Proven Healer title gone in TWW

My favorite title, “the Proven Healer” is gone! Is that a bug, or is it intentional?

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I may be wrong, but I assume you’ll have to re-earn it in proving grounds once at max level.

I didn’t have to do that in any of the expansions since I got the title in MoP…

I can confirm this, after hitting level 71 all 3 titles - the Proven Healer / the Proven Assailant / the Proven Defender were taken away from me. I hope this is just a bug.

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Hey there Berna and Persefani!

To the best of our knowledge, the titles are not supposed to go away as long as the related achievements ( eg: Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 30) ) are completed.

Just to be on the safe side, would you mind trying a full interface reset (instructions here) and check if the title is still gone after?
From time to time - especially around an expansion or big patch launch - it may happen that certain information/details get hidden by interface changes or modification, the steps above should get rid of this possibility :slight_smile:

If nothing changes, the best option would be to report this situation as a possible bug through the relevant in-game procedure, listed here.

Sadly this didnt work for me. I also took a screenshot that shows “title was lost”, so the problem will be probably elsewhere. :worried: Anyway thank you for help. :slight_smile: Sending bug report as instructed. ^^

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I can confirm. Lost all those 3 titles after reaching lvl 71. My lvl 70 characters still got them, but probably will lost them too after they reach lvl 71.

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Quick update :slight_smile:

This is actively being looked into, thank you all for the reports!


Yay, my Proven Healer title is back! Thank you!