Press F Mythic Dungeon Tools?

Holy ***, talk about ruining your entire reputation in one move. What a manbaby

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That wasn’t there 4 days ago, that is the entire point

Hey player, lets put this in simple words for simple minds like my own, what u are saying is that he is selling his “own” maps with in game textures and poligons, owned by blizzard and made by blizzard, for real money?
aka he takes from blizzard servers some data, rearanged it into his empty framework and sells it as mdt routes?

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that data is not his to sell tho?

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Yes. What’s that to do with creating your own addon?

  1. Add-ons must be free of charge.

MDT is compliant, the addon itself is free of charge. There are also free datasets, so no matter whether we treat that data as part of an addon or not, fact is, you can still have a fully functional addon without any payment.

But lets expand on this:

All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.

The addon is distributed free of charge. There are no premium features - every feature is included with it. He doesn’t charge money to download the addon. He doesn’t charge for services related to the addon. He doesn’t charge for access either.

He’s charging for data. Data you can get elsewhere too, the addon can be fully functional without any kind of payment, so it is not against the ToS.

  1. Add-on code must be completely visible.


  1. Add-ons must not negatively impact World of Warcraft realms or other players.


  1. Add-ons may not include advertisements.


  1. Add-ons may not solicit donations.

Compliant. Note: this is about in-game soliciting. Having a patreon/twitch/whatever link on CurseForge is fine, and isn’t covered by the ToS.

  1. Add-ons must not contain offensive or objectionable material.


  1. Add-ons must abide by World of Warcraft ToU and EULA.


  1. Blizzard Entertainment has the right to disable add-on functionality as it sees fit.


I do have the addon open, I did import an NPC dataset, and I can make routes.

Because 4 days ago it was still included. The readme was updated very shortly after the NPC data removal last night.

Nope, he is not.

Nope, he doesn’t. The data he is selling is something he worked hard to assemble, it is not provided by the game out of the box, not in an easily accessible way. He did way more than rearranging existing information.

It is, it’s his work.

Well yeah, but he still killed his own addon in less than 24 hours. Even if let’s say I buy it, I can’t share routes with anyone cause they haven’t bought it so they have no data making the addon completely useless to make sure you time your keys as a group

Yup. But that’s allowed too. You can render an addon useless, you can remove it from CurseForge, you can cease development, whatever.

the data he is speaking about are actually in game assets, that he does not own, and he has no right to sell
Are the models of his npcs on his maps , and the maps themselves different from the in-game actual looks?
Seems you get the things twisted and going out of your way to defend what can not be defended.
You can’t copy wow models and sell them. You just can’t, my friend. It is clearly against tos lol
If u make a copy paste of your forum avatar even (not even speaking about in game assets now) and post it in twitter and blizzard decides that they do not like that, they can strike you down.
Everything is owned by BLIZZARD, every bit of data. You can not sell it because you REARANGED IT.
Against, you try so hard it’s not even funny, and sorry for my spelling (dyslexia ahoy…)

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They’re not. What he’s selling is a list of NPC info: coordinates, count, NPC ids, that kind of stuff. That’s it. No game assets or maps or any of that sort. You’re completely misunderstanding what the NPC data is.

It looks like this:

literally everyhting in his addon are blizzard art. Data or not, list or not, it belongs TO Blizzard, the info of said npcs, everything.
Or are u telling me that the npcs in his import are different than the actual in game model?
The maps on his import are different tile sets than in game model also?
Dude… get a grip of yourself, seriously.
You do not sell Blizzard assets.
Are his avatar icons difefrent from Blizzard in game ones, used for npcs, bosses? Just curious, he made them in photoshop?
(dunno if you know but Blizzard SUED before for this, thats how serious this is)
So, is the artwork (npcs, maps, bosses and data) different from in game one? If so, to each their own. If not, then it belongs to Blizzard and can not be sold
The very accoutn you and i are posting from are owned by Blizzard and are laoned to us

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The addon is using blizzard assets, yes. As provided by the game. None of that is part of the data he is selling.

Every map you see in MDT, is in the game files. They’re not part of the addon.

You don’t, and neither is he doing that.

thanks for proving my point, and ofc it is provided by the game. Whos game is that, his?
what kind of data appears on my screen when i pay and import his “work”? What is he using, to give value to his work? Is he using client data or he made his own textures and maps and npc models in photoshop?
Holy smokes dude…
[“characteristics”] = {
[“Taunt”] = true;
[“name”] = “Inquisitor Sigar”;
[“health”] = 240300;
[“displayId”] = 93070;
[“creatureType”] = “Humanoid”;
[“level”] = 60;
[“count”] = 20;
[“scale”] = 1.5;
All of this belongs to Blizzard, he is repacking it and selling it. TOS, grosly. And then he hooks the in game models, also TOS because he is making use of the game assets for personal monetary gains.
We could go on and on and on…

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You’re quite dense, are you.

You see the map in the game files, with NPC data laid on top of it. The map is from the game files, the NPC data is his work. You see a combination of the two. He’s not selling the former, since it’s not even part of the addon.

His work is the route planner functionality, and the NPC database. The database that includes NPC coordinates within the dungeon, how much count they give, patrol paths, linked groups, that kind of stuff. That’s quite useful information, and not easy to assemble. Quite valuable work, which he did.

If that violates the ToS, every single addon does, because they’re all using APIs and assets provided by the game.

No, he does not. The paid part is the NPC database, which is not provided by the game, but has been researched and assembled by him, manually.

If you don’t understand how MDT and addons work, please, just shut up.

also banning any person for giving any feedback … THAT MUST TO BE STOPPED

when u /mdt, u get his map, it doesnt open world map. You get his map with his npcs.It is a hook from the ingame asset, and he has no right to sell it. Like, zero.

for what i know, this is the only addon that repacks blizzard data and sells it as “his own work”. Care to provide any other addon that does the same and ask money for it? Maybe i have missed that? Weak auras? DBM?

The npc data is provided by the game, it literally sits nicely in a folder server side that can be accesed in game with tools. He did not write or invented that data., lol. It’s not his to sell.
When you pay, you get his import. When u get his import, you get all the blizzard assets reaagned in some fancy windows, with mods on the side telling you what they do or do not, all in game textures, all blizzard art work. But, repacked and sold by this guy, who clearly never heard of intelectual property and millions ppl got sued for

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ofc they are not part of the addon, because he just copy those from blizzard IN GAME ASSET, and repacks them then sells them as a “route”
TOS, and intellectual property theft easily if not fgranted permission by Blizzard specifically (i highly doubt Blizzard did or he even contacted Blizzard)

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  1. Add-ons must be free of charge.
    All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.



Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features

What he’s doing is a for-pay feature, lol.

You’re missing the second part…

What he is doing is a premium version for pay