Probably an unpopular take

I think bladestorm is pretty boring.

It generates rage, but at the same time you also stand there whirling around like an idiot, doing basically nothing.

Ravager is far more awesome. It does what bladestorm does, but allows you to continue on with your rotation.


playing over 6 years warrior main. and ravenger is boring compared to bladestorm and its it annoys that u place it with mouse etc… ( at least the patched it that it slithly moves into mobs back)

but yeah what ur saying about ur eye beam… isnt it the same :wink: it stops ur rotation, traps you in a long stun - that u might cancel due to aoe, m+ affix etc, mechanics…

******troll posts…

No it doesn’t, eye beam only last 1/1.5 second at most, with high haste even less.

Ravager is an objectively better ability, the only thing they could do to improve it is that instead of using your mouse to place it down, it spins around you while you continue your rotation.

Aside that, this is not a troll post, not everything is a troll post because you disagree with it.

I prefer bladestorm over ravager.
While ravager feels better for pure dps it doesnt have the defensive component of bladestorm which makes you immune to slows and cc.
I often use it to clear traps in PvE and a well times bladestorm can make your enemy in pvp waste their stun.

ravager is just aoe with some rage generation, bladestorm is that plus CC immunity which is a great utility.

Add that to ravager.

Well that wouldnt really make sense.
And then they could just let you use your damage abilities while bladestorming instead.

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Actually, that’s not a bad idea.

You know how bladestorm had that passive that basically made storm cast 3 mortal strikes? Do that, but instead you simply cast abilities during storm, and maybe they could make it so, the more rage you spend, the longer the duration.

Now that would actually be awesome.

The only problem is that spinning around while casting abilities doesn’t really make a lot of sense, i mean, how the hell are you supposed to do that.

So instead take the idea of ravager, apply what we said here, and make ravager spin around you while you cast abilities, and the more rage you spend, the longer the duration of ravager, so that also means less downtime because you can use more abilities because more rage generation, so if you play really well, you could extend the duration quite a bit.

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yeah seems fun to me.
You could redirect your strikes while spinning though.
And using the momentum of the spin to strike a single target harder would also make sense.
And it would be cool if we got the hots animation of bladestorm.

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Yea, this would transform a pretty boring cd, to an awesome one.

It depends. Playing Arms it would be surely better spamming OP + MS with ss on cd. For a Fury BS is better since its duration is less aswell as the cd. Plus you got way more haste as Fury.

Yea, but we already found a good solution.

And sits their bieing Idle whenever the tank is forced to move… (Which happens ALOT)

Ravager is a poor mans Bladestorm.

That was the problem off the Necro legendary (Glory) and they did not want that. Hence they nerfed it.
They don’t want to create a massive gap between ppl that know what they are doing and… the majority off the community :sweat_smile:

Yea well, if we look at making things excessively casual friendly then the result is just a boring game.

Who cares about the top and the bottom, all that matters is upwards mobility. Can i actually improve and get better? The answer is yes, and if you have some people who cannot be bothered to learn a few mechanics, well that’s their problem, why should the gameplay suffer because of it?

If we used this logic for anything then they should also remove combustion, they should remove serenity, demonic, the enrage mechanic… See where i’m going?

As for the ravager question i already found a solution. The weapon spins around you rather than in a place.

Ravager is bland, it has no interesting gameplay mechanics, it’s usually pretty weak as an ability by itself, it’s clunky to use and the animations/sound effects lack balls. Bladestorm could certainly be much more interesting and meaty feeling but it’s far more fun than Ravager because it creates the anticipation of a powerful and impactful ability, which Ravager is not.


I definitely disagree with that, but a solution was already talked about.

From a burst/damage point of view ravager feels way stronger, because you keep doing your rotation while ravager also does damage.

In aoe it’s pretty insane.

Nah, ravager kinda sucks…It wouldn’t if it actually didn’t replace Bladestorm.

Ravager on AOE compared to Bladestorm is pathetically weak, the main function of it in the rotation in SL is to provide rage generation and to proc reck/avatar with signet. The actual damage of it compared to Bladestorm is just miniscule and with it being a placement it doesn’t have the same movement advantage of Bladestorm.

I mostly play fury when i do warrior, but i seem to distinctively recall that ravager was far stronger than bladestorm for both aoe and st.

It doesn’t really matter much anyway, that’s just tuning. I am talking about gameplay.

It was stronger only because it was adding an extra signet proc. If that legendary was not a thing then ravager would have seen no play. Heck, that build has been weaker than CS + dreadnought build.