Propositions about Rare mounts farm

Key word being ‘‘bother’’.

The difference being that a true ‘‘rare’’ mount like say Rustfeather has the combinatorical chance of NEVER dropping, across 50 alts for the rest of time.

Just because people can’t be ‘‘bothered’’ farming out an achievement for a mount doesnt make it any less deterministic.

You HAVE commitment mounts, there are “Glory to X raider” achievements, meta mounts, gold mounts and more. Those are not rare, if you don’t want to try for rare ones - you have other options in the game.

Of course they are not on the same level because one require a certain effort/time frame while the other can take an insane amount of attempt.

But even if the amount of effort required is random and can be way higher does not mean that scuttler or mecha done mount are not rare.

Even if you were guaranteed to get a mount after 300 attempts does not mean everyone will have the will to go out and farm it.

They are rare, just not on the “Sha of anger” level of rare.

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I get your point, but lack of effort and laziness in general does not make effort rare.

Again the difference being that everyone CAN get the Snapback Scuttler for example if they put down 13 weeks of time. 100% of the playerbase could have it by now.

Mathematically some people will NEVER get sha mount, even after 1 quadrillion attempts. Hence its a true rare mount.

I have every raid/dungeon mount until WoD with the exception of Felsteel Annihilator and the Korkron Juggernaut. Wouldn’t mind if Blizzard made them 100% drop rate or add a bad luck protection to them. I am not the type of person who looks at others peoples plates and complains why they suddenly are as full as mine. Farming many of those mounts wasnt fun (249 attempts for experiment 12B) so if Blizz did something that made the whole procedure more bearable it would be appreciated.


That is why I said that they are not at the same level of rarity, but Imo every wall to get to a certain mount contributes to rarity.

Some more than others of course, but that is for every collection, not every piece have the same value.

M Nzoth mount require you to do a specific effort but it is still a rare mount because it require you to raid in a guild that is capable of killing nzoth multiple times before next patch.

Same for the Crab mount, is not an insane wall of course but is still a wall that drive away a lot of people.

That’s the whole fun of it. Imagine the sheer joy of finally getting it? That’s what you’re doing it for. A true rare mount and you get to flaunt it.

Your frustration is very understandable, but no reason to change anything. You need to learn to deal with that frustration, the game should not change just to facilitate your emotional comfort.

Basically, you suggest a grind reward. This is hardly new. Either you grind tokens, rep or whatever - making that process even slower will not stop many people and it will make a rare mount uncommon. It will hurt the status it has.
Plus, another longer, more tedious grind than normal is not beneficial to a game that objectively already has enough of that.

What’s wrong with the spontaneous success of a ultra rare drop? We need more of that, imho. It’s ff-ing epic to have people in their gchat go “OMG this guy here has [enter name of mount]” and everyone jumping up and down about it. There’s nothing impressive about a long grind.

Mere desire is no reason for success, man - only those with sick luck or perseverance have these mounts. Anyone can work towards a reward, few have the dedication to confront a tiny drop chance to keep going until they have success - and exactly this is what makes the mount rare.

Again, your frustration is quite understandable, but it’s up to you to overcome that, not for the game to do it for you.

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No it’s not. It’s pretty much how capitalism works.

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Be nice if they implemented a system where if you got 1000 kills and 0.1% drop rate it’s increased to 1% another 1000 kills 2% etc.

Those mop world bosses in MoP are in triple digits for me now and i waste about 3 days play time a week just on so many chars. Be nice to see some light at the end of the tunnel

1% is sitll low

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This is a pretty interesting discussion, and actually one that has existed (in some form or another) since pretty much WoW was originally released. :smiley:

Many mounts do derive a lot of their appeal from their relative scarcity, and often pushing beyond the boundaries of what would usually be available to a particular character/faction (e.g. Rivendare’s Deathcharger was back in the day the only way for Alliance characters to ride some form of skeletal steed). If that would instead become commonplace that would not only very likely massively reduce the appeal these mounts have, but also at the same time retro-actively devalue the effort players have put into obtaining these mounts in the past.
In other cases mounts are intended to be a a form of “badge of merit” - they’re only reliably available if certain accomplishments are succeeded at, such as defeating a raid boss within a particular timeframe or under especially challenging conditions (anyone remember “A Tribute to Insanity” still? That one was gruesome…).

That is not to say that there is no merit to having systems that amount to effectively “buying” mounts via slowly earning some form of currency through long-term dedicated gameplay. Quite a few such mounts actually exist in the game (e.g. in the Argent Tournament) and that works just fine - but as with mostly everything, variety is important too. Not everything needs to be attainable in the same way. :slight_smile:


What about bad luck protection?

Every time you kill a boss with a rare mount drop, the next time you kill him, drop rate goes up with 0,01% for example?

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I’m all for bad luck protection. To be honest, I’m more interested in a mount based on the design, not on rarity.

how is it different to obtaining tokens after each kill?

Bad Luck protection for irrelevant content would be good, like 1% increase to drop each time you fail, sure, after 2 unsuccesful runs chances would still be terribly low, but looking as many players are farming Invincible for years now, their chance would be 100% long ago with that system.

I don’t agree with you, mount never should be indicator of content someone did, we have achievments and curves ready to be linked, i think the same about PvP sets, high ranked sets should just have very unique colours, not models.


So you wouldnt care if someone could buy the high pvp gear set when the next expansion came out?

Those unique colours shouldn’t be obtainable anymore as this season ended, but those sets should still be able to get but in recolored versions, maybe for marks. To be honest, who cares if someone has Elite cataclysm set atm? it was so long ago that it is not taken as achievment anymore, like history of famous characters, they did something magnificent for their time, ok, now let’s move on.

Thats why im saying there shouldnt be currency / bad luck protection for these mounts. If someone earned them its a really cool bragging rite. Nobody cares if you link them curve from 2 expansions ago. But people still are impressed by mythic mounts

Who cares about Ashes of A’ lar if horde have acces to Shadow Phoenix for gold which looks better than it? Why not making people life easier to get that? it’s not gamechanger, it won’t give people more power or anything, it’s cosmetical. Many (hard-to-obtain-in-their-times) are laughably easy to farm like Glory of Raid mounts and people who farmed achievments hard with guild, when raids were relevant are not crying, because they achieved them hard way, while people are getting them solo on fresh Demon Hunters now.

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Just keep stuf as it is. No tokens because that will only lead to more annoying multiboxers/ bots. And also no badluck protection or anything like that. U realise that a lot of players have been farming a certain mount for yrs and yrs, and were extremely happy once they finally had it? So just do the same, it already has become way easier to farm raids/ dungeons.

I wish we could trade mounts, not to allow bots to farm these and sell, but literally trade with others for a mount in their collection.

So for instance I had Mimirons head drop for me, I was not farming this mount, I was farming for mogs so I was lucky in the rolling of a dice. I hate this mount, to me it’s ugly and one I have never used on any character (although I know some will love it).

I would love to be able to trade this mount with another collector for a mount I would like to have. So yes a ‘trade’ rather than a sale. I doubt it will ever happen though :slight_smile:

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