PTR Patch Notes - WoW Classic Version 1.13.5

Personally I don’t think extra 4-slot sold for real money is that big of a problem comparing it to other, more festering and revolting ones. It won’t change much in a general scheme of things

Because its a major change to the game, making inventory slots less valuable. When you are leveling up for the first time for example every bag you loot is a big deal cause of the limited bagspace.


You can’t be for real…They’re punishing players who don’t want to use the authenticator rather than rewarding anyone who does. It’s bad because it wasn’t a thing then and it shouldn’t be a thing now.

Paid Character Transfer (PCT) was a thing in Vanilla, stop spreading misinformation.


They didnt chance the sub price for 15 years…
with inflation taken into account it should be 25 euro per month by now…

and yeah, getting that 1st 6 slot bag is nice enough, but those 4 extra slots are not that big of a deal, specially now that most ppl already have so many alts that they instantly deck out with 14 slot bags. The 4 extra slots at lvl 60 are pretty much meaningless.

GTFO, bootlicker.

Hey man, too far, Danish food is nom!

It’s not even for real money, the authenticator on app on phones is free. They do sell authenticators true, but with a smart phone it’s just free.

Not arguing against you, just making sure people know about the app and don’t spend what they can’t afford/don’t need to.

"Abyss Crystals can now be rewarded from disenchanting epic items."

??? I think and hope you mean Nexcus Crystals :wink:

But it’s not on par with some products we have.

We even have a town declared “city of Gastronomy” by Unesco.

Force me.

OH wait you can’t.

Stop posting cringe.

Deal with it or quit.

GTFO or Kiss in Danish

Nah… Keep malding son.

Kindly visit, they can help you

Nah, force me

This has to be scrapped or be baseline for all players even without an authenticator as the whole point of the authenticator is added security, not added bag slots. Blizz has done just about everything to piss off their fans so you better revert this already. A few notable examples of Blizz fails: “Diablo” 3, Overwatch, Hearthstone, Achivements in WoW, Flying in WoW, Dailies in WoW, crafted rotations in WoW, both SC2 expansions…


“Hey uhh… just was wondering… is this a… out of season april fools joke?” - A legend, Blizzcon, Nov 4, 2018

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Are you kidding?

These AV changes looks like a spit in the face. We were asking for them 5 months ago… You know, it’s not that case when it’s better late than never, ok?

How about you finally fix you matchmaking? So it:

  1. Match premade vs a premade only, also with ~same amount of players in each one?
  2. Setup random teams in a way, when there’s ~same amount of healers in each one?

Who the f… needs these AV backdoor fixes in June?