Press F Mythic Dungeon Tools?

I’m hesitating between these two replies:

  • Well, I surely wouldn’t pay for a list of powers of two.
  • Like the numbers in the tensors of a neural network, then ?

Which one do you prefer ?

I surely did not paid to get any WA or to create them myself. So, what are you saying, here ?

In this case, we’re looking at a map with points of interest. Whether you pay for one, or use a free map with such info, is up to you, but both are perfectly legit.

Nor do you have to pay for NPC data. You can create your own, or source them from someone else. On the other hand, there are plenty of people giving their WAs and ElvUI profiles to subscribers or patrons only - doing the same thing Noggie is doing with MDT NPC data.

So should WA and ElvUI be banned then? Because there are people asking money for data you can import to them?

Apples and pears.

WeakAuras and ElvUI work 100% without paying anything. That some users offer their settings to subscribers is a second, unrelated, matter.

MDT is as they say a tool to plan your route in M+ dungeons. Well that functionality doesn’t work unless you pay for the data. This is extremely fishy and imo a violation.

Some mentioned RIO. The RIO addon uses the same data for every user. It just differs how often your character progression gets tracked by their servers. Completely unrelated.


So does MDT, if you import a free NPC dataset. There’s already such datasets, so the situation is quite similar!

No it doesn’t. You can’t plan anything without that data? They literally say their addon does something it cannot do by default…neither WA nor ElvUI play such tricks.

It doesn’t without the NPC data. WA doesn’t work without actual weakauras either.

Correct. Just like WA is 100% useless without actual weakauras. So grab a free NPC database and go your merry way, without paying anything.

They do not, the readme clearly says that NPC data is not included. They’re not playing tricks, they’re being honest.

They’re also not the only source of NPC data.

Yet you have all the tools needed to create one, it’s all baked into the addon already.

Their description:

Mythic Dungeon Tools is a Mythic+ Dungeon Planner AddOn which helps you perfectly plan out your strategies and pull patterns in Mythic+ Dungeons. When done planning the route can be exported and shared via a paste string or send to party members ingame so other users of the AddOn can see what you have planned for the dungeon.

It doesn’t work as advertised by default. Simple.

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But, when I started to use WA long ago, I had no weak auras at all. I created them myself, using the WA addon. So, it sounds like WA does work without having to download any WA if you don’t want to.

he nuked the option to make own routes also, only import works
pls say how can i make own routes, i have this addon for free, the addon framework does not provide and sheet for me to make own routes , only IMPORT button is active
ty, i wait ur response

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MDT has the import NPC data feature too.

You forgot to copy & paste the next section:

Dungeon Data for all Shadowlands Dungeons is available to Twitch subscribers and Warforged Patrons in my discord: [link]

It’s literally 2 lines below. It works as advertised by default.

mdt has no import npc feature is been disabled
is just an EMPTY framework with no data no maps nothing
if u want anythign u need to pay
how can i import mobs data? Pls say

Can’t even compare the two. It’s like having to import the structures and setting pages into the WA addon. Makes no sense.

Not really. All fine that it is available somewhere, but it did never say in the description that the CORE-functionality is missing BY DEFAULT.

It’s like advertising a working car, but writing in the readme that the engine is missing…

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Oh, I know how !

You have to get into the code and change it yourself so it works properly.

Or, you know… You can just download the GPL2 fork version which is completely free and works out of the box… /shrug

You can also create your own NPC dataset without downloading anything. It’s a little bit more effort than creating WAs, but it can be done entirely in WoW, without downloading anything.

You can also use a free NPC dataset, so you still don’t have to pay.

Since you can use the addon without paying anything, and you can use it at full functionality without payment of any kind, it is not against the ToS. Simple as that. The ToS doesn’t say how easy or difficult it should be to do that.

It does, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to import Noggie’s NPC data either.

You don’t.

Google is your friend. Find a free dataset.

The ToS does not regulate how easy or difficult using an addon should be, though. Can you do it? Yes. Then it doesn’t violate the ToS.

(Still a trash move, but not against the ToS.)

The core functionality is there. Data is not functionality, as far as the ToS is concerned.

Data makes a functionality possible, otherwise that functionality is called a framework. Again, it doesn’t work as they say it does. But we won’t ever agree on this so let’s just agree to disagree.

Of course. I also can write my own addon, you know. That’s a little bit more of an effort, but… What the hell are you trying to say here, seriously ?..

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dude , how to create routes? it has no option? how to do it?
he disable everything but import his strings, after u pay for them, what are u blablering about?

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You can’t do that without tabbing out of WoW, though. You can create an NPC dataset entirely within the game.

I’m saying that what MDT does is not against the ToS. Is it a trash move to remove NPC data? Yes, it is. Is it against the ToS? Nope, it is not.

You import an NPC dataset, and you can create routes.

He did not. He removed the NPC data. Import a dataset, and you can create routes.

Have you ever heard about WA ?

From there, we should probably paste the section of the ToS concerned by the issue.

Then, we could argue about what is data and what is not.
Pretty sure I could make an argument about how an actual program is not the actual code but only data and that the core feature is just some kind of launcher, though.

u can import npc data on the gpl 2 fork ok
u cant import any data on HIS version tho. NO MAPS, nothing, is just an empty framework basically, with nothing on it