Price Update on Subscription for Turkiye

isnt it a good change for you ? from my visits in Turkey you lot prefer euro / usd and want always to get rid of liras as fast as possible :slight_smile:

The UK has had 2 price hike since then and we dealt with it.


tbh we are all gonna face sub hike at some point

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In addition to citizens of EU countries, citizens of African and Asian countries also play on EU servers. Citizens of many of those countries, and when i say many i literally mean many and not a few, are in much worse economic conditions than citizens of Turkiye.

‘Nobody’ from any of those countries has ‘ever’ asked for price reduction because they don’t feel entitled to cheaper WoW which is kinda luxury and not a basic commodity, while “Turkish Lira” threads are appearing regularly.

These “Turkish Lira” threads are only reinforcing stereotypes about Turks.

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I am not sure if you are replying to me or Furyeclipser. But just in case its to me:

Well understand the following: If blizzard runs its service in Turkey at a loss, it has to compensate that loss with earnings somewhere else. Namely, EU.

So you are asking EU citizens to subsidize the service in Turkey. Which is a big NO.

If you want a Turkish language WoW, with your own Turkish servers, you pay for that service. And if prices go up because of inflation, then they go up. Bread will be more expensive. Fuel will be more expensive. Cars, rolex watches, food… Internet… and of course… WoW.

That is not EU’s problem. And definetly not Blizzard’s problem.

As for people in difficult situations… there are also people in EU in difficult situation. We got a good social security and we voluntarelly give money to help the fellow citizens in need. But nobody in their right mind would allow that help to go into a videogame.

So why sould Turkish people in “diffiult situations” get subsizided WoW?

Compare ANY metric of Turkey with ANY of your middle eastern neigbours. You dont need to go all the way to asia for examples.

And Turkey is absolutely not in the bottom list of people that need aid. Turkey is a country that full of able bodied citizens that know what they are doing. And are more than capable of runing a country.

Plus your history. You had empires. Multiple times. Turkey is far from being bad.


I gave you a metric - inflation. I never mentioned that Türkiye was the worst off. I simply stated that the response was vitriolic and unnecessary. There is enough toxicity in this game without condoning what looked like racism to me. I am not against the price rises either. Bli££ard are not a charity and they have a duty to make a profit.

I am not from Turkey. I do not have middle eastern neighbours. However, we do have a local shop owned by a chatty guy from India. I doubt that counts though.

I am amazed to see some people supporting one of the richest companies against players who just love and want to play the game. Those people are tanking your keys, buying your goods from auction house and joining your guilds/pug raids - going against them won’t bring you anything good out of it.

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I’m all for this provided they also reduce the sub price in my country as well.

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To be fully candid: Discussions like this, where the very people that are still paying less than everyone else, esp less than those that are in many cases even worse off like Africa, South America or Oceania, but still complaining about it going up like it´s teh end of the world, are the entire reason most companys don´t offer regional pricing at all. Full stop.

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Look, all the love for Turkish people as I don’t want anyone to stop playing because of economic considerations BUT WoW is a hobby and a luxury.

Lots of people around the world have it rough and I am not being insensitive right now. It is a fact.

There’s plenty of nations all around the world with economies that struggle severely and some folks barely make it through the day. I have family in Egypt and let me tell you, that WoW sub is something really big.

Unfortunately capitalism is a beach. It treats everyone the same, regardless of their buying power.

I don’t know why WoW tokens are unavailable in your country, but they should be, as it is a way to keep the sub up without paying real money.

I wish you all the best and I hope I didn’t offend anyone.


We have a strong economy, I don’t understand why you are raising prices at such a low rate, insulting us. It is unacceptable for a country that leads the world.

The responses you are getting ARE necessary.

What were you expecting ? For people to be OK with Turkey paying less because… they are Turks ?

Like WHY ? I live in Belgium. Things are also expensive here. Housing went up by 50% in the past 4 years. And I also would like for things to be cheaper here. But they aren’t. So I deal with it and vote for appropriate politicians to do something about inflation.

I mean… lets be honest here… you know how your Greek neighbors avoided rampaging inflation ? With austerity measures. They had to deal with it for almost 2 decades.

If anything, its the Greeks that deserve a break. Because what happened to them was decided in Brussels not Athens.

Unlike the Turkish inflation. Which is a problem caused by Turks to themselves.

That’s not it. Its about fairness.

A corporation also has costs to maintain. The EU servers are not free. The free expansions we get are not free. All the devs are not free. And energy prices go up for me AND any and all companies that rely on energy. For example servers.

And I for once am tired of the west subsidizing the rest of the planet. All that extra money comes from MY taxes. Which my grandsons will end up paying for.


Are u aware that they doubled the prices ? Do u think they weren’t getting any profit before then?

You think the Turkish market even comes close to EU and US market ?

Besides. EU and US sub has not changed since 2004. And my suspicion is because we have the income to spend 90$ on a Brutosaurus mount and the Turks dont.

But if you are going to talk bad about corporations, why focus on Blizzard ?

Why not focus on Blackrock, the Panama Papers, or… Talking about Turkey… any of THESE companies:

So fix THOSE ones first. The ones that are literally stealing money from the people. Or all the shady deals Erdogan makes… which dont need an official investigation because its clear as water what is going on… :smiley:

THEN come back and complain about Blizzard and its 0.5% stake on the Turkish market.


The increase in prices is in the interest of many Turks. There are many people among us who sell gold. They only do this job and do not care about the game. Few people actually play. Unfortunately, the game is getting worse and worse and the number of Turkish players is already low compared to previous periods, forums are empty, Facebook groups are empty. There is no interaction. Except for people who do business. I think you should increase the price even more, this is better for us. The fewer players there are, the better it will be for them to realize the mistakes they have made.

I wish they would also stop buying game time with tokens. For example, they should clean out those who do not really play the game but play it just to make money.

Some companies like local pricing, some don’t.

I never really knew about Turkey’s special treatment, my country has a 1:3 income parity and yet we pay full price for WoW, instead of an income equivalent 5€ (or 4).

Some streaming services have proportional discounts - and it works, considering that unlike a few years ago, nobody talks about downloading but these services. (Surely people do, but it’s not the way to go.)

Turkey price was supposed to be an update. The economy in Turkey does not bind this game. Why do people in Europe or the US pay more? If the economy in Turkey is bad and the currency is worthless, this is Turkey’s problem. A product cannot be marketed according to the market of the country in which it is sold. Also, everyone knows that all Turkish players do a lot of boost transactions and sell gold for real money. With this improvement, fortunately these players will stop using the game to pay their household bills. Endless thanks to Blizzard officials for doing what is necessary.

they just adjusted to inflation

there is a reason why in Turkey even in smallest shops in smallest towns you pay with euro / usd and nobody wants liras .

Where did I ask for them to pay less? I simply stated that the vitriolic response waws unnecessary and just downright racist.

Again I am not from Türkiye.

No the problems in Greece were borne out of decisions made in Greece. The problems they had came to a head when the EU said they would not fund the bad policies of Greece anymore, and any bail out in the future would require drastic changes. This is not having a political view, it is history.
The problems of Türkiye are very much down to the management of Erdogan and his policies. They have come to a head because of the energy crisis the world has been hit with in the last 5 years. Economists have been reporting on the failures in Türkiye for many years now. It is a clear cut test case of how not to tackle inflation.

Without a doubt. WoW is not an essential service.
You could ask the question as to why we are paying so much more than less well off economies. If the bottom line really is the limit of Bli££ard, then why are some countries paying so little and we are paying a lot more.

This is a very narrow minded viewpoint and a politically subjective one at that. Since politics are not allowed here, I will simply ask you if you are happy with a large part of the world succumbing to dictatorships and corruption. This is the outcome of allowing some economies to go too far down the pan.
Because of the way the world economies are interlinked there is a benefit to helping some less well off economies. Remember the whole world suffered an inflation crisis of late; it was not a localised issue. There are fundamental reasons why that happened.

It is not racist to respect Turks enough to say that they are valid people that can deal with their own problems in their own country.

Fair enough. And its up to the turks to fix it. Not up to me.

I am not happy with the situation of some countries in the world.

But I will say this: The countries that are better off in the world did not get there magically. In EU specifically, after 4000 years of constant war and misery we had to climatically destroy the whole continent (and parts of others) two times in a row (including a couple of nuclear bombs) to understand that its much better to get along with your neigbours. Both personally (my neigbours) and nationally (other countries). The countries that are not well off are those that havent learned that lesson yet.

And meddling in other people’s affairs has never ended well. Interfereing with other countries and governments (for good AND bad) has had terrible results. 100% of the time. You can ask the CIA, KJB, and NGOs what they did in the cold war and the results that they produced.

So my personal opinon is: Dont interfere. For good. And bad. For big and small.

And that includes WoW price hikes. The turks are valid people deserving of respect. They are good enough to figure out a way to play WOW. And its not EU’s problem.