You will have yourself to blame when you are turned down from groups cause you are the perceived bad tank class from a trash set bonus when the other tanks will have their best one.
I don’t care that you can’t play around empowered consecration. It’s a stupidly strong set bonus when you do play it correctly. It’s super rewarding to do so too. The damage is amazing. It’s why we are one of the top tanks atm. Don’t need a legendary either.
See damage especially in dungeons isn’t about sustained damage like a vers buff would give. It’s about burst damage and multi-target damage. S1 tier has nothing on S3 except being completely passive and mindless, which is anything but fun.
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All the options provided are bad, and any group that wouldn’t invite you because of your set bonus is a group you didn’t want to be in to begin with.
don’t underestimate how badly people hate the consecration focus on mitigation
this is more then just a what power are you getting for a bunch of players, its not about being able to play around it, its about not wanting to play around it
a lot of paladins are seeing this as a way to finally tell blizzard in a way that they cannot ignore it: I do not like mitigation being stuck to consecration to the point where they don’t mind sacrificing a season for it
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The thing is… it will make no difference.
It’s gonna ruin our season for no practical reason. Devs aren’t looking for class design feedback here.
Just go for the stronger S3 set, please.
The time for class design feedback is the alpha/beta for the next expansion.
Yeah I’m aware of that and I’m pretty sure the other people avoiding option 3 for the reasons I listed atleast are aware too
I just don’t think they care, the numbers are implying they have their reasons for avoiding S3 and are sticking by it regardless of developer expectations of this poll
poll isn’t over yet tho, it might still change and there’s also the US poll (which I think you can only view the results of with an active US account)
all you can do is cast your vote and hope your vote wins, thats in the end what polls are about
It will not.
And if you have played Prot paladin for more then a season you will know this.
It gives feedback to the designers before the alpha/beta
Just go for the stronger S3 set, please.
Given we don’t know how they would change the numbers for season 4, there’s no way of knowing which set would be stronger.
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As I understand it, S2 is winning in US. But even if it isn’t, it’d be interesting to see what blizzard intends to do in the event of different results. I mean if they’d do 2 different sets they’d as well do 3 and let people actually choose in game though I certainly don’t expect them to do that.
You sound like a FOTM reroller.
You are assuming this based on literally nothing but a tier set.
it is a BAD playing tier set it is not about skill it is about actually understanding what is fun or not. Having even more power then already is in consecration is just bad.
see if Season 4 will be similar to season 3 the damage the players do does not matter as the damage to do the key is already there before any of that the damage reduction vers brings can save someone in those key levels.
VDH does more damage and heals themselves more then Prot paladin RIGHT now in season 3.
Prot paladin is being beaten on damage in M+ by all the other tank except for prot warrior
Prot paladin is the worst single target damage tank right now.
There is. I already explained this.
The S3 set gives burst damage. The season 1 set gives you a stat buff. In dungeons you get a lot of down time. The burst is stronger than the sustained.
@Ayellin Exactly your last point. Without the set bonus we will be useless damage wise.
If you want to see the effects of a bad set bonus look no further than Guardian druids this season, if you saw any. 
Also, i disagree. Empowered consecration is very fun to me. Way more than a passive stat stick. You are telling us you prefer a stat stick trinket to an on-use one and it’s more fun? It’s the same thing. It’s not.
Consecration has been the prot design for the longest time and sorry, but it’s not likely to change. Throwing a tantrum about it will only lead to self harm. I think at this point if you can’t stand consecration you are better off rolling a warrior.
There isn’t a front-end developer living, dead or unborn who can emphasize my YES enough to make it convey how strongly I feel this way.
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While it may or may not be true that versatility does more damage than mastery, 100 mastery is still better than 1 versatility. We can make up numbers till we’re blue in the face but there’s no way of knowing which set would do more damage.
That is LIterally what season 3 tierset is all you do is being even more forced to stand in consecration then we already are.
this is NOT a on use trinket compared to a passive one at all.
I have played paladin from before this was a thing.
I played paladin when Consecration had a glyhp that made it stick to you.
I played paladin before holy power existed.
Being forced to stand in consecration is not a good thing.
You are a FOTM reroller at this point.
This is not actually true it is that season 2 guardian druids set bonus made them strong in combination with other things that is a completely different thing then having a bad set bonus.
You might want to take a look at those set bonuses if you understand guardian druid.
And also in Season 2 prot paladin was STILL the number 2 tank played yet we had a tier set that did almost nothing in m+ and just damage single target. (the heal is not worth talking about)
As a prot pala no. Consecration suck to play around. And season 2 was just damage basically 0 defensive power cause heartfire is trash.
So ill happily take season 1 especially with blizz promisibg power is increased.
P.S. Dratnos is like 90% bas takes but this time he and Dorki are right.
S1 are u guys dumb ??? you guys are so lost…
6% vers for melee gigachads, ez.
Dude, i have more achievement points than you and have played this game longer than you as paladin main. We are not gonna go back to pre-legion class design. Get over it. They removed the glyph for a reason. It looked ridiculous. You are in denial playing a spec you don’t enjoy for 7 years. It’s just sad.
Oh and s3 tier set is not a stat stick. It deals damage itself. It does not give us stats. It gives damage reduction and double damage and healing.
Imagine thinking a set bonus that makes you stand on the consecration where you are supposed to stand is a bad thing.
I cannot force people to be better players and understand what is stronger. We will get the trashy set bonus and nothing will change either way. It is what it is.
I just hope blizzard never does this voting thing again.
Oh and btw Dratnos and Dorki will play whatever is strongest, they don’t care about prot paladin. They just want what is easiest to play and stronger.
I find it funny that this poster dares to call me fotm and people listening to literal fotm players. 
Since you’re still adamantly defending s3 tier, it is not that easy as you’d think, there are mechanics in later mythic encouters that force your movement to be rapid over 10-15seconds that amount of multiple consec areas of movement that effectively make you either hold the consec for a point when you’re station at expense of consec DR or you waste the tier damage bonus for the 2s in between movements. It is not a good design to give a massive power to a thing that has medium to low area and also have it be mandatory DR component of the tank’s kit and have fights that have big long movement points like that. Mythic Tindral has those movements, and you’re not gonna find it fun holding empowered consec and not using consec at all to get the tier value. And if they’re promising they will bring the bland simple tier up to par with the rest then i’ll gladly take the simplicity of the tier piece and focus a bit more on fight itself over spending brain gcds to decide if I need to hold and sac dr or send it and forget it and lose dps. You shouldn’t feel strongly about your opinion if it’s not influenced by harder content.
And that’s just disregarding the fact that S1 bonus will provide more overall raid damage, since you know melees are gonna dish out more dps than you with those buffs.
I cant believe you are about to choose s1 really…Please for the love of god let us choose which tier set bonus we want in game its not too late, this will be a massive disaster are people trying to sabotage the spec or what i dont get it… Yeah playing around conc might not be the best but both s3 bonuses are really strong, s2 2p was a joke and 4p was not that bad but still zero def, and s1 is just a stat stick omg guys…
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You are not supposed to hold emp consecration, it comes up often enough. You just have to be aware not to replace it with a regular consecration too soon unless you need to move. But the strength is so good that it’s not the end of the world if you need to move and another will come up soon. Actually we are already at 40%+ haste,next season the uptime would’ve been even better. Also it benefits from all of our stat increases and deal damage over a smaller window of time. That burst is the important part. I have told people to look at their damage meter and see how much the damage proc is doing by itself. Use wings + divine toll and you will rival DPS in damage (dungeons ofc).
It’s a set for m+, not the raid. I don’t think people care that much about the raid in fated season. The consecration itself ticks incredibly high which is major damage on large pulls. Think bats in black rook hold.
The buff to others comes at the expense of our own performance so i don’t think i care very much. Standing with the tank is usually a big risk cause of frontals/cleaves so it’s not something you can control reliably. Feeling weak to give an unreliable buff to others is not that great a feeling.