Prune Glimpse and DH will be fine

blizz made rog for one purpose; to oppress other classes

i wish we hunters could press turtle while stunned


A good majority of specs can press something in stun or have a passive that may save them in the last moment

All Druids specs
All Warlock specs
Fury Warrior
All Mage specs (ice block / blink to remove stun if played)
All DK specs
All Priest specs
All Hunter specs (roar of sac)
All Paladin specs
All Rogue specs (because of Cheat death passive) however this is debatable but let’s add it for comedy

So you have 26 specs which can press a CD while stunned and possibly survive it out of I believe the game had 36 specs?

So you have 10 specs who cannot press any CD while stunned

Let’s say we don’t count the tanks, so we exclude Vengeance, Prot warr, Brewmaster, Guardian druid

That leaves 6 specs which die in stuns

3 Shaman specs
Arms warrior

There you go.

5 out of those 6 can at least play Orc and reduce the times you die

the 3 Shaman specs have a soft parachute with the 20% heal when dropping low + Orc being bis race for it

Arms can indefinitely stay Defensive stance and still win a game + be orc, so unlikely to die to a Sub rogue + multiple bladestorms help a lot as well

So the 2 biggest victim classes to dying in stuns are Havoc and Windwalker. And this is beyond obvious judging by the death rate in Shaman Lassos, Rogues, Ferals, or just random setups when you don’t have trinket and don’t Pre-press

Now to wait for some 60 IQ reply to literal ingame facts “uhuhuhu but orc racial is nerfed its only 10%” - yes, and oftentimes people die in the final 0.3 of the 3rd Cheapshot of a rogue so they can’t press their immunity or whatever would save them. next?

the shaman knockback also helps.and yea sucking against rogues is a thing idk why everyone is making it such a meme to die in stuns.

Because the big mouths of this forum dislike facts and need to blame something for why they can’t even reach 1800 or get out of it

When there’s 49000 characters at 1800 or higher (in shuffle ALONE)

not casual rating btw

yea they are like the game to be not so much match up depending on how ur spec/class performs.

You should put hunter off that list. Sac dont count. While our sac makes us immune to crit, it does not reduce dmg done on us by enemies. For example dispersion reduces dmg. So if we press sac or not the dmg we receive will still be the same only difference is people cant crlt us. Its a useless talent, press it or not, hunter is going to do die anyway.

True, and can be used whilst stunned. But then once those defensives are gone, Rogue can stundead a ret.

If only. But hey, you have the roar of sacrifice. :smiley:


As I explained in detail regarding Sac in my previous post, the outcome is the same if we use it or not. Its a garbage talent not worth the energy dragging it from the spellbook to action bar. I never use Sac. For now it stays in my spellbook, permanently. Indeed its tough to be a hunter in PvP, but hopefully blizz sees how much we struggle and give us real defensives.

A good start will be to add dmg reducement to Sac (lets say 25%) and on top of that a stun built-in the Sac that stuns all nearby targets within 10yd for 4 sec.

So Rogue can’t use there defensive while stunned mean they should nerf rogue so rogue survive vs rogue ? I am confused

And rogue

Nah he said Rogues can use Cheat Death in stuns.



You hate to be the biggest victim :frowning:

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This thread is literally DHs complaining lmao. :grimacing:


Cheat death is for people that are too lazy too press feint

On my shadow i have too hardcast flashheal + fade for the same effect

I play Feint almost always this season to be fair, and if you are good at pre feinting things (which is actually something I happen to be really really good at) it’s a way better pick that Cheat imo. Unless you face a Sub Rogue or something.

The talent is really underrated. Sub and Outlaw don’t need it and should play Cheat, but Assa dies too easily, Elusiveness feels much better to survive overall.


That’s simply not true.

A lot of specs revolve around crits. Including Sub Rogues. And Fire mages, who play with Rogues. And Windwalkers. Even DH to a degree. You can greatly reduce the chance you die in a stun with Roar of Sac, believe it or not

Na, being crit immune is actually quite decent, but not the strongest of defenses. I guess you make up for it for having a great CC toolkit.

If Rogues did, then imagine how much more broken they’d be. They already have enough tools / resets and defenses, just not whilst stunned.

There’s 2 DHs in this thread, and we’re not complaining. It’s called a discussion. We all know how much you hate DHs, but you’re quite obsessed.

Eh, but Leather classes are more squischy than Plate… i think warri is fine there, especially when he is playing with an Ret… even if he “doesnt pre bladestorm kidney”

was always like this

barkskin is a meme, pre blur a rogue stun, and u know what happens, same dmg reduction.

wdym, dh is really high skillcap, u have to do as much pve dmg as possible, your cast is also kick immune, u fail with your fel rush cuz u use it on cd? NO PROBLEM just use felblade and u will still have uptime

Dh have the same skillcap as Master Yi in League, to set up a Mana burn in past seasons need atleast 20 iQ and most of the Dh´s couldnt even do a double Mana burn because it took Right timing with Prism, which was already too high for them

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First couple posts.
Sounds like complaining to me :slight_smile:

Btw, for the sake of discussion:
Other classes “Deleting” DH “EZ”, while DH is the LOWEST KILLED DPS in solo shuffle literally. 21.4%. That’s extremely low death rate.
#1 the least killed DPS spec in THE GAME.
Keep coping. :roll_eyes:


yeah, dh players shouldnt have the right to complain currently LOL

i think they have never seen the death rate from Feral,Boomy, MM destro LOL

without joking, I wish DH had the same death rate, but then there would be a lot of complaining “my class isnt viable”

Aren’t most classes dealing magicdmg nowadays?

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