Premades vs Pugs Warsong Gulch and probably Arathi Basin

Constantly seeing you give people attitude. If life is not treating you well, seek help. There are people out there that can help

Constantly seeing you lecturing me about my choices to belittle idiots who seek to change a 15 year old game with their entitlement. Thanks for caring and thanks for suggesting I seek help and sorry that all this human entitlement disgusts me but I’m alright thanks.

As long as your okay buddy, hang in there! Doctor Gnome strikes again

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I’m aware that this is just trolling at this point, but I’ve done more in retail than most, and I can without a doubt say that the ranking grind takes far more effort than anything else I’ve done in this game

You overestimate people’s intelligence if you assume it’s trolling rather than just sheer lack of rationality every time.

Adding BGs without any honor gain would be awesome and probably create alot more similiar enviroment that actually was in vanilla( both pre and after SMALLER battlegroup xrealm)

Someone said further up that they had not seen a single person say they would accept no honor gain, well i 100% would. It would cater to people wanting to play and have fun:D Nice idea!

If i’m allowed to be the optimist, AB will feature a lesser degree of premades i think. Since the PvP hype for rank 14 would most likely die down long before it’s release.

And AB is the BG that won’t feature the stale GY Farm, since it features a soft time limit to it (Bases capped).

However at the same time i believe that AB will be the best kind of Premade VS Premade due to the fact that that soft timer exists.

The PvP isnt like vanilla at all. There where premades vs PuGs sometimes in vanilla, but in WSG it seems like its only premade vs PuGS now. I have stopped playing WSG, its not fun.

So it would be great if Blizzard lets PuG fight PuG and premade other premades. I hope AV wont be like WSG is now for PuGs : unplayable.

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*without any honor nor rep gain. Zero rewards means zero.

You can get some arbitrary gold though, like skirmish arenas did.

GY farming at the opponents’ starting area gy with 5 bases as a premade vs. pugs was a thing in vanilla.

Hope that you’re a troll.

In TBC I ranked 3 in 2v2 on Sylvannas, 1 in 3v3 and also 1 in 5v5. Did a lot of premades but also solo que.

Since the Honor system was changed in TBC, premades were made for fun later in the xpac or to grind marks/honor in early release for gear.

I used to solo-que a lot and one game you smashed players in toilet paper gear and the other you would get crushed just like I was doing in the previous Battleground, didn’t mind, I actually enjoyed it a lot.

But the current state of PvP is just not fun, too many premades and hardcore players, very, very few Battlegrounds Pug vs Pug.

If Blizzard doesn’t want to lose more subs they should immediately add a solo pug vs pug option, no party join in order to fight normal players and not r12-r13 but I’m 100% convinced players will find a way to abuse this (all join at the same time)

I casually played WoW in Vanilla, went Hardcore PvP in TBC/Woltk, quit during early Cata, joined Classic as a casual again and I can say this isn’t PvP, is far from it, it’s a grind fest for the ones who are doing premades.

I’m not judging them for this because their invest a lot of time and effort to reach that rank but this makes the game un-fun for us.

Asking Blizzard to cater specifically to you is crazy-levels of absurd.
What’s next?
“No guild wants me cuz I am strong ret paalaadin - I demand you buff reta palaadin so I may SOLO all RAID content!!!”

Here’s how this works in reality:
The game is one way. You either adapt or you get stomped.
Crying for changes is not a viable option. Go back to retail.
You knew EXACTLY what you signed up for when you joined Classic (barring the crazy queues and insane lag in raid versus raid PVP, although both could be anticipated)

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Bruv, retail. BFA is trash just like WoD was garbage.

I’m not paying 13 euros per month so I can farm, do 2-3 raids per week or lvl an alt.

All we casual-pvp ask are solo-que Battlegrounds and nothing more. To fight versus other casuals and not r12, r13 premades all days.

But no worries, I’m giving them one more chance with AB. If AB is the same premade all over again I’ll quit just like I did in Cata and come back after 8 years.

Or if they decide to add TBC, that way I’m 100% guaranteed I will enjoy Battlegrounds and Arenas, I ain’t paying my hard earned money to get farmed in battlegrounds by premades.

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If all you want is casual PVP just go WPVP?..
With AB being released so late I don’t think it’s going to be seeing a lot of premades long-term. Perhaps on launch for a rep grind, but other than that I don’t see why. The ex-rank14 premades might come back just for fun, but I doubt they’re going to be grinding bgs for 60 hours a week again.

Your little story doesn’t say anything about anything. Sure, the sociological patterns were different, but that’s because the norms were different.

A way to achieve a middleground, without pleasing casuals like you and turning it into retail, would be realm only matchmaking which was the matchmaking used for most of vanilla as a whole. That, and lowering the realm population caps to true vanilla numbers.
Because with fewer people you get less reliable queues so the gameplay experience becomes more varied for many, and due to the natural formations of social networks it’d be like comparing casual guilds to hardcore guilds.

The hardcore social groups would push those premades just like now on their servers, while the casual groups would rather just solo queue or queue with only a few.

But because this matchmaking system from retail is so asocial and there’s just one big melting pot of premades, it means the range of opponents each BG gets has a greater variety. So this “greater variety” with WORSE conditions for teamwork to form naturally between strangers (as explained in Old battlegroups compared to now ) this makes premades a more regular occurrence since it’s more encouraged by more people getting more frustrated, especially with more platforms to compete with others across realms. Back then you only competed with your own realm in this stage of the game, very few were even aware of the “world race”.

As @Thefilth mentioned, this is also the first waves of rankers. They’ll decrease over time. So give it time instead of crying like a baby dropping its bottle.

As already stated this is a sociological pattern which is different from back then. Changing an online game’s design is a HUGE step to address sociological patterns forming, when it doesn’t break the game’s explicitly stated rules to do so in the first place. It’d be like them removing raids if nobody in the world would enter them. Kind of a big step to take.

The premade exploits all depends on methods to decrease the pool of potential players you can get matched up with in a single moment to vastly increase the chance of ending up in the same BG as your premade. So it’s not just as simple as “joining up at the same time” for most (except Russian realms).

But since you already seem to have accepted the inevitability of such, the solution is simple.

A solo queue for the casuals like yourself, where you get no rewards. No honor, and no rep.
Those are rewards which others needs to go through the real matchmaking process and succeed in to get, or get it the slower way by losing. So there’s no reason for there to be an “easy mode option” for people to get it in a much simpler way.

Because the key is to remove the motivation to perform premade exploits when such a matchmaking system is intended to prevent premades from queuing.

It’s what kept it away for so long in retail as well.

As you said yourself, it was “just for fun” or for some early rewards is all, after they had disabled this ranking system.

I pray you are right brother, if your words will find truth, then I will enjoy PvP again.

I’m already constantly queueing into WSG pugs, so I think we’re approaching a pugtastic experience very fast.

I would love that! Believe me brother, I don’t give two flying cents about my rank or even getting rank 8. My T1/T2 Gear is more than fine and I can take on r12+ players as equal in 1v1.

Hope that your words are true brother. I’m really waiting for those premades to decrese because believe me, I would def spend 3+ hours per day in pug Battlegrounds.

threads like these make me want to stay at level 59 where I’m currently kicking axx every WSG match.

I agree. Tried 3 wsg tonight and faced 3 premades. I managed to kill a rogue while they were farming our gy. That’s all I could do.
No fun at all, no honor…

I dont see the point to match full geared and organized team against pugs.

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