PTR Patch Notes - WoW Classic Version 1.13.5

The most important thing for Alterac Valley would be to move Horde Spawn-Cave further back please…

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And reduce the amount of players ressed to 10, like it is for the alliance.

Yes it must be a joke, it would make it even worse than its now

on no people that protect their account get something lets cry about it, if that is what it takes for you to quit then you why did you come to classic in the first place? was it because your private server closed and you wanted to play somewhere?

You wont fix ques being over an hour long unless you get more Alliance playing PVP and I can’t see that happening,… Simply more Alliance means faster turn over for BG’s and less Que time for Horde, Less Alliance means slower turn round for Horde ques… And with more Horde on most servers than Alliance and thats across a complete battle group your not going to turn it round, Unless you have 2 things 1) More Alliance players in the first place more chance there will be PVP’ers among them,… 2) You stop the flow of Alliance that are giving up doing PVP how I have no idea, and get old Alliance PVP players to return to PVP again how I don’t know,… Or the last and Joke in the pack you get Horde V Horde BG’s…

Does PTR requires an active retail account???
because i cannot join it with my classic acount

Hey, in the patchnotes its mentioned that WSG rewards will be updated. But the exalted legs arent added. Surely thats a bug right?

Nexcus? Next cuss?
Nexus crystal friend

Why all PTR realms are currently off?

if you have an active classic account you have an active retail one

When horde stops turning 99% of AV games to 25-50 minute turtles, Alliance will start to show up again. January changes threw alliance from overall 20-30% winratio down to 1%. There’s no point for us to go into AV unless it is to rep farm for offhands and mount - and then never come back again.
Quick fix for AV: randomize which team get south/north side.


#WECANTINSTANCE #30ResetLockout!!

It just got updated to 1.13.5 (35000) - anyone knows what changed?

Glad to see the AV changes. The rush meta was always lame even back in the days when it first started. I’m glad the Classic team are keeping their eye on how we play, and trying to preserve the original design intents of the game.

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It is great they started to fix AV. But im afraid it is to little and WAY to late.

Nice to see a Community Manager straight up lie to all the customers. Authenticator attached for years and unable to get bonus bag slots.

I have Russian account and can’t attach phone number, so now I have to search for some shady Russian SMS websites to get my 4 bag slots, greatly compromising my security. Used authenticator since the beginning. Thanks a lot.

Why would you do that instead of using the country change option blizzard is providing?

The only reason that I can think of why someone would go to shady sites before even checking if blizzard provides a solution is that you don’t want blizzard to look into your accout activities.

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