I prepare my IC shunning.
While blood elves are superior, I for one welcome our half-elf overlords.
Cue the nooooooooooo you can’t be like that!!! Crowd the moment there’s a smidgen if character friction.
Half elves should be made to feel bad! (IC)
My waning high elven blood line doesn’t need humans making it worse!
Maybe I’m naive or something but would you rather they don’t give ? It’s well known that Nightborne and Lightforge have been in dire need of customisation and if the only options presented are the bare minimum and nothing at all, I’m gonna lean on the side of bare minimum
I don’t think them walking back on the horrible decision that was “no more customisations in Shadowlands” is something to be upset over, even if that alone isn’t enough to buy them the good will they’ve lost recently
I’d probably say the best response is something I said I think in a different thread:
Like with Rainbow 6 or w/e that game was having their first trans char (to shield against criticism) - it’s fine and a great addition, but let’s not stop holding the companies accountable for their other .
Take the cake but don’t let them eat it.
I will feel no joy regarding the situation until I’ve seen what they’re adding… And the HMT get their options.
I agree. By no means is this anywhere close to being enough - they need to be held accountable for their , and they need to keep adding more customisation.
This is the first step, but by no means should it be the last. But I’m content that they’re at least taking that step after they previously dug their heels in and said absolutely no new customisations this expansion and Kaytlinne’s wording came across as being upset that they’d walk back on their word re: the disaster of a decision they had made earlier.
Companies can and should relent when they make decisions instead of doubling down on it. Trying to gotcha them for being hypocrites for not sticking to their guns with a bad decision feels a little
I need to know if NB will be getting arcane hair and limbs!
I’m happy for the ones playing the ARs in question. I especially thought it jarring how a lot of draenei grew their tails longer, but the LF had no such option. Plus some of the male LF beards looked janky.
I’m not complaining about more options for races. It’s always a good move, one that we told them from the start and had promised to do, then backed down from, only to get back on tracks.
In a vacuum, this would be applauded by all. Sadly there’s just something in the back of my mind that says “This doesn’t feel genuine.” I know, I know, it most likely is a move to please players and that really can’t be bad, so I won’t ever refuse it. The timing of this just kinda invites people to squint eyes suspiciously.
It’s gonna take a lot more than that to get me back though. Start with giving Pandaren a lot more options than the pathetic breadcrumbs we got, then we can talk.
Also, where are the HA for Draenei, Nelf, Trolls and Forsaken?
What’s HA?
Heritage Armor.
Trust and good will is something hard to built and easily lost, in the case of the Wow community however, I think these were in abundance to the point where they got complacent and when reality hits, it’s hard to just be “Oh wow, this is completely great” when it’s more of a half-filled, half-empty glass dichotomy. You might find it somewhat problematic but that’s just how it is.
It’s a good move, none will argue that if you look that way, but the bigger picture does diminish the value of that move. It’s gonna take more, a lot more for people to generally feel all good about it.
I mean, they could not deliberately hold back on things players want until a controversy crops up and suddenly they need to curry favour again.
Yes, it’s better than not having it, I don’t think anyone’s denying that, but it’s entirely fair to express disappointment that the only reason we’re seeing it now is flagging subs and bad PR, because that indicates that next time we want something, we’ll just have to wait until the next big controversy or FF14 surge or whatever for them to get their act together and do it.
The criticism isn’t that they’re adding something. The criticism is that they hold stuff back until they suddenly need to get some good spin and people saying nice things. It is the customisation equivalent of “Release bad system (Anima grind, azerite stuff, corruption RNG)->Wait a patch->Release QoL fix so everyone goes ‘thank you for fixing this blizz’”, a tired+repetitive process that is one of the reasons people are disillusioned with the game in the first place.
I’m glad they’re adding more customisation options, but I’m not going to praise them for it, especially when even the ones we do have are still like…really limited, in a lot of ways, actually.
To be entirely fair, I bet Blizzard has emergency content they’ve held back for when subs do get incredibly dire. I can’t really blame them, it’s smart.
Absolutely — and I’m in agreement with the lot of you.
That said, I suppose my argument is that; why label it as anything? Especially in such a double standard. Especially as far as some parts of the community is concerned.
My critique I suppose is of the voices screaming about them lying and not putting anything in, and now screaming just as loud when something is being put in. What’s it gonna be? I find it—and I might be alone in that—very hypocritical since there’s nothing constructive in it.
It’s hating simply to hate. And feels awfully destructive for the sake of it.
Again, I’ll point out that I’m not saying it’s worth saying it’s great or good.
It can just … be.
My statement was in regards to the sentiment seen in my example, which I’m seeing in some places in the broader World of Warcraft community as well as on Argent Dawn. So, I’m not quoting any of you replying to me specifically here.
For clarification, I’m not saying in any way that one shouldn’t criticize them either.
Yet, as far as I’m concerned, complaining for months that there haven’t been any customizations and then when they’re added to curse the team to hell and back when it’s actually added—regardless of what the motivations might be behind the scenes—seems all kinds of crazy to me.
— “Why aren’t you doing this?! Why didn’t you do this sooner? Unbelievable!”
— “You’re only doing this because we got mad! Unbelievable!”
The damage was already done.
There’s literally no other way they could’ve added this without it being a response to the various critiques towards the company and the game team.
For example, I find it as ludicrous as yelling at a waiter for bringing you a new plate of food after you’ve voiced your displeasure and had the first one taken out back; saying it’s obvious they’ve now accommodated you because you had voiced an issue.
… That’s the point, no?
I don’t know — it’s just weird to me.
When they don’t listen to feedback, they’re the worst of the worst and the team is setting them up for full on failure and for the game to become obsolete …
… and when they decide to revert an old decision, likely based on player discontent, they’re not genuine and shady and merely trying to appeal to the masses.
This is why communication is important, and, along with goodwill (which they squandered massively) its something the WoW devs are TERRIBLE at.
Working on even a generous turnaround, these things will have taken time. It is not hard to say, as early as possible “Hey everyone, we heard the outcry from players and realised, yeah, there is more we can do. We are working on it now.”
No one is asking for “Please everyone” (impossible) or “Give us exact dates” (unrealistic). But the bizarre treatment of fans and players as nothing more than convenient statistics and customers, rather than passionate and creative fans, is entirely of their own doing. So they reap the results.
More like HA HA you’re not getting any more!
A simple slice of recognition, honest or not, that “we hear you, we care, have some new elf ears” would create good will but instead we must assume these are acts of cynicism or desperation because we aren’t treated as a valued part of the process.
Didn’t they actively cull customer relation PR positions? There’s your answer as to why players appear ungrateful no matter what; the mere theatrical appearance of actually caring from the company’s side is missing and consistent behaviour in want of communication speaks only for itself.