It would’ve been less bad if they had Tyrande still acknowledge that Sylvanas needed to pay. Greater plan is fine and all, but Sylv still murdered a good chunk of the Kaldorei because Delaryn made her throw a hissyfit. ( Okay and because the original plan got screwed by Saurfang but still). I really wonder what it is with Blizzard and letting people attempting genocide get away with it. First it was AU Grom who near destroyed the Draenei, had Yrel’s sister killed, and forced the Shadowmoon to join the Iron Horde at swordpoint, and then got off with “Draenor is FREEEEEE”. And now this.
Was it really so hard to just have Tyrande be like “Okay I understand what Elune was trying to do now, but that Banshee is still gonna pay for what she did.” ?
Its kinda sus and tone deaf that Blizzard is pushing so hard for the “we must forgive those wronged and hurt us, vengeance is bad” considering the ongoing situations.
Wish they’d just have one faction own the other - I don’t care which wins tbh, either could be justified in the story - so we can have a cool guerilla war vs. fracturing empire storyline.
It’s…awkward, because on the one hand apparently PvE/PvPers don’t really care about the story at all and might be happy with whatever you throw down in front of them as long as the expac it’s got 6-12 hours of leveling across a half-dozen zones, a dozen dungeons, 3-4 raids and maybe a new arena
But on the other hand I expect there would be a colossal uproar from the playerbase if they actually had gone the full faction war mode for BfA and ended it with the Horde losing outright and getting full occupation’d by Alliance forces (or vice versa, again I don’t really care which). An uproar that might get the moneymen a bit about it.
Maybe in an AU where there was more trust in the writers to deliver on a compelling storyline, or maybe if they explained that it wouldn’t affect max level gameplay. It might be a tough sell initially but you could sell it. Probably.
I stopped saying ironically “American writers at Blizzard are garbage writers. They’d wash off a fictional character’s misdeeds, no matter how evil they are, just because they’re their pet character.” because in their tiny minds a story must be either one dimensional or a stupid binary thing. Yes, I know our lizard brain function best this way but they dumbed that down to a disrespectful level.
I liked Anti-Hero Illidan, sure he made stupid choices, made dangerous moves but he was unapologetic about it no so much in a Garrosh like sense but because it had a purpose, a reasoning behind that was somewhat consistant and a lot of self-serving. Legion Illidan was made into a disgustingly and objectively good character. The cunning, the sorcery, all that was stripped away.
If we’re lucky, they’re just gonna give Sylvanas a treatment similar to Uther, such as it is, but I am not holding my breath when it comes to the Nelf anymore. Blizzard has made it their crusade for them to never have a decisive win or one that isn’t underwhelming while deconstructing their identities.
Mmm, I disagree. I still think there’s plenty of Alliance factional pride (likely more than Horde after BfA lmaooooo) that would’ve caused an uproar if they’d got wrecked.
Especially since it would’ve been “Warchief Sylvanas” who did the wrecking in this hypothetical, and I just know that wouldn’tve gone down well.
It’s all hypothetical and it’s hard to separate actual population vs. vocal minority etc. etc. but I think that either way the losing side has enough loud whiners that it would make the moneymen go “why can’t you just do a ‘safe’ expansion instead, something nice and simply, like GreyThanos?”
It’s highly unamerican to reckon with one’s responsibility in the destruction of other people and face any kind of accountability. Don’t look backward, only forward.
At least they can’t claim that they won. Just another bogged down dragged out disaster to feed the military industrial complex. They’ll demand the next war soon and the pincer around Iran tightens.
I want to live in a timeline where people drawing parallels, negative and positive alike, would be the non-vocal minority among the fans / the blizzard storyboard and we could get cool setpieces and stories that aren’t laden with tonedeaf nothingness and trying to ape Disney blockbusters
Some old shames are just irreversible. I just wish they wouldn’t recycle the “save the longears living in a fancy but repressive society from their malevolent ruler” plotline every few expansions.
I heavily disagree with this. I get what you mean, and there was less of it, but it was still very much present. The ending of the Tomb of Sargeras, even though there wasn’t much fallout, is a prime example of him still being an anti-hero, in my opinion.
He acted entirely in his own interests. And could’ve doomed Azeroth in the process.
He knew precisely what he was doing and forced the entirety of Azeroth to action by opening the rift between Azeroth and Argus.
Was that the plan all along?
As cheesy as that iconic line is, I’d argue it suggests as much.
The fact that it was successful doesn’t really excuse the risks.
True, but during all of Legion we don’t really get to perceive any of these consequences that he does.
In the meantime, you have all characters acknowledge that we need Illidan - ie. Turalyon doesn’t cast him out of the Vindicaar for killing X’era; Velen is immediately fine with him killing a Naaru. And even back during WoA, Illidan’s ways are watered down - in the quest there was no other option to defeat the giant infernal assaulting the keep, Illidan had to kill all these mages. Maiev is the first one that frees the Illidari - kinda hinting she’s fine with Illidan being free and helping the world.
Back then, you’d have Illidan attempt heroic actions with somewhat demonic means - and those actions would have a price. He’d kill/exhaust moonguard mages not because it was needed, but because he was reckless and inebriated by what he could do. He’d harm people in friendly fire not because there was no other way, but because he was so centered on the pursuit of power for power’s sake (Where is this trait in Legion? Completely gone! Now the pursuit of power is just a rational means to an end - saving the world from the legion - whereas previously his hunger for power has always been an inner struggle for Illidan) that he would forget about restraining to cooperate with those who couldn’t keep up with him.
Illidan reclaims the Outlands? Yet his previous sins force him to serve Kil’Jaeden.
It doesn’t, yet it waters down the impact of his actions. Now, if the portal he opened actually ended up harming anybody on Azeroth people would think “ah, a tiny consequence” but instead we just steamrolled all over Argus: he led the greatest blow ever against the Burning Legion, joined an alliance with the Army of the Light, we didn’t lose a single lore figure on Argus + also helped to rescue the titans that would have otherwise been corrupted, and on top of this imprisoned Sargeras.
His move alone owned the Legion with zero drawbacks.