PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

My weirdly, but good, skincoloured enemy could you please leave this life when I stab you with my sword? Apologies if I was to offensive.

I get Blizzard wants to get rid of their racist/sexist imagine, but there’s something as going too far.

Calling a orc a blackblood, or greenskin, is not offensive or the same as RL human-on-human racism.

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It seems arbitrary and insulting, arbitrary because there are much more egregious examples of racism in the game and insulting because of the implication people can’t separate fantasy or fiction from reality.

I don’t really think Dannath calling orcs ‘Greenskins’ was on the list of problems the game had.


How are they going to change Danath further? He’s one of the most racist gamers in WoW and was actively wanting Orc genocide. So much so he went on a death campaign to another world to achieve that end.


Not like his hatred or anyone’s hatred of Orcs could ever be unjustified… As far as races go, I can’t think of any (Except Elves) that unleashed devastation, committed mass murder and ruined a planet while also enjoying every second of it, with or without Demon blood as WoD proved us.

I’m not saying racism = good. I’m saying consistency and logical emotional responses is. Maraad and Trollbane’s hatred of Orcs and racism have a myriads of justification on their side. Besides it’s kinda how the game began, Humans VS Orcs kind of direct animosity, one that elevated both races and pushed forwomard the creation of the factions of old.

This inconsequential yet tiny move just makes the World of Warcraft feel less alive, less believable, then again it’s expected after they made racist supremacist Orc Warchief no longer calling Sylvanas a female dog or even worse in my eyes Darion Mograine not getting his rear whooped by his dad for assaulting Light’s Hope Chapel and killing a number of nameless paladin troopers because that doesn’t work in the writers’ image of a good story.

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Yep, same. On one hand, good. On the other, I had made the hippogryph a Leyfeather at this point anyway so even if I had stayed, too late to help. But good for others!

Nah. Racism is ok and even good in Warcraft, just not cool when its used as an outlet for someone’s IRL convictions and frustrations.

Here’s a thread about it:

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To once again quote the late Terry Pratchett

“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.”


Devil’s advocate time.

It doesn’t ultimately matter as much what Danath, an imaginary human in an imaginary universe, calls imaginary orcs in an imaginary enemy force — as it matters what kind of impression new players in the real world will have about this game.

We lore nerds know who Danath is and what troubled history he has with orcs. But WoW isn’t made for us alone. To new players, who start with BfA content, Danath is just a quest giver in a warfront, and he isn’t a villain, or at least isn’t intended to be seen as such by Alliance players. He’s also not intended by the authors to be an obviously wrong bigot like Garithos.

The impression that new players are going to get is that he categorizes an enemy race more by their skin color than the real reason he should be angry at them: the fact that they’re currently invading his homeland.

So, can you trade timewarped badges for legion rep tokens?

Can you get the whatsit boxes for doing it that way?

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Why can’t it be both? Why does Danath have to have a sudden moral rebound when it comes to orcs? This dude was willing to dissolve the old Alliance because they didn’t agree on executing every single orc they captured. On its own, Danath saying or not saying “greenskin” is a non issue and could just be how the devs felt the delivery was off, but we know why they’re doing it, and much like all the easy wins as of late straight from their “in case of emergency” folders it comes off as incredibly shallow but in this case also tone deaf given the setting for the Battle of Stromgarde. This is the same guy who screams that he’s going to put Lady Liadrin’s head on a pike atop the walls of his keep.


nightborne finally looking closer to what they should have at their launch, with weapons that have been in the files since then finally being implemented

i love it with all of my heart, but it is very hard not to be bitter. bfa could have been a different expansion for me if these things had been there to begin with and i could have mained a nightborne like i had planned to

please don’t let this be the end of the line for things like this though, i don’t want them to drop all of this in 9.1.5 and then go back to business as usual


As excited and happy I am about these changes, I’m still holding my breath. I’m very curious in where WoW will be heading for next year and if this was an one time thing or the start of something genuine.

I hope so, I need that Highmountain moose.

Its just the gap between classes being so wide ever since launch, with obvious problem-makers not going addressed ever since beta that killed the Shadowlands experince for me tbh

i need all of them.

Decided; screw it, will wait until Legion TW to get them

I need them all, but truly want the moose.

The Legion TW mount should have been an eagle. :eagle:


The Highmountain moose is the only mount I use. There’s just nothing else that glorious in the game.

Because there’s no eagle still!

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Even Baine uses a moose!

It just works.