PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Levey just put the finger on my thoughts!

But in the end, I suppose its just a preference!

I suppose they are, compared to other races ears, but for me, they don’t look like Night Elf ears! Obviously I will never not RP with someone with those ears, Its just that I preffer the longer ears!

Might want to add, that I also really dislike the fact they took away the “glow” from Night Elf eyes aswell… I meant, they could’ve just have let it in as a eye-color option? Not that I dislike this, perse, its just that I preffer a real glow infront of the eyes instead of just glowing orbs as eyeballs! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I just wish they would add the emerald green eyes, Malfurion uses, as option, already… Or his beard! :sob:

Still kinda prefer the O.G HD model they were going with, were they looked a bit more predatory over what we have now.


What model? I need to see it!? i need to see what could’ve been!? :sob:

So do I. The original length always seemed excessive to me — my character’s ears were always meant to be shorter than on the in-game model, and I’m glad that 9.0 finally gave me the option to represent them faithfully.

For what it’s worth, there are examples of official art of night elves with ears shorter than the original in-game length.

I also prefer the new glow. At least now night elves look like they actually have physical eyes (which they do) rather than having incorporeal lights in their eye sockets. Their irises are visible now, too, just like on official art.


I do too.
The old one sat in the weirdest place and stopped the eyes looking remotely like they have on cinematics and art. I do not miss the strange headlight that wasn’t actually attached to the eyeball.


Don’t ever talk to me again…

aside from that, yea, like I said… Personal prefferences!
And for the eyes… I did sggest a middle ground, so you lesser Highborne/Kaldorei wouldn’t feel left out:

Actually don’t mind the slightly shorter ears.

Seem to have adopted them on most of my nelves anyway.

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It isn’t an eye colour if it isn’t attached to the eye.

Would love to be able to log in and adjust my main nelf’s look but, she’s over 20 and I ain’t subbing for that.

I put the shortest possible ears on this guy because I wanted him to look more like Kane Command and Conquer.


It makes the eyebrows look insane when there’s not much ear or hair.

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The dude looks ugly as freck… A proper half-Elf (:smirk:) Warlock-look, imho!

I am still sad that a proper sequel to Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars+ Kane’s Wrath was never made :frowning:

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Laughs in High Elf

They still poof into a gloomy black cloud in combat so the high elf crowd will still not be happy.

The high elf crowd will never be happy.


It’s enough for me. The void form isn’t that frequent or permanent. Besides, in combat I tend to look at other things more.

Some of them are insane.
If they got high elves, they’ll glob on to another non issue to complain about.

Void elves should be amorphous purple blobs with a set of pointy ears floating inside them

Change my mind

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K’thir with pointy ears.

I still want cool old god cosmetics like n’zoth eyes or yogg mouth-eyes or maybe make the wings from the heritage set a customisation thing or a sha skin texture or y’shaarj horns or c’thun eyestalks (on the forehead though, so they’re like slug eyes, and they have 4 of them)

eff me up, make me as old god as possible, fall into the void