Season 1: Use Revenge for a 5sec Dmg and Defensive Buff + Ignore Pain leech
Season 2: Shieldslam dmg buffed + CDR on Last Stand → Aoe Dmg + DR after LS
Season 3: Bleed consumption on Shieldslam + flat DR + CDR on Roar + TC reset
S3 is the best choice to make as its the most interactive set and most useful in all situations be it M+ or Raid.
S2 is a solid second, its fun, albeit at a cost of needing to use 1 extra talent point for it to be optimal forcing us to give up another strong talent.
S1 set is extremely weak in alot of situations compared to the other 2 sets. Dont vote for it just because Prot Warrior was strong in s1. It had nothing to do with the Tierset and moreso because other tanks were mostly weaker.
I honestly think this is such a wasted opportunity…
Why not bring all of the 3 Tier Set bonuses back and perhaps extend tier sets to use Cloak/Bracer/Belt/Boots?
How about having TWO 4-Set Bonuses or maybe ONE 4-Set Bonus and TWO 2-Set Bonuses?
Some side notes , they will buff/nerf whatever people vote for. So very hard for me to say season 3 is like the strongest.
For season 2 ,your argument is subjective , i for example liked a season playing with powerful shock waves , bolster etc , so for season 3 it forced me back into dragon roar . So “use 1 extra talent point for it to be optimal” for season 2 is subjective.
I am just scratching my head they would need to buff season1 so much that is might be ridiculs good if we vote for it.
Again , i would not vote for season 1 , BUT they say they will buff whatever people vote for so it is competive with other seasons , so imagine season 1 buffed times 4? So a buffed season 1 would be OP? No clue , we do not get numbers.
Sigh i wish for something new to change it up xD , find them all boring!
Sad, but true.
But hey, we Brewmasters offer you Prot Warriors some warm Tea while Prot Paladins and VDHs do a fight about “Meeeh, our Sets so trash, we need Buffs”.
;o exactly , you never played a spec/talent for fun knowing it not the best performing or fit your play style more? I never said the person was wrong , from a optimal theory crafting perspective.
Preferring to compete at maximum level and hence finding certain talents points spending a waste , is personal preference. I have had many times during when i played wow , that the less optimal theory crafting talents/trnkets/… gave me overall better performance. Then again I am not a pro player just a pleb xD.