Prime Gaming Loot: Get the Tabard of Brilliance

And depending on what other games you play, there might be more goodies each month.

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It was never cool.

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(no idea if i used it right)

There is no such thing as “using it right”.

see showing my age a bit…

Pog is associated with something else entirely than what it was used for by the cool kids…

Funnily enough. Pog in its modern meaning still refers to those pieces of cardboard, which themselves got their name from a popular juice drink in Hawaii(?) made from Passionfruit, Orange, and Guava (POG).

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ohh i see, interesting :thinking:

maybe i was a cool kid after all lol.

The specific reason it came back into popularity as something to say was that two people were playing pogs on stream (Actual pogs, not online) and one of them made a face that looked funny when they did something cool. That face stuck as the default twitch emote “Pogchamp” which over time abbreviated to pog / poggers.

But yes, the whole “poggers” thing can be traced back to a relatively niche beverage from the 70s.

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that is actually a pretty cool bit of trivia.

mainly because i grew up collecting those addictive cardboard circles when i was in primary school.

i still have some of them laying around somewhere.

The only correct usage is never using it.

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What about to embarrass your nieces / nephews or other younger relation?

I’m the youngest in my family, but that works

Here i’m with spotify/netflix/disney/prime and 2x wow acc
not even feeling it.

Last time i did pirate a movie or a game was when Piratebay was still active
and that is a looong time ago…

Of course if you work for minimum wage it’s understandable to do that

You don’t need any streaming services, just download the shows you want


“Och Champion, N’zoth is threatening reality as we know it!”

Oh wow that sounds awful. How can we possibly stop this? I mean an Old God freed from its bonds sounds almost impossible to–

“Conveniently, N’zoth is focusing only on Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms!”


“By the way, got any azerite powder Champion?”

elite sets next pog

The added value is anyone that speaks twitch emotes is a person not worth speaking to. Something else in common with the rat.

No. Embrace late-stage capitalism, you know you want to. :moneybag:

Thank you blizzard and thank you amazon prime!

FYI prime is home for “the boys” aswell, if you havent seen it, make sure you do :smiley:

just use xdd have an adblocker it works awesome got everything :i