Propose changes to Fdk. spec is DEAD

As everyone knows, FDK is dead in terms of mechanics. It seems that the changes in the bfa were made to make the spec unpleasant to play as much as possible.

Ice Pillar. Useless ability. It does not add any mechanics to the class: 15-25% strenght within 15 seconds with 45 of cd. That’s not a burst, it does not affect the rest of the abilities. The cd does not coincide with the strengthening of runic weapon and the Sindragosa breath (we’ll go back to this ability later). We need to wait 15 seconds before pressing the burst, or only 2 times press the ice pillar and keep it in cd for 30 seconds. That’s a nightmare, Why the developers did this. However, I have an idea: gcd on the ice pillar was introduced in the bfa… It is just an artificial addition of the gcd to the mechanics; useless ability. This is nonsense… The decision to add GCD to specs is nonsense in general. It makes a worse impression of mechanics. The motivation to make these changes is not clear, the explanations are fabricated, and, in my opinion, not logical.
You say that a skill without gcd doesn’t make any sense. Well, now we are use this unnecessary skill with the gcd, which is still useless and does not affect other abilities. Even though it now increases the strength due to the number of used runes, it is just a pathetic attempt to make this skill useful so we would try to spend more runes during its operation just to get few percents of strength for several seconds. Crutches’s goal is to justify the necessity of introducing gcd. The changes purpose was not to give significant abilities on the GCD, but simply to change this ability like that, so there is a reason to give it a gdc (which did not work out at all). This stupid and wrong approach in the game made the spec annoying.
They killed the spec.
Suggestion: give to the ice pillar 1 minute of cd and the make its action time 20 sec, so it will at least somehow reveal the feature of force stocking (the same situation as with the Valkyrie in the legion: 15 seconds is not enough to reveal such a mechanics, so they gave it 20 sec) And, of course, DELETE THAT DAMN GCD.

An alternative option: remove this ability from the spec and give it dh, let’s make them suffer as it’s too easy to press 2 buttons (by the way, their GCD was not affected in the rotation. That’s interesting; probably, the developers were afraid of hatred against themselves, because the class is very popular. But they decided to test the addition of GCD to the game on us, we are like test animals).

Strengthening of the runic weapon. For many years, it was an excellent ability, an integral part of dc, activation of all runes and the runic power without GCD. Now they removed everything and gave a miserable something, that looks like the burst. And, of course, they put it on GCD. The same situation as with the ice pillar, the abilities were changed to put it on the GCD. What they did is nonsense: runes – once in 5 seconds, and 5 rune forces during 20 sec. That is not enough, as there are only 5 runes and 25 runes force for 20 seconds. And at that time, the older immediate ability without GCD gave 6 runes. And now they turned down 15% hast to at least somehow make the GCD justified because for resources the spell remained the same. The legion had a talent – hungering rune blade. It was much more powerful and gave runes every 1.5 seconds instead of 5; that was a really good, and also instant ability. Now they gave us just a small piece of that, again, for to artificially add GCD. What for? Why are you doing this to us?

The Sindragosa breath. I think a lot has been said about this ability, and I can hardly add anything new. But I completely support the negative attitude towards this ability. It is a horrible, nasty mechanics. I have no idea why we have to play with it; it just looks like mocking and imposing of their vision of the class, although the concept of the class was already developed a long time ago, and the breath of the Syndragossa doesn’t fit into this concept, it’s just nonsense and violation of the canons. We loved fdk for that it was, and now that class, in fact, has been destroyed. I hate this ability, too. Two other talents would be great if the ice pillar had no gcd. The ice cover works well after the upgrade, but it increases the number of gcd from the ice pillar in more than 2 times, which is terrible; the extermination talent was also good and they worked fine together with ice cover.
Suggestion: swap obliteration and the Glacial Advance, then it will be possible to use obliteration together with icecap; that would be really cool. The pillar will also not roll back too quickly if you give it 1 min of cd. Also, the Glacial Advance can be used for aoe, as there is nothing more to spend the strength of the runes on besides the frost strike, and, in the aoe Glacial Advance and the Gathering storm will work well. An frost scythe will help to stock the storm, while the rune power which is always in plenty when playing with an frost scythe will be spent on the Glacial Advance (because the scythe is always spammed, and the wind and an frost strike in aoe is needed only to roll back the runes for the ice scythe),. TheGlacial Advance itself is a good talent that has never been used due to the lack of its competitiveness with the Gathering storm , but it is is good. There will also be an option with icecap and obliteration, just through a Frost scythe.

Of course, it is not only a dk spec which is problematic but all of them. There are no normal specs left in dk, all of them are destroyed. However, I decided to touch on the topic of fdk because I have to raid and I am extremely angry. The rest of the specs are unplayable at all.

I will express my opinion to the mechanical designers or whoever is responsible this from all dk: I hate you, from the very bottom of my death knight heart. I wish all the developers to play only for dk, not for dh and not for dh or rogue, but only for dk. Try what you have done.


I hate the breath build…however on the other hand I absolutely love the frostwhelp/icecap build. Pity it does so much less damage. But yeah if I weren’t casual and actually had to play frost for the guild I’d be pissed too.


OP I feel you and i agree with you completely

I main Fury warrior, but i’ve been in love with DK, specially frost

I only enjoy frost as dps spec but god damn the spec is unplayable, its very awful

and if you compare it to other classes i feel like the devs don’t even care about frost not even the slightest

and in order to be slightly effective you must a have a set of azerite gear with best single target trarts for Raids, and another set for best AOE Traits for mythic plus and still be bottom dps

I just played heroic raid and had 3 DKs in raid including me, 2 frost and 1 unholy

I was frost, my ilvl is 420, the other frost dk was 430, and both me and him were bottom dps, and both me and him got kicked at ashvane fight


Recently did ashvane in mythic. Just at that moment I was completely burned out. Now trying incubator in guild and… its even worse. So mutch troubles to do acceptable dps. I think no one class have so mutch troubles. Dont know how i will play on next bosses. And besides, on Azshara without pvp essence i’m useless. How do I get essence rbg if I pve


perhaps your troubles are that you are too focused on what a robot is telling you is better, even if it is completely unachieveable.

I mean there is always the frost strike build that doesn’t need to waste runes on remorseless winter but it unfortunately has almost no tailoring for in this tier, none of the pieces in the raid do killer frost and latent chill.

It’s sad really, coz i can’t actually play the way i want because the pieces are now either too low ilvl or on like a 1/200 chance once per week or something similar.

Icecap build need 3 icy citadel and a lot of crit and haste. then u have 3k less dps than sindragosa build if ur dps like 45-50k. And u taking a tonn of uselles gcd cause click frost pillar 2-3 times often. Thhats why i said need remove gcd, increase frost pillar duration from 15 sec to 20 and cd from 45 sec to 1 min

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I wish they made Frost similar to what blood used to be, a big hitting 2-handed spec but changed thematically to fit in with frost. It was dull for some but the slow paced hard hitting gameplay fits dk’s so well.


ya that’s what i hate the most, frost require so much focus and effort to do a mediocre damage and be able to somewhat compete with other classes

compared to classes like DH where all you need to do is press 1 button, or Paladin where you can literally go take a nap and comeback

im not asking to make it like that, but my dude frost require too much for so little


in Antorus it was well enough. I started playing frost again when they removed sindragosa. Everything was damn good. But they decided ruin it…


frost does not need the global removed, frostwhelp’s indignation has clearly shown us that pillar of frost should literally summon a pillar of frost, that is to say a giant ice spike that damages targets when activated, in addition to it’s normal effect.

Two builds:
1- current breath build with 2x1hander that’s primarily for aoe\m+
2- obliterate build that allows us to use 2hander again for Single target\raid

Then why not just use unholy which can literally do this exact thing…?

also, that is not two builds, it is just enforcing the frost dk to have to obtain 3 weapons to perform adequately as in, exactly why it was changed to have unholy as the big hitting 2-hand user.

We must be playing a different game as unholy is anything but big hitting. Most of it seems damage comes from various sources and is split over those sources.

if you don’t spec, then you don’t get. This has always been the case for anything.

Even frost is capable of big hits, people just refuse to spec for it because a robot told them something.

Doesnt matter then. Give 2h frost.

Funny thing is, when 2h Frost was on its knees and post after post asked for it to be killed it made it easy for Blizzard to do so. And jesus did the community happily dance on its corpse…
Turns out 2h Frost, even during its last breath, was more fun than anything Frost today.

Just return 2h Frost, remove and never bring back BoS and hire some 10yo to do the class makeover.


That is actually very true. But they “gave” us back 2h frost before only to take it away. So why bother going through the same crap all over again when we know we will end up exactly where we started?

Same reason I got together with me Ex. Sure it ended in drama again but the s*x was great during that time. In other words, I’d prefer one addon were Frost is fun again, even when they will ruin it afterwards, instead of them doing nothing.


except from the fact that if you do not like frost now, then you will not like it even with the 2-hander. The numbers would be exactly the same minus the 15% frost damage increase and on hit frost damage of razorice.

Nothing would change other than gaining the choice to nerf yourself, a choice which you can already make by equipping a 2-handed weapon as frost.

in fact, there is actually no reason to have frosts abilities limited to 1h atm because the 2-handed weapon would only gain half the damage anyway, making it distinctly inferior even without the dual 1h limitation.

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In that case, remove the restriction from the abilities and let people play what they want.

Or add the 2h cosmetic option as a glyph.