Press F Mythic Dungeon Tools?

From today, we can say that this addon has become paid, since Nnoggie made the base for this addon paid through twitch or patreon. From version v3.3.5 to v3.3.9, the addon requires a base to work. If he sells the base for the addon, then it turns out he is breaking the Blizzard rules, right?


There’s an alternative already mate


All the features are in the addon. All he is doing is selling data. It’s not a violation of the ToS, otherwise any addon that allows importing paid data would be in violation, including ElvUI, WA, TSM, RIO, and so on.

There’s already alternatives, so just forget MDT and move on.

Thanks for the answers, I somehow did not notice this topic that was linked Clapsin

i just reported it to blizzard support, blizzard twitter feed also filled with reports.
He author took off all the addon versions from curse, nuked everythign down, disabled comments, if u want the addon FUNCTIONALITY u must pay.
He will get banned for sure, also curse forge said (is a reddit post with their email) that they will remove the addon.
Report it and cancel the author, this is a trash move that must be dealt with swiftly, and made an example, so others think twice before trying something like this


hey player, i download the addon, it shows nothing
what i have to do to make it work? Ty

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The functionality is there, the data to make use of it, is not. You can supply your own data, and it will work.

It is a trash move, but he’s well within his rights to do what he did, and it does not violate the letter of the ToS.

Map your dungeons, and supply the data. Then it will work. The functionality is there, it’s the data that’s missing. Subtle, but there is a difference.

I agree there’s alternatives and we should just move on… But…

There’s really not much difference between data and code, really…

But there is a difference. A subtle one, maybe, but there is, and that’s enough to not break the ToS.

Meh… Not really.

Yes, really. Would you call a list of numbers code? A list of coordinates code? Is a telephone book, a contact list code?

Let me put it this way: we all, Human beings, can poop. Obviously it is against laws of nature to prohibit someone from pooping.
Now if I don’t wanna share my poop then this becomes a whole different topic.

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Like binary code you mean ?

I get what you mean, but if you create an app that requires data to run properly then that data is part of the app. Without it, the app is not only useless but most importantly not usable, incomplete.

Another way to put it is: try to strip all the data from any particular app. Let’s say for example, strip the data from world of warcraft. What is left ?

Or in other words, what is data and what is code ?
Try to answer that question, honestly. You’ll see the separation between the two is much more complex and blurry than a straight line.

how can i do that thing?

No. A list of numbers, like powers of two.

So WeakAuras is against the ToS, because it is 100% useless without the actual weakauras, and it doesn’t come with any.

As long as the functionality is there, and you can import the data, it is not against the ToS. You don’t have to import his data. I’m sure someone else has lifted out the data from old MDT releases already - you can just use that.

In this particular case, the thing we’re talking about is a list of coordinates, counts, and a bit of information about NPCs. It’s like a map with points of interest. That’s not code.

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I don’t get what is all the fuss about.Isn’t he removing only the DataBase?The data which can be imported?
If i can still make my own rotes what exactly is the problem?Aren’t people exagerating a bit?
If i can Import and Export my own data so what if the Outher made his own DB payed?I just don’t get it. :thinking:

You can’t make a route without an NPC database, that’s why people are upset.

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If you update your addon right now it will be empty. No mobs or anything so you won’t know any count

Axxx understood.Thank you for the clarification.

Then i am not updating untill i have a reliable replacement lol.I still don’t know the % count as a tank.So that will be bad.