What about german goblins and the day deathwing came?
Cata was a terrible expansion and I’m glad I spent most of it RPing. Too easily do we forget how truly awful many choices in quest design and plot were, focusing on the newest transgression of the latest expansion.
I remember that the initial scope of Cataclysm was that we would get a raid or dungeon/zone for each of the elemental planes. Skywall was then heavily cut down to only be a dungeon & raid, and an entire raid tier focused on Neptulon’s raid was scrapped and just kinda…left.
Cata is basically an expansion much like WoD, where so much was scrapped. But instead of just not doing anything, they threw a million different stuff at it to cover up the scrapped content.
am i so out of touch with the kids that i don’t get what’s supposed to be funny or unfunny about sea cucumber?
is it meant to be the richard and martin pickle me-me ?
its random therefore xd
Wouldn’t surprise me as blizzard consistently seems a couple of years late with their pop culture references.
Remember how cho’gall was tied in with the truly awful comic that people pretend didn’t exist but outside that comic his deal wasn’t really explained?
Another realm of magic!?
Also whats a infinite Dragon doing in the Shadowlands? How did it get there!?
Tuh-raaash and retconned at that. All the additional material stuffed in books, short lived magazines and whatnot did nothing to help cata’s shattered narrative.
The excuse was reusing assets from Vashj’ir and it being “pale in comparison to the Firelands”.
Just kinda made the whole Vashj’ir questline pretty moot as we still don’t have an idea on how Neptulon escaped Ozumat and he kinda just shows up in Legion shaman order hall questline again.
Pretty sure it’s one of those major plot holes that were resolved via now deleted tweets in a perfectly normal and professional way of handling things.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s that or some minor anecdote in the chronicles that everyone glosses over (I f’ing hate the chronicles as well).
I don’t hate the chronicles, the idea behind it was good (a Lore bible). Sadly they already retconned it before the last one came out into “It was just the Titan’s PoV bro!”.
All so they could drop this timeywimey tracends all realities and timelines Shadowlands hot mess in our laps. I’d like the SHadowlands better if they were just for our timeline and some other minor corrections.
(Ie, Bastion should’ve been “Paradise”/Light afterlive, Ardenwaeld a part of the Dream etc).
Blizzards sense of humour in their games is B O O M E R
Just select the whole zone, grab that color adjuster and ramp up the yellow. Boom. Emerald Dream. No one would know the difference.
This is why I hate them, what is the point of a “Lore bible” if you’re just gonna retcon it shortly after.
It’s probably as boring and uninteresting as a reason as to how we got there. Murozond dropped his teacup of domination and it shattering tore a hole in space and time on the floor, or something.
I’d probably rather a cooky pirate dragon than the usual poop quest, but I suppose just wanting neither and getting some normal dragons is a bit too much.
Shame Sapphiron was just a campaign quest mob. Could have been a better replacement.
Is Tazavesh even in the Shadowlands? The brokers travel between realms, some even going to Azeroth to steal creatures (and we’re just letting them??)
Coolest “raid” entrance ever still. Fight me.
I don’t mind the idea of a rogue Infinite Dragon.
I’d like to know more about them though, and the Pirate Dragon stuff is fine to me. Sure it’s quirky but there’s so much in WoW that is just that, I don’t really get the stigma against one dungeon boss that you are all having.
The problem shouldn’t be focused on a side dungeon, that has no relevance to the main plot - but the main plot being convoluted and problematic.
I get some people don’t like “XD RANDOM!” stuff but… I feel a lot of you are just venting more frustrations about recent things Blizzard have neglected and using this one thing as the breaking point as if it means anything.