Price Update on Subscription for Turkiye

yeah lets go back to the days of paying for a forum and teamspeak/vent to help guilds organise sounds a great idea.

I never said that. Also never used ventrillo to play WoW.

I express my support to the Turkish players!

That’s why the standard of living, despite the statistics drawn by Erdogan, is very low compared to Europe, and even against the background of the fact that utility tariffs have recently been raised, some by 446%, and I was not mistaken about the figure. Following this, prices for virtually everything increased dramatically, especially for groceries.

In Turkey, it is more a matter of survival in terms of life support, and no longer entertainment.

Considering that MS does not spend money on servicing the Turkish region, and according to economic theory there are two ways to make money, it is to sell for a high price. but rarely, or cheaper, but thereby to capture a larger number of buyers.

Unfortunately, after the takeover of MS, the new “effective” managers do not understand this!

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“Previously, the smart ones ruled the world.
It was cruel.
The smart ones forced the dumb ones to learn.
It was hard for the dumb ones.
Now the world is run by the dumb.
That’s fair, because
there are a lot more dumb people.
Now the smart ones are learning to speak so
that the dumb ones can understand.
If a dumb person doesn’t understand
something, it’s a smart person’s problem.
Previously, the dumb suffered.
Now the smart ones are suffering.
There is less suffering
because there are fewer and fewer smart people.”

NOBODY -literally NOBODY- initially asked Blizzard for localized pricing. Sure, maybe a few individuals mentioned it, but I’ve never seen any significant protests or campaigns from the Turkish community against Blizzard when Turkey was under EU pricing.

I’ve been playing this game since Vanilla, and this isn’t the first economic hardship Turkey has faced in the last two decades. Despite past challenges, Blizzard never opted for localized pricing until recently. I don’t know their exact motivation for making the change this time, but they did-and with it, they removed the availability of tokens. To be fair, this was probably to prevent abuse, but it still had a significant impact.

I remember when 1 euro was 2 liras, and we still paid in euros. I’d gladly pay 13 euros again if it meant keeping things consistent. I’ve never minded the cost as long as I wanted to play the game. So, what made Blizzard think Turkey was a “special case” for localization when other countries also have localized prices? There’s no meaningful benefit to this change for us.

Blizzard likely introduced localized pricing to retain customers after Turkey’s economic downturn, given the size of the Turkish player base. That was their solution under the previous management (let’s not name names but we all know who is that who-shall-not-be-named). I never thought Microsoft would end up being greedier than the old fart himself, but here we are.

I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but this is honestly one of the worst takes Blizzard could have. Let’s set aside the past and focus on the current situation. While localized pricing initially provided a significant benefit to the Turkish community, the updated prices have negated much of that advantage.

For example, the current price of 399.99 TRY is roughly equivalent to 11 euros, while the EU price is 13 euros. The difference is just 2 euros, or about 70 TRY. In today’s economy, 70 TRY is negligible and doesn’t justify localized pricing. It feels like a bad joke. Plus, when Blizzard introduced localized pricing in Turkey, they rightly removed certain features -such as the ability to buy WoW tokens with real money. Now, as they sneakily roll back the benefits of localized pricing, they’re not reinstating what they took away. That’s what makes this situation so frustrating.

Some might argue, “They’re keeping the TRY pricing to protect Turkish customers if the euro or dollar strengthens again.” While there’s some truth to that, there’s no guarantee Blizzard will follow through. After all, they had no issue raising prices from 199 TRY to 399 TRY overnight.

I’m not opposed to Blizzard removing localized pricing if that’s what they need to do. They’re a profit-oriented company, and they’ll act in their best interests. But if they’re going to revert to EU pricing, they should restore the features they took away, like paying in euros and the ability to buy tokens. Otherwise, this feels like an unfair and poorly executed change.

Someone else has to pay for doing what? What do you mean? It’s been and probably will always be 13 EUR for countries with unlocalized prices, it is not like “Turkiye” getting localized prices and discounts, so let’s raise the prices for Germany and France, so we can cover our loss that way.

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Individual requests.

One thread has 5 entries, the other has 14, and only one of them has 112 entries but it is varied as people were discussing the idea. Go find more threads, it will not change the fact, that the decision was never about the people asking for it anyway.

I want free mounts, every month, because I am living in a poor country. I am going to open up a thread about it. Will Blizzard honor my request eventually? Will I be getting free mounts, every month just because I asked just like that on the forum?

Oh, there way more threads beside those three. “Turkish Lira” threads are regular occurrence in past 4-5 years.

Did Blizzard decided to do localized pricing because of those threads i don’t know i am not psychic.
BTW, ‘everyone’ is paying in national currencies since Microsoft acquisition.

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OK, that’s my bad. I was/am not aware of that reality. If this is the case, it is understandable. However, Turkish price localization initially was way before the MS acquisition.

Yet, as I have said, I understand that MS and Blizzard are both profit-oriented companies and they are under no obligation to make such favors. I am not against matching the price to 13 EUR or going for EUR in Bnet again. Then they should bring certain services back in that case because those services were blocked here in Turkiye, to avoid abuse of price advantage. There is no advantage anymore. If 2 EUR different is a thing, just add it up and give back those services back. lol

Yes indeed before MS acquisition. Is that result of threads or not idk, but it certainly is not the case of nobody from Turkiye asked for localized payments when there a tons of “Turkish Lira” threads.

I am still standing against it. Individuals don’t mean anything. People keep asking things from Blizzard, for a long period of time, and some of those are the same requests from different people. Some are being granted, some are not. I haven’t seen people marching on the streets for localized prices, or protesting in Irvine campus gates, throwing tomatoes.

A person can ask for anything, anytime. Some will agree, some won’t. It wasn’t/isn’t and will never be a collective thing. For example, I have never seen those threads, and even if I had, I wouldn’t agree with them.

Regardless, I respect your POV too. It is a two-edged discussion without a middle ground anyway.

What do you mean?
I still pay in Euros despite it not being my currency.
As such all my prices increased by 25% in the last 5 years nominally, plus I also play for FX.
So despite earning the 3rd of what a German does, I pay more.

I’m pretty sure it’s the same with the vast majority of EMEA and likely worldwide. Most shops I know support up to 10 currencies (usually 1-5). Steam is the extreme with 37 but if you check their currency wiki they are down from 47.

You should have received an email a week or two ago about this. 30 days from receiving said email all currency transactions will go from euros to your local currency.
At this moment i also still pay in euros, but in like 2 weeks that will change.

Why should they not hike prices when every year they are getting less return because the Turkish government can’t control raging inflation? Turkey are raising the minimum wage by 30% in 2025.

Well, i wrote ‘everyone’ :stuck_out_tongue:
For me it switched to national one, hmm about half year ago, something like that.

I will not step into the political side, but even “non-govern. manipulated” inflation is way above that. That raise in average salary didn’t make anyone happy, even ‘his’ own community. so… again, if you are not living there numbers are just a speculation. Turkish citizens are always on the negative side of the account.

also that much raise on an average salary, is not a sign of “getting richer”, it is a huge indicator of a struggling economy. look at the average salary raise in developed countries by year, and you’ll understand.

Here is an example statistic,

h t t p s:// w w w

They last increased the subs in 2023 to the exchange rate equivalent of €9.40 per month.

At today’s exchange rate that is just €5.60 per month.

Sorry, but the increase is untenable: it’s not a charity.

This is what you do all the time, seen many of your posts, you’re one of the most awful whales on here. The hypocrisy is great. You’ll pay eventually


Why are you talking like you are representing the firm? :smiley: Thanks for clearing out that it is not a charity, I wouldn’t have guessed that if it wasn’t you.

Your argument is valid if you are living in a country that uses EUR as a currency. You can’t use the same argument for a country that is not using EUR. Yet again, it is not about what is the price in EUR. Your initial argument was about the Turkish economy, average salary raise, and inflation in the Turkish market and my answer was to that message. You assumed that the average salary raise is huge so, they should be able to cover the cost of the sub. That is so wrong in so many aspects and is a very basic economic perspective.

I don’t care if they raise the price or not, I’ll be playing anyway as I always buy yearly subs and I have an active sub until the end of 2027. I wouldn’t stop playing personally, even if my sub was monthly.

Be careful Icarus, they are a gang here and you can not question what they do and how they get offended when others do the same. They can mass report your posts and get you suspended when they are insecure and unable to provide any worthy argument. They will let “forum moderators” melt your wax wings, and you’ll fall.

Be careful Icarus, be careful… Don’t fly too close to the gang.

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Aye, Daedalus. I’ve seen the gang. I’ve fought with them and won. They scurried away that time, but returned much later breathing new life into their lies and cowardly tactics, hiding behind the “forum moderators” and their faulty forum rules. Preposterous, egregious behavior!

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