun playing solo, all I am saying is that you can solve that problem by playing in a group. It really is that simple.

There have NEVER been a separate queue for solo players in any battleground in world of warcraft ever. So asking for it now in classic is absurd.

It means that Blizzard fixes totally broken situations.

It was changed. It was possible to premade AV in Vanilla as the outnumbered faction. It’s not in Classic. You just cheer the change because it benefits you. Furthermore instantly giving up to other premades to meet more pugs, what a lot of premades do, could be considered an exploit.

As proven multiple times you’re not against changes. Only against changes that don’t benefit you.

The AV queue system was working as it did in Vanilla too. Didn’t change the fact that Blizzard changed it because it got out of hand. It had nothing to do with Vanilla to meet AV premades 70% of the time and it has nothing to do with Vanilla to meet AB/WSG premades 90% of the time. Broken situation that destroy the vanilla experience for a lot of players are adressed by Blizzard.

Most players don’t care about easy wins or efficiency. That’s your retail mentality. Most players just want to have a BG under fair conditions like they had it in Vanilla most of the time and PvP instead of rolling over pugs or giving up againgst other premades after losing one fight. They just don’t want to get farmed on the graveyard in 29 out of 30 games.

I can never unterstand how you could personally ask for AV changes and call the queue system with 40 connected megaservers a good thing but mask yourself as ‘#nochanges’ when players ask for a reasonable thing.

What happened to this by the way? Did you just ‘forget’ about it like you do about the times when you personally asked for and cheered changes? Or is it just your easy way out when you lose every argument and get exposed?

Sure, but the WSG/AB queue is working as intended without any exploits or bugs.

What does that have to do with the WSG/AB system that is authentic, working as intended and have no bugs or exploits?

I am against all changes because people like you will use any unrelated change as an argument to add more changes. And stop being silly. You only ask for changes that benefits YOU.

No it wasn’t. There new NEVER a time in Vanilla retail where one faction could form raid premades in AV and not the other faction.

They hotfixed a new exploit unique for Classic.

Correct. They hotfixed a new exploit in Classic where only one faction could form raid premades in AV and not the other faction. This hurt Alliance puggers who was left alone when Alliance premades dodge queues.

Broken systems are addressed by Blizzard. The WSG/AB queue is working as intended, it’s authentic and is not broken or exploited in any way.

What? I have played Emulated Vanilla since 2015. I hate retail.

Then they should not play Classic.

Classic is a recreation of a GAME, not a recreation of some arbitrary experience of playing a game for the first time 14y ago.

Ok totally understand that they don’t want that.

They can join a group and play together with other people from their realm and community. That would fix that problem they have.

Damn are yuu talking abouy AV again?

I never asked for the AV queue to be changed before the first hotfix when it was authentic. Alliance puggers did.

You have got wrecked by my arguments many time now. You try various nonsense, Straw Man argument and pure lies. I enjoy winning over you. That’s why I make sure to quote your posts so that I can cherish them forever.

rated bg as premade, solo que as solo que, they never have to play against each other, there is no other way to fully premade an ab or wsg against random bg solo que players

So did the AV queue.

It means that the AV system was authentic, working as intented and had no bugs or exploits. But players created a totally broken situation that needed to be adressed by Blizzard just like the situation we have right now.

No you are not. You personally asked for AV changes and cheered the 40 connected megaservers, with servers like Firemaw being bigger than entire battlegroups in Vanilla.

No. I mostly debunk false arguments and lies of hypocrites and draw attention to an issue that breaks the game for a lot of players and is nothing like it was in Vanilla.

It always was the case. Players on the outnumbered faction could use the premade av enabler add-on to get into the same BG. Exactly the same thing that counting down in AV premade discords did.

They totally changed the whole BG queue system two times which was previously working exactly like it did in Vanilla. And rightly so because it got out of hand, had nothing to do with how players experienced AV back in Vanilla and ruined the fun for a lot of players. Now you can’t even queue up for a specific battleground number (you will not get into the number you queue up for). This was always possible in Vanilla.

Probably on fun servers where they only implemented the changes you like.

Funny that you still bring this debunked argument. You still have to answer
How serverwide queues without battlegroups, item trading, disabled wsg portals, legion raid frames, 10x bigger seevers, a clock and layering are recreating Vanilla. It’s clearly not a recreation. It’s a game with elements of Vanilla and Blizzatd adds improvements when they think they are necessary. The WSG/AB premade situation got totally out of hand and has nothing to do with the way players experienced WSG/AB back in Vanilla. Exactly like the AB situation. So a lot of players don’t like it and Blizzard will adress it.

They don’t want to farm players on the graveyard, they don’t want to get farmed on the graveyard and they don’t want to give up or win a game after the first BGs fight. They just want to play equally matched BGs and actually PvP when they have the spare time like they did back in Vanilla.

Yeah, clearly looks like that. See stuff like this:

Lmao. Funny that you block everyone the moment you lose every argument. You’re just a snowflake that gets debunked all the time. But you probably blocked me already because I won the debate for the seventh time. Can’t wait to shred you tomorrow when you have the courage to lose in 5 minutes again.

You can still premade in the normal queue. So on, seperate game styles but not seperate queues. You also only get decent rewards for doing ranked BGs on retail.

Would you be happy with a rewardless - solo -only queue?

Ok then we should ask blizzard to revert that change. It has nothing to do with WSG/AB. I never asked for that change, did you?

It was not working as intended. Not even you can say that with a straight face. It’s a PUG battlegrounds and one faction could join with 40man raids.

No, because WSG/AB is not pug battlegrounds and both factions can form premades.

In AV only one faction could form premades and it was a pug battleground.

You must see that HUGE difference?

Stop lying. It just makes you look bad.

You just post the same lies and Straw Man argument over and over. The only argument you have left is personal attacks on me and talking about AV. I mean 80% of everything you write is about AV, and that’s not the topic at all.

Talking about AV again. This is a thread about WSG/AB and all you do is posting lies about what I have said and talking about AV.

Still talking about AV.

Nostalrius. Donno if you can call that a “fun” server. It was trying to be authentic

What does this have to do with WSG/AB queue?

You are using unrelated changes as an argument to add more changes.

This is my point.

You are my point. People like you.

Ok, so what?

Do you even believe your own lies? I mean it’s not even possible to black anyone…

Personal attack. 80% is you talking about AV and 15% personal attacks on me and 5% lies.

It’s like we are having a debate. And you lost that debate and now you want to go outside and fight.

It’s kinda sad actually.

I mean, you are so angry at me and Blizzard, because you can’t play this MMORPG from 2006 solo and win…

Ultra weird.

You personally made a thread about it like others pointed out before. You even wanted players to be banned for premading AV. Stop lying. You even cheered the change in another thread and now you suddenly want it reverted when all your arguments got debunked? Look what you said a few days ago:

It’s just too easy when all I have to do is to quote you snd show your old threads to expose your lies and your hypocrisy.

It worked like it did in Vanilla. I thought that is all you care about? Oh forgot, only when it benefits you. Also, no one cares what you think should be a pug battleground.

The outnumbered faction could form AV premades back then. By your logic AV would be a premade BG for the outnumbered faction then. Doesn’t fit with your threads advocating for AV changes.

Not a lie. Got proven by others and everyone can see your post history.

Funny that it comes from someone who uses the same false ‘classic is an exact recreation of 2006 vanilla’ argument all the time but can never answer how all the changes Blizzard made to the game are recreating Vanilla. You also lie about the simplest things like saying you shun me for a year when you wanted an easy way out of a lost debate. You basically lie about everything.

Using your own quotes to show your constant flip-flopping aren’t personal attacks.

No one cares where you played. Has nothing to do with the topic and this isn’t your personal blog.

You asked why players don’t want to dodge other premades and only farm pugs on the graveyard to make more honor. I explained you that some players actually want to play PvP in battlegrounds. You still don’t understand it. I’m not surprised.

Just see here:

Short year by the way.

I use your own quotes so everyone can see that you really said this stuff. Or do you count your own words as strawmans?

And of course I talk about AV because it perfectly shows us that Blizzard fixed a broken situation by changing a system that worked exactly like it did in Vanilla because players pushed it to the extremes and it ruined the enjoyment for a lot of players (on both sides). It also had nothing to do with how players experienced Vanilla. Of course you don’t want to talk about AV anymore now that I showed that you yourself cheered these changes.

No. I use it to debunk your ‘exact recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft’ with the fact that Blizzard is fixing broken situations that ruin the game for a lot of players and have nothing to do with how people experienced in Vanilla.

Not true but would still be better than your record of 100% lies and hypocrisy.

I’m pretty relaxed. I’m fine with debunking the same lies over and over again. I’m not the one calling people names and ‘shun people for a year’ when I lose arguments

Your post in two words.

Where did your own words hurt you? I just expose your lies by using your own quotes and debunk all the false argument you have.

Your whole argument right now is to make personal attacks on me lie.

So I have won the debate over you. I have crushed you and now I am /sit spamming you.

Do you anything constructive to say about the WSG/AB queue system discussion?