Pro and cons of classic wow (lvl 48 player)

So as someone who started playing wow at the very end of TBC and never experienced vanilla I started playing classic because I was hopefull one day they will add WOTLK servers but I really enjoyed classic and must say since the launch of classic I never touched retail and got glued to classic.

I wanna talk about my personal opinion on enjoyable and annoying things in classic :

1- No flying
2- The loot master is back baby
Oh how much I hate blizzard for removing master looter from retail
3- Class Identity
I played rogue for 5-6 expansions and classic is one of the best ones for rogue fantasy.
4-Gear has alot of value
You don’t get an epic item every 5 mins.
5-World is alive and everysingle npc in the world is relevant.
6-The old talent system

1- No jewelcrafting no inscription
2- biggest bags are 18 slots
3- Npcs run away into walls
4- Npcs cast spells through walls
5- low lvl quests only gives you 10 to 20 reps.
6- Not many mounts in the game


Inb4 fanboys come and circle jerk over statements such as “why u need more mounts go play ur roulette hello kitty collectibles bfa”.


From the cons I only approve of these to be valid really:
3- Npcs run away into walls
4- Npcs cast spells through walls

Others listed are not cons imho.


For me the biggest difference I found is that everything seems a lot more consequential. Apparently all those arbitrary restrictions like no mounts on low levels, lots of different stats and requirements, and all that are what made the game interesting.

I had just tried retail after having not played since WotLK and while I like a lot of the QOL additions, everything seemed like too much of a breeze. Dungeons are kind of BS when you’re just blowing through, possibly because of all that heirloom gear people have, I don’t know. It seems they cannibalized most of the game to accomodate high level players who just want to get their twinks to the end game content, or new players who want to play the actual new stuff I guess. I always thought the leveling process was the most enjoyable part of the game.
Also, the auction house is worthless if everything costs horrendous amounts of gold and you don’t have the kind of old money that everybody else seems to have.

I wish they made retail with all the content and the better visuals as engaging as classic is. Retail WoW seems like a bit of a waste of a good game in comparison.
With classic out it looks to me like they should combine both their games into one that has all of their respective strengths and none of their weaknesses.

It’s True tho. Mounts on the retail are ruined because there are too many of them. While Vanilla only needs few rare ones from raids, which we will get at least from ZG (I don’t count black resonating crystal). Outside of that we have a winterspring/ungoro raptor mount for Alliance/Horde, r11 pvp mounts when p2 is released, Strat mount and dont forget that getting cross race mount is pretty tough.

Con - Spell batching.

Actually it’s not a con it’s game breaking .

Not really, people would get used to it.

For me, this is definitely one important part why I think Classic is fun and Retail is boring. I only wish the first Night Elven Epic Mounts were available. Never managed to get one in Vanilla but they were far more beautiful than those armored cats they replaced them with. :cry:

It’s not even a con, it’s authentic.

Yeah, it really sucks that we can’t get old 100% mounts like white raptor. And reason for that - because Blizzard didn’t want people to feel incenitivized to lvl up “quickly” to buy it, but that’s a very weak reasoning.

A very rare minority care about “authencity” of things like these. Most of the players just want to have fun.

In before someone contributes nothing to the thread, oh wait…

In my own opinion not having many mounts is a good thing, because it means those that obtain one the cool rare mounts will stand and feel a sense of achievement, who wouldn’t want to stand in the middle of Stormwind with a Deathcharger while everyone else has a generic potato looking mount :hugs:

Also means I don’t need to worry about buying more mounts, still cant afford the level 40 mount but thats my own fault.

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not many mounts is actually the best thing.

mounts on retail have lost any value. even the coolest mounts you see at every corner. Like a new mount is cool for 10minutes but then just “okey”.

In classic tho it feels unique and rewarding to have the ZG tiger and see all peasants on their standard mounts =)

No, most of them want to bully 500ms players because they can hook up with 20ms :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk, I know authenticity is nothing special atm since Classic isn’t even properly Vanilla, but eh…

I’d keep the spellbatching personally, despite being able to get ~15-30 ms latency.

Going from this thread one would think Classic and Retail differ mainly in the amount of mounts available.

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clearly that’s all that matters lol

:grin::rofl::joy: World of Mountcraft

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