Price Update on Subscription for Turkiye

Dear Blizzard Team,

I would like to express my concerns regarding the upcoming price changes for World of Warcraft® subscriptions and game services in Turkey. The scale of these price increases, approximately 250%, is a significant adjustment that will heavily impact players in Turkey.

I understand that as Blizzard, you regularly evaluate your pricing policies based on global and regional market conditions. However, considering the current economic situation in Turkey, including the exchange rates and reduced purchasing power, such a large increase will likely limit access for many players.

World of Warcraft has been a passion, a community, and a source of joy for millions of players worldwide for many years. As players in Turkey, we have always been proud to be part of this incredible community. Unfortunately, such a drastic price hike may deprive a significant portion of local players of this experience.

We know Blizzard values community feedback, and for this reason, I kindly ask you to reconsider the pricing for Turkey and adjust it to a more accessible level.

Thank you.

[edited - please post in English on these forums - thank you]


The monthly subscription is currently €13 which is roughly 475 TL. With the new localized price to be set at 400 TL, what is the point of price localization then?

A mere 75 TL discount? Ridiculous.


While many alternative games have regional pricing, unfortunately, increasing the prices of our favorite World of Warcraft® will also cause loss of players. This revision may be reconsidered.


I just noticed the updated pricing for in-game services, mounts, and transmogs, and I am quite confused. What is the purpose of price localization if the prices are same as in the EU prices, but just converted into Turkish Liras?

This just contradicts to the idea of regional pricing, which is supposed to make purchases more accessible based on local economic conditions? Lmao.


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Been playing on wow tokens for the past 7 years. Same with buying wow and hearthstone expansions.

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AFAIK, the WoW tokens are disabled in Türkiye, which makes it even more ridiculous. :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_lulmao:

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oh man that sucks sorry

Economy of Turkiye is not great but not bad either.
Stop behaving as if you are from starving nation when you aren’t.


I also don’t understand why Turkiye feels so “special” and act like they are a natural disaster torn country with a country wide famine and people barter there with chickens and lifestock. Eastern Europe is no rose garden either and those 13 eur for some is serious cash. With the EU economy at whole, some might argue that even in Germany people are not “sweeping money off the pavement” anymore…





When I saw that article, I was like, "Wait, they play WoW, O.o? " When I was there on holiday, I couldn’t use Discord because it was banned there. How do you guys bond without Discord?

Turkey has inflation rates of over 75% this year. It has had issues for some time now. Turkey more than most is affected by energy prices, Something that the whole world has been educated with of late. Erdogan refused to increase interest rates. He has eventually conceded this year, but has been left far too late.

If you have no idea about a subject I suggest you don’t join it with that kind of vitriol.


Lmao do you even have a turkish community manager? At least consult someone before you act. Even though those prices are lower than the currenct EU prices if u do the math for exchange rates it still is way too high for a game that has no localization support and such. Releasing a re-skinned Forbidden Isle, making a ring that is completely useless and timegated. No Dubs, no subs. What make you think that you deserve that much money? Wake up blizz, fix your aRPG and Moba based shooter before they die from Rivals and PoE before you go make adjustments on sub price on Turkey lmfao. Even ESO has better pricing than y’all


The 200% increase on some products is just insane and very punishing towards turkish players… I’m afraid this will only push people -who are already struggling to keep up the sub with minimal disposable income- away from the game, especially in a country with 50%+ yearly inflation and no corresponding salary increases across the board…

Wow has been a great escape for me and players like me for almost two decades now, It looks like we’ll need to find a new home pretty soon.


I’ve been playing World of Warcraft® Classic since it was released. I’ve never seen that they pay attention to the reactions and suggestions of us, the people who live and play in Turkey. You asked them to reconsider this issue as a justified rebellion, but I honestly don’t think anything will change.

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Not with that attitude

What a stupid thing to do. Probably some intern who lives in USA got hurt from the prices in Turkey suggested that let’s increase the prices because people in Turkey didn’t suffer enough with the inflation. Some services are increased x2, some are increased x3. It isn’t even stable in itself let alone the inflation in Turkey is straight up bad and Blizzard is making Turkish players life extra hard with these changes. Hope they revert or maybe just increase the prices maximum of x1.5.


You dont have to have an idea.

I have visited DRC, Egipt and Turkey recently. The difference is stark.

Turkey has its problems that is for sure. Nobody is saying that. But its far from the situation of other countries, not to mention your neigbours in the region.

As for price hikes, you said it. 75% inflation. What does that mean exaclty ? It means busineses increase prices, but your bank account does not. That is what it means.

So dont be surprised by this. Blizzard simply does the same thing your local baker does. And if you cannot ask your local baker to keep prices stable (and go out of business as a result) then you cant ask blizzard to stop a price hike.

You also cant ask Türk Petrol to stop increasing fuel prices. Why would you ask Blizzard to run its services at a loss ?

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I can understand Bli££ard needing to cover costs for a ROI.

That doesn’t give you the right to ridicule/gaslight someone in a difficult situation. To say Türkiye does not have issues is vastly off the mark. Inflation hits those on the lowest income hardest. Türkiye has the sixth Highest inflation problem in the world ATM.

Spouting GDP means nothing. It is a statistic that carries very little bearing on the commoner in the street. Türkiye is 6 places lower in GDP than Russia atm who has massive issues. It is also 4 places behind Korea who are much better off. GDP is only a measure of the country as a whole. It does not take into account population size or wealth distribution.

I’m from fricking Libya and I’m forced to pay the same prices as EU and we have it way worse than you, I don’t see why Turkish players should be treated differently.

this ^^^

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