Protection Paladin spec bonuses

Except again I’m talking raid. M+ is fine w/e but it’s a mode for me to get gear week1/week2 and fill for vault, nothing else. So what i can beat noob dpsers on keys? Doesn’t matter much. It is awful to play on harder mechanically raid encounters and you can’t just deny that. And you keep ignoring the team part of s1 tier bonuses which saying it again will yield more dps for the raid/party. Stop being blindly confident about stuff that won’t really intervene with your level of gameplay.

you don’t need to stand on top of the ppal with s1 tier, as long as you’re the closest melee you get it. And if person that is closest already had the buff it gave it to someone else that’s also in melee range. It is a really good but boring tier. You’re still gonna blast with it in M+. S3 does have a small but non insignificant delay of 5 judges which is like a fair 12seconds whereas s1 is pretty active from 1st gcd. Stop being weird, accept S1 it will be fine, if there are no tank reworks in s4, we will still be meta together with vdhs, especially if they add more poison/disease dispell dungeons.

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as someone who has played prot pala since tbc it started out as a really good threat generator for aoe tanking if you chose to rock a spell damage weapon then later on they added some neat stuff to it like snare removal and increased size and slows, that all felt good

the added mitigation and other boosts that are related to standing in your consecration was never a thing until recent expansions and in my opinion (but seemingly others too) just hinders the playstyle, protection paladin was just more fun without the the dance of standing in consecration and being pushed out of it by a run ending area attack, ideally to me SOTR would just give us all our current DR without us having to stand in consecration. Uptime on it is hardly an issue (and can always be micro tweaked to make if it becomes a problem)

I would also rather have the stat stick, hell, I would take nothing over more focus on consecration personally

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Please Vote s3


People arguing on what other ppl should vote for like their very existance depends on it lol xD

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This is the part that person is not going to understand at all.

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Around 6-8% in High Keys/Raidboss Fights. Way less in Dungeons (EB, TotT, Rise)/Bosses where you have to move consistently.
Defensive Value from Set is almost 0. It did a whooping 1% of my Healing in WM 26.
3% damage reduction from Versa (+/- given the passiv dimishing returns) and 5% Parry is way, way, way stronger defensive wise.
6% Versa also almost rivals the damage from S3’s Set, even before tuning.

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Well… for me it’s 8 to 10%.
Dunno if it’s the size of pulls.
Btw you missed the damage reduction stacks with judgement. Stacks to 5 aka 2 to 10% damage reduction.

Some Pulls you do on 20s arent playable on 24+.
Also, on 20 Trash dies like a fly, meaning your Emp. Consec DMG is higher when you, for example start the Pull with the Buff and finishes it in 30 sec compared to a 1-2 min Trash fight with multiple Procs/overrides.
The Emp. Consec effective Uptime (not even counting for standing in it) is way shorter in higher Keys.

But these Stacks arent up all the time either.
Primal example for a bad Boss is Trio in EB.
Either you waste your Emp. Consec before he charges you, or you waste it when he charges you, you are dead in both cases without the Consec DR-Buff.

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Well, yes, there are situations where uptime won’t be ideal, but overall it’s still better than season 1. You are always going to have at least 1 stack but it will vary from 1 to 5. You can average it at 5% damage reduction if you want. They would have to buff the season 1 set to 10% versatility to equal that. I don’t see that happening. I have zero faith in the devs to make that kind of call.
But, nonetheless the burst value we get from s3 will be gone, cause it’s one thing to deal 10% increased damage in 10 seconds or do it over 60 seconds, for example. Anyways, no point in this conversation, the vote is not gonna change, nor will the class design. :person_shrugging:
We’re gonna have to roll with it now. Good or bad.

Paladins are broken as heck, even withour any Tier, and this wont change most likely.
Set bonuses are just the cherry on top.

Deus Vers, my brethren!

Damn, that prot paladin s1 tier set bonus is the worst in WoW history, 6% vers and 5% parry LOL. Who the hell votes for that crap.

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