Price Update on Subscription for Turkiye

It is a difficult one. Politics are not allowed here for good reason, this best just stopped here.

Türkiye are part of NATO and have links to Russia that are a lot closer than I would like them to be. Just ask yourself, are you happy with a NATO ally descending into anarchy and allowing Russia to impose a much greater influence? Or do you think there is a valid case to stop the rot?
As I said there is a cost to allowing things to go too far. The whole world needs to work together these days. The sooner renegade leaders buy into this the better imho.

turkish currency is losing its value so it makes sense to bump the price . or you can pay in euros like the rest of us .

that depends on the leader who is sitting at the top. a wow subscription price increase wont change his mind on the topic or nato :thinking:

Politics are not allowed as you said.

But now that you ask the answer to that is an EU army. USA and Nato should get out of EU right now and stop interfering in our affairs.

ALL EU toguether as one would be the 2nd biggest army after USA. The russians can try if they have the guts to put 1 foot in Poland. I dare them to do it. Double dare them.

Its the typical case of “mess arround and find out”.

I just checked the localization prices in Georgia, and apparently, they pay 34 GEL , which is roughly 12€. How can this even be considered localization? Lmao.

:slight_smile: I didn’t ask. I said Ask yourself.

I disagree with your opinion of removing the US and NATO from Europe. That has been a fundamental reason for the peace we have enjoyed for so long. Although, I am more in favour of an EU army now than I have ever been in the past.

I agree with you there. NATO had a purpose. In the 70s and 80s. And it did its job.

But times change. So should we.

I am trying very hard not to push a political opinion. So I will agree to disagree and bow out here.

From what I see, people are not capable to understand basic information. Let me give you some insights.

  • Bnet in Turkiye has been localised by Blizzard itself, to let Turkish people remain in the game after a failing economy.

Ofc it was a solution against a failing economy from a profit-oriented company. It was partly a good behaviour but also it was about to keep them players within the game.

A little side information here, if you are not living in Turkiye and trying to survive, do not care to comment how well we are doing. We do not… Thank to universe I am not in need and can still play the game even with the price change but many people won’t be able to. And institutional statistics online is not reflecting the IRL economical problems, here in Turkey. Don’t be fooled, think forward… I can explain more about it but I have to step into the politic soil, which I don’t want to really.

Anyway, the problem here is, if the price is going up and be matched to the euros again, why are we still buying things with Turkish Liras from Bnet and most importantly, why can’t we buy tokens again? If you are going to match Euro-TL then revert our Bnet to Euros again and give back the damn token availability.

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The only turkey i’m interested in is the one that’s on my plate in a few days.

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this is now one of the reasons why they changed the spelling :eyes:

What has this thread become? Why are people with no relation to Turkey or have sufficient knowledge regarding internal politics and everyday life there discussing military organisations and complex political matters in a mmo video game forum?
Blizzard hiked their prices by 2-3x on their offered services and it feels seriously overpriced given the current climate(and compared to other games in the market) while most people would understand and even welcome a 1.5x increase but this is just crazy and not well thought out in my opinion.


This sort of decisions will not be changed because you write on forums. This shows that Blizzard does not care active subscriber count but money. So that they doubled the price and will be content if they lose %50 of Turkish player base because they would still earn more money than the previous one. This also means that less load on servers so there can be further cost optimizations.

This is how companies with limited customer focus behave. And we should accept the fact that Blizzard is now one of them.

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Let the guy think it is still funny. After 100 years and a billion times, the same jokes were made. Do not ruin his/her dream; do not interrupt his/her badum tsss moment.

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I’m not sure if this is good or bad. You’re already spending so much money on a single meal, so paying this monthly fee for your hobby shouldn’t be a big deal.

I ate fast food today and I believe I paid much more. Besides, such cheap prices caused different problems in the game. Too many Turkish players entered the game and started selling gold/boosts to earn dollars and pay their monthly rent. You can see this economically in the game, for example, the price of flowers shouldn’t drop in 1 days when a new expansion comes out.

Before we gather together and ask why the monthly subscription fee has increased so much, it makes more sense to rebel against why a country is being marginalized, why there is no community manager, why you cannot get customer support in your own language, and why there is no localization in the game. We are talking about a company that does not take any action despite having more Turkish players than many countries with their own servers.

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Where do you live again? :slight_smile:

For example the WoW sub is 13 EUR = 5378 HUF (granted, it just sank by 5%)
The most sophisticated Mc/BK sandwiches are about 3000 HUF.
The median salary after tax is roughly 451000 HUF.
Renting a flat and its utilities typically takes 250000 from that.

Compare this to yours.

I’m sure the Turkish have sort of a similar issue.
The question is, should Blizzard localize globally or not at all. The current solution feels very much like cherry picking.

According to this, though
Youtube Premium is 1.7 USD in Turkey but 15-20 in West EU. It’s about 5-6 in Hungary.

IMO that has something to do with EU laws forbidding price gauges.

So if you sell something in the EU market it has to be the same price regardless of where the buyer lives.

Otherwise you would have insane situations where companies would gauge prices to the extreme. It has benefits and drawbacks. One of which is the situation you describe.

I’m not a lawyer though. So its an educated guess at best.

Because we live in a globalized world. Internal politics mean nothing on the grand scheme of things. Turkey is an independent country. But Blizzard is an international corporation.

And the world is a zero sum game. If Turkey gets discounts, someone else has to pay for them. Guess who ?

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Well it is also the question regarding fairness. Eastern Europeans are not living the life of luxury either and pay the same as Germans do. So how come Turkiye is the “special child” here who gets extra love?

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I wish they banned discord everywhere. It destroys socialising from within the game which ends up excluding others. But thats for another debate.

If WoW still didnt use the old 2004 “pager text” communication then there would be no need for discord.

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Are you working 8 hour shifts or 12 hours? :smiley: