PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

As excited and happy I am about these changes, I’m still holding my breath. I’m very curious in where WoW will be heading for next year and if this was an one time thing or the start of something genuine.

I hope so, I need that Highmountain moose.

Its just the gap between classes being so wide ever since launch, with obvious problem-makers not going addressed ever since beta that killed the Shadowlands experince for me tbh

i need all of them.

Decided; screw it, will wait until Legion TW to get them

I need them all, but truly want the moose.

The Legion TW mount should have been an eagle. :eagle:


The Highmountain moose is the only mount I use. There’s just nothing else that glorious in the game.

Because there’s no eagle still!

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Even Baine uses a moose!

It just works.

Weird, especially for a franchise that is at least 50% built on racial (species) hatred and various attempts at genociding each other. But hey, at least now when orcs and humans kill eachother they won’t be mean as well.

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Changing one line is easier than accidentally needing to rewrite the entire fantasy of numerous player races, I guess

The main thing for me. I want to wait until at least 9.2 to see if this is a surge of Blizzard being good and doing more than the bare minimum, or just a hasty “do all the popular easy fixes” and return to form when the controversy has died down.

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What makes the Danath change even weirder is that the term ‘greenskin’ likely came about as a way to report on an entirely unknown foe during the First War. If they were red-skinned, they’d probably be called redskins because nobody knew what an orc was. It’s quite likely that Danath (who has fought orcs for like 30 years now) just calls them greenskins because that’s what he’s always called them (and for good reason).

I know you said you’re playing devil’s advocate but I’ll bite: continuity and worldbuilding shouldn’t be beholden to people that aren’t invested in the setting, nor to people who start foaming at the mouth the second they see something that could be misconstrued (like this) as controversial.

edit: reject shadowland retcons, return to vanilla lore


/spit removal and /greenskins cancelling are such low energy soy moments.

Actually expecting blizzard to spend money for more GM’s to moderate the game manually and ban abusers based on reports:

noooo you can’t expect that, they are just a small indie studio!!!

Watching blizzard remove /spit emote and cancelling danath in order to protect people with the mental fortitude of a twig:

WOO BLIZZ, thanks for making the game safer for all!

The absolute state of this game.


This is the equivalent of removing a drunken customer that is making a ruckus from a restaurant before the hygiene inspection comes to check out your kitchen, its staff and the ingredients.

Ok, the funny distraction is over.

Now lets get to the business, what actually matters.


Have you seen the praise they got for it on twitter… just…


Waiting on the removal of pinkskin, bluebloods/squid-face, et al.


World of Craft

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World of Speechcraft

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I think the Danath thing should be worrying everyone who’s invested in Warcraft. And if you’re thinking “ugh, they’re just removing a slur, stop being so dramatic!”, you’re really not paying attention.

The truth is, this is but another instance of WoW devs “correcting” everything they believe is wrong with the Warcraft franchise and twisting it into something that is increasingly anything but Warcraft. This reappraisal of WoW is why the lore gets dumbed down again and again, why racial and political conflicts are solved with a hug and a single caress of a bicep and why we joke about how every racial leader is just Anduin with a different skin color or a pointier set of ears (which is, for all intents and purposes, quite true). Come 11.0 if not 10.0, the term “race” will have been abolished from the Warcraft universe’s proverbial dictionary and we’ll all be holding hands singing kumbaya while fighting undeniably evil cosmic forces because, every moral correction having been applied to the franchise, the narrative of an army of good having overcome its differences to fight an evil nobody can rationally agree with is the only one remaining.

I doubt I’m the only one who hoped Blizzard’s recent course-correction would include lore and story. But if new symptoms are still showing up, then the rational conclusion is that the disease is yet to be cured. And franky, more than ever, I’m of the opinion that it’s terminal.

Oh, well. At least Twitter users who expect every piece of fiction to cater to IRL morals as if it’s a modern Bible of sorts (which are sadly not only plentiful but also the ones who Blizzard employees interact with and garner praise from) and folks like those who dwell on /r/wow and think factions being abolished is the single greatest change Blizzard could make can be happy. Good for them.

“You’re just being a ‘gamer’-kind of gamer,” to which I’d say: I didn’t mind the b-word change in the Silverpine questline nearly as much, if not at all. This is different, for reasons stated above. Plus… I mean… this doesn’t even concern a real slur.


Dodging legal jargon by talking race