PRIDE event in WOW please! LGBT+ community needs it!

Rainbow representation was pretty much all I had in mind as well. Just small yet meaningful.

Dark Lady watch over ya’ll <3

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Get in your car and go into a traffic jam, there’s your straight pride.

By law, yes. In practice, not treated as such.

Funny how you relate racism to this while there’s no reason to bring this up :eyes:

Then you don’t know what pride stands for.

Sexuality isn’t politics. If that’s the case, being straight is inherently politic as well and I don’t see you complain about that.

Last time there was an organized straight pride (in the US), the only people that showed up were a few white supremacists. I don’t think people are really interested in that :joy:

Straight people are the ones forcing their agenda on those who do not fit their image.

I don’t really care about the celebration of Pride, this is where the marketing comes in and I don’t like that. Pride represents the fight against the oppression from cishet people that can’t except not everyone is like them. As soon as this month is over, companies go back to next theme they can hook into and I’d be surprised if they keep fighting for LGBTQ+.


I dont know where you live, but where i live nobody forces anyone to fit their image.



If you don’t see politics in this then i don’t know what to tell you. Sexuality is not politics, but shouting out loud in every media about that is not just sexuality, it’s to get some attention to mix another propaganda along the lines. You are STRAIGHT or are you GAY, there is no point in making riot about that, maybe you can see hidden second floor in this.

Raising awareness that it’s okay to not be straight? Sounds like you’re upset about that. being straight is normalized, it’s time to normalize not being straight. This is not politics like you think it is.

As long as people believe what you just said, we need to keep educating people. There’s no “straight or gay”. There are a ton of sexualities. I think we do need more riots about because schools are still not properly teaching about the variety of sexuality, as you’ve just shown.

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Sure, so let them be like other people, why those PRIDE marches etc? there is no other result than provoking others, being LGBT is still something new for many people, forcing it into their life won’t bring anything good, only shock and repel. Every change in culture must be smooth, LGBT with all these PRIDE marches are shocking people, it looks like vulgar riod instead of kind gathering of gentle people, so they are building hate against themselves instead of sympathy. They want to be everywhere in 1 sec, in movies/games/on the streets, we are bombarded by LGBT right now and while i have nothing against being LGBT, i’m not feeling comfortable with this spam everywhere.

Because obviously acceptance isn’t there.

If you’re being provoked by LGBTQ+ folk fighting for equal rights and against discrimination, not sorry to say, you’re on the wrong side of history.

BuT wOn’T yOu ThInK oF tHe StRaIgHtS?!

Being straight has been forced upon us for an eternity. LGBTQ+ folk have been around for thousands of years, constantly under oppression.

So shocking. People are not right in their head if they get shocked by a PRIDE march.

We LGBTQ+ folk are everywhere. We’ve been shunned into hiding because of straight people literally attacking and killing us for it.

Yes, because it’s time to normalize and no longer be oppressed.

Now imagine how it feels to be LGBTQ+ and being oppressed. You being “uncomfortable” is seriously the least of our worries.


Why are you shouting about your sexuality? Can’t you be happy Gay with your partner? You must inform whole community about that? This is triggering most people, i’m not running across the streets in my town shouting that i’m sleeping with my girlfriend every night. If you don’t feel shame and you are PRIDE then splendid, but you don’t have to tell every met people that you are Gay. In terms of legalisation LGBT relationships, marriages, this won’t bring any effect until church has so much to say in political sphere in a country.

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You honestly don’t know what you’re talking about are you? You don’t seem to understand anything about pride and why acceptance is needed. I haven’t even mentioned my sexuality yet you’re telling me I’m shouting about it.

I’m starting to believe you’re homophobic. I’m done discussing this with you.


I know exactly what i’m talking about, i don’t have to be wide open for other sexualities, i tolerate them and that’s enough, they are like water, they use every hole to cut into somewhere and that’s triggering. Done with you also, have a nice day.

First of all I couldn’t care less what your sexual orientation is. As far as I’m aware being anything other than straight doesn’t affect your ability to press 5 buttons and move from a fire. True equality is in apathy - every pug I play with is equally irrelevant the moment we end up in a group. The things that change this are 1) performance and 2) attitude. Again nothing inherently related to sexual orientation.

Personally I don’t think the majority of the player base is feeling loved during BFA. As for the inclusion part - looking at your gear - it definitely didn’t come from solo content. You’re included. Gratz!

The internet is a free place. In the context of the internet LGBT rights were never stripped away to begin with so celebrating that makes no sense. Furthermore if you want a representation of your community - why ask the developers? I’m certain that there are more than enough non-straight people for you to organize your own event and crash the servers (not your fault). That way you can get a genuine reaction from the community whose love and care you want to feel (wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you). Try to cram 3 raids of naked blood elves in Orgrimar, mount up on your unicorn of choice and spam Rainbow Generator on cooldown. Literally nobody is stopping you from doing that! If you’re as strong and independent as the rest of us - take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for a handout from the devs. As far as they’re concerned - they’ve done their part. They’ve provided you with the location, the unicorns, the male blood elves, the rainbows and the druids.

Orgrimar is cluttered enough post Cata and personally I don’t believe unicorns and rainbows fit the aesthetic of either capital city. Darnassus perhaps but F. You can have your fun. You can be proud. This is how you achieve everyone is welcome. The rest of us are excluded the moment its forced upon us! WoW is one of the few games that haven’t put coloured flags in their game to show support for a certain part of its community (at least not during the time I’ve been playing so I might be blissfully unaware here) and IMO thats a good thing. A lot of people log on to WoW to escape from the real world where this is shoved down our throats and it has no place in the game because what matters is if you can heal your group, not if you’re attracted to the tank!

And if you ever feel underrepresented - just go to Goldshire on ADEU. I’m sure every conceivable type of sexuality is well represented in the inn.


I just want to point something out. Not to blame anyone, not to point fingers. Simply stating it and people will make of it what they will.

Unless you’re affected by an issue, you won’t be able to fully grasp or understand it.
And that is where privilege (yes, I know I’ll lose your attention here) comes into play.
Just because you’re not affected or harmed by a situation, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Being idle and tone deaf towards society’s minorities is a part of privilege, and that’s where people can make a difference for themselves and for others.

I do understand people saying that they feel like the Pride idea is being shoved down their throats. Maybe in a way, it is, but that’s the only way most people in the LGBTQIA+ community get a chance at making themselves heard because, otherwise, they get pushed aside and ignored, only to go back into hiding.

I won’t stand tall and say that the community has never done anything wrong. Just like in every other part of society, there are those that protest with thought and intent, and there are extremists. Unfortunately, extremism is usually what becomes the face of a movement, when it ends up being publicized on any type of media channel.

However, extremism isn’t the norm. A simple demonstration of a full-fledged rainbow over Stormwind and Orgrimmar wouldn’t interfere with anyone’s gameplay and it would be a very clear sign that Blizzard supports their full spectrum of players.

Anyways, I hope everyone’s having a lovely day.

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I fully agree that I am obviously missing something. As for being idle and tone deaf - its not directed towards society’s minorities. It is directed towards the vast stupid and unreasonable majority. I’m not saying you’re either I’m just giving you and idea of how I judge people.

Now to touch on some key points:

  1. This is not the real world. Unless you’d like to talk about class/race balance - you’ve been given the same opportunity as everyone else in the game. Buy the game, make a character you think you’ll like, name your character and go kill boars. The boss’ loot tables don’t change if you’re not straight, neither does their HP, neither do queue times for BGs or dungeons. In the World of Warcraft you start off equal regardless of who you are outside of it. As for having to hide it in order to not get excluded from player interactions - when I started playing I was 12 or 13 and felt the need to do the same before I realized that almost nobody asked me in the first place. Granted it was private servers but I did end up on skype with some random people who didn’t give a damn - they just needed a tank or a dps or a healer so they could experience all of said world in the way its meant to be experienced - with other members of the community.

  2. Yes, what the public sees are usually the extreme ends to which a group of people is willing to go. Even more unfortunate is the fact that as stated above the majority of the human population is in fact stupid and will follow regardless of how the extreme end has gone off course. I like to believe that people with more than half a brain cell are smart enough to know the difference. Unlike some of the above posts yours seems more like voicing an opinion because you identify with the core values of your community rather than shouting phrases, which is great - the overall tone suggests that an actual civilized discussion is possible.

  3. I still don’t get why its the game developers’ job to represent a community. Furthermore I really don’t get why they should bring in a symbol of fighting against the inequality in the real world into a world where it doesn’t exist. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you and the community you’re part of don’t have a place in WoW - I’m saying that inherent inequality because you’re part of it doesn’t. That is a large part of the reason people came to this game in the first place - to stop being the kid that everyone made fun of in school and be an orc warrior, kill a dragon and smash its head on a pike for everyone to see and enjoy a world buff.

  4. On the realistic end - people aside from being stupid are generally aholes. This means that the event is likely to end up the same way as the funeral in classic. If there is in fact backlash from the rest of the community, IMO it should be directed towards the people who who felt this was needed hence why i am suggesting that the LGBT… community host it themselves.

  5. As for it not affecting people’s gameplay - I’d hearth to Dalaran but if I were you I’d check with the roleplaying community first. Step one tonot getting instantly dismissed and hated upon is considering the full effect your actions have on others.


Not going to make it into bullet points but, you’ve made some very interesting and valid points that I do have to agree with.

Yes it isn’t the real world and a lot of players use World of Warcraft as a form of coping. To that point of yours, all I can say is that I see two sides of a coin there, one being what you pointed out and the other, the validity that lies within being represented, as the game celebrates a whole lot of other events that are tied to real life and especially, to a specific period of time such as Midsummer, and pretty much every other event. I am aware however, that those events have nothing to do with community movements or social issues, HOWEVER, you could point out World of Warcraft’s Christmas celebrations as not being inclusive of all religions, and yes, that might be a bit of an extreme argument, but nonetheless, valid in my eyes.

To your second point, thank you. I try as much as I can to talk to people equally, whichever point of view they may be coming from.

Third, yes, there isn’t ANY inequality when you start out in the game. Everyone’s just a character, tailored to their preferences. It’s not so much the developers’ job to represent a community, rather than it is a sense of social responsibility, and please bear with me for a moment here.
I’m not saying everyone should exercise their social privilege to fight for others or to carry out deeds in the name of communities that are not their own, however, I can also point out that there are different generations playing, that may not have the same amount of support in real life that, for instance, I’ve had. That’s where the rainbow showing over Stormwind and Orgrimmar comes into play, to give, even one person out there, some comfort.

Maybe you’re correct, the LGBTQIA+ community could host the event in the game, but that doesn’t protect us at all from the “A-holes” that you’ve mentioned.

On your last point, I have to completely agree with you and that’s my fault. I didn’t take into account the Roleplaying community of World of Warcraft. Even though I still don’t see how a rainbow would heavily impact their gaming experience and immersion, I won’t say I’m empirically correct.

And, I ended up making it into a sort of weird bullet point thingy.

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If you’re not going to even try to make a compelling argument, and you’re simply going to spew a few words out to try to make yourself look smart, just don’t.

Plus, if we follow your train of thought, 90% of the world events you have in the game don’t fit in. Halloween, Christmas, just to name a few.

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cool, try again please.
the things you pointed are basically accepted by all and therefore create no conflicts of interest/belief/sexuality.

LGBT and the lot, do create a negative environment and i salute Blizz for avoiding, yet placing from time to time little references in game such has the gay couple inc in SL for example.

but go ahead, try to be politically correct all you want buddy.


Politically correct?
Where have I wrote about being politically correct?

As I see it, you’re trying to push forward your own narrative by mixing things up.
Also, and by all means, I don’t mean to offend you by saying this, but if you think belief and sexuality are “basically accepted by all”, then I’d encourage you to scavenge a little bit around on the Internet, read a few articles or even look around you in the streets every single day.

It’s not that hard to find the rejection when it comes to belief and sexuality.
Plus, if I’ve created a negative environment with my point of view previously, I apologize as that wasn’t my point. I do have to say though, you’re the one that came in treating the whole topic as “BS”.

Have a lovely day.

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Remember that whole ‘dont use our platforms for political things’ they had at blizzcon?

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No Thank you.
I dont want political shizz in my game.
I escape real life because of all these politics ruining society and making suffering and chaos.
If I wanted to be represented to be accepted by the majority, id do it in a game slowly and showing the characters behaving normally like most do in real life.
I dont need to tell others that I bang a chick/man, but if someone wants to get to know me I can introduce them my partner.
You know, like normal people have done for thousands of years.


Confirmed…90% of parade participants will be kidos trying to make mom and dad angry. Well done Shari… :pensive: